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  1. To be fair Michigan State shot 50% from 3 that game and Texas Tech is a very good team. TTU's offense could improve but their half court defense was unbelievable. With that being said completely agree on the talent. Talent makes plays when it matters and that's what Duke has done down the stretch of those last two games. Banchero is always solid but when he is aggressive he is nearly unstoppable. Roach is playing his best basketball at the right time. Griffin, Moore, and Williams have all stepped up when they needed to as well through defense, free throws, or big shots. When Duke guards moderately well and avoids the scoring droughts they are one of the best teams in the country.
  2. That’s how it appeared from the video I saw. Not the best quality but if you zoom in it’s apparent what he was doing. Not the best time you like to see a call like that but I think it was the right call no matter the time or score. IMG_2858.MOV
  3. He is referring to the score being somewhat low. Boyle is known for their tough defense and slowing things down on offense.
  4. Crazy set of accolades in his career. It's also crazy when you realize he won only one MVP.
  5. Kobe Bryant of Los Angeles Lakers announces he will retire after this season
  6. Three or four years ago they played in the Southern Collegiate Athletic Conference which included many of the same schools along with three schools from Texas and one from Colorado.
  7. Kentucky kids currently at Centre College Bryan Repishti - Manual Michael Arnett - Boyle County Sam Gruber - Oldham County Brett Jones - Boyle County Tucker Sine - Bowling Green Jarod Griffin - Lex Cath Blake Scinta - Kentucky Country Day (Just scored his 1000th point) Quinn Pergande - Sayre Tyler Wesley - Oldham County (Back to Back SAA Defensive Player of the Year) Drew Burns - Bishop Brossart
  8. My point is that you CAN lower the probability of your family and all Americans not having to face an act of terror. I don't know how much more proof you need to see that the refugees are infiltrated with terrorists or have to links to terrorism after the Paris attacks. Are all of them terrorists? Of course not. But the risk of one is too much for me. We can all agree we are very fortunate to not have to live in a country like Syria. But if I lived in Syria, I would be very grateful if the U.S. attempted to provide a safe haven and help out in any way. It would be great if we could take them all in and everything be perfectly okay, but it's pretty obvious that's not going to be the case.
  9. You're implying that I hate all muslims or Syrians because I don't want to risk letting the potentially threatening ones in. So if you could have greatly lowered the probability of yourself or your family being exposed to these white people who have been completely horrible to you wouldn't have?
  10. I think it has been overlooked that those opposing letting the refugees in aren't implying we shouldn't help out. The first wave of 10,000 refugees is estimated to cost the U.S. $650 million. If we are going to spend that regardless, why not spend it on safe zones or some other alternative? It's more than enough that so many innocent victims died in Paris. For those saying we should let them all in, I'm sure your opinion would change instantaneously if something happened to a family member or close friend due to a refugee.
  11. I can see how that is an issue. But, was it the case (not saying it was because I don't know) that she wouldn't have made team USA or didn't get an invite and saw an opportunity to play for Russia? In that case it would be harder to hold that against her.
  12. Broussard finally admitted that he posted that without making any attempt to confirm what his "sources" has told him. TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter
  13. For those who have seen The Wolf of Wall Street, you might get a kick out of this. Imagining DeAndre Jordan Announcing LA Return in 'The Wolf of Wall Street' Style | Bleacher Report
  14. DeAndre Jordan has reportedly reached out to the Clippers saying he may have made a mistake. Doc and others are meeting with him in Houston with high hopes he will return.
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