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TheDeuce last won the day on May 29

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    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -- MLK, Jr.


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  1. Agreed. That's why I'm not a fan of unions, in general.
  2. Facts. Like I said I didn't watch very much of him at all but a rookie averaging a 20/10 double double speaks for itself.
  3. That's my point. It seems like all departments and unions should want to protect the good guys and get rid of the bad guys. That does not seem to be the norm, unfortunately. We agree 100% LMPD tolerates it and that it's systemic.
  4. I've never understood it. They claim to only have "a few bad apples," yet they can't get rid of them? Seems like that would be pretty easy to do if the 99.9% of "good cops" really wanted it done.
  5. What would you be looking for in the witness statements? He should have been fired before this incident, and with the lack of using his body camera and eye witness statements saying he lied about being dragged, there's no way he should keep his job. To the bold, I'm sorry, but if this were true, there wouldn't be so many bad ones.
  6. Sorry I missed this. Granted, I watched maybe 10 minutes total of him playing this year, but his numbers tell the tale. His production was better than I thought it would be.
  7. Multiple witnesses have said he was not dragged. What more do you want? If he was "injured" somehow, it was not from being dragged by Scheffler's car. Why does it matter how they occurred if it wasn't from the story the cop told? If I were a prosecutor, I would hate lying cops too. Most people should.
  8. We saw video of Gillis "attaching himself" to the side of the car. He wasn't dragged, he was standing. Who knows what the injuries are/were. He lied about being dragged. Maybe he fell and "hurt" himself, which is why he ran up to the car and basically jumped in the window. The prosecutors are not going to drop the case if he was legitimately dragged and they had proof, regardless of how it may make them look. There's no logic in that. If Scheffler committed a crime and they had proof, they would pursue the charges. He was over-charged, there was no proof to sustain the charges, and they were dropped.
  9. No video, but multiple eye witnesses didn’t corroborate his story that he was dragged. Do you think they would have dropped the charges if he were actually dragged?
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