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  1. Even though he just retired, it could be Pujols. Henderson has a great case as well.
  2. They said it was agreed upon and when everything is finalized they would announce the details.
  3. Directly from the bench as he and LeBron discuss in game tactics.
  4. Owen Mikel from St. Mary has been seen playing with Paducah Tilghman this summer.
  5. I have seen it as well but it is still against the rules.
  6. He has been assistant at Murray girls, Trigg Co. boys, head coach at Ballard Memorial boys, and Marshall Co. girls. That's what I know of.
  7. Klope being out will be tough for McCracken. I think it is Calloway and then Marshall and then everyone else.
  8. Hickman County was open, Coach White went to UT-Martin as an assistant. Fulton City head coach, Noah Croak, left Fulton City to take the Hickman County job.
  9. Triple OT by the score of 35-33 in the 83 championship game.
  10. Regret getting 20 million? I don't see how they can pass that up.
  11. The Hopkins Co. Central and Trigg coaches switched places.
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