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Randy Parker

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Randy Parker last won the day on February 21

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    Wherever I Am

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  1. I'm way out of the loop on this, but if those are his plans, he's not long for this world.
  2. Because they are complicit in the trafficking?
  3. Agreed. The losing team in that situation has no say in the matter. My only frustration might be if I am a fan of the winning team and you risk injuries to crucial players in an already decided situation. That said, 28-9 isn't that outlandish.
  4. I don't know about what kind of game it was. Just saw the score.
  5. I left it around the time Covid started for that very reason. So much cruelty and animosity. And I agree with Deuce that social media does more harm than good. Which is a shame, because there's so much positive potential. I have personally tried to be better at not posting things that just stir crap up. I have to remind myself that no one's mind is going to be changed by a social media post, so why bother? For the most part, I post things that I find funny and that's about it. As for the topic at hand, it's hard for schools to communicate or promote these days without social media. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
  6. It's a joke that highlights your inconsistent coaching critiques.
  7. Agreed. Deion's teams might be better if he'd just start Reed Sheppard.
  8. I think Marketplace keeps it younger too, but that's just based on what I see and no concrete numbers.
  9. Could face charges? My gracious, what does it take? Bus driver deserves the stiffest punishment. He or she should never drive again. The attacker deserves expulsion. The kids cheering and recording are just a microcosm of many adults in our culture. Mom is way calmer than I would be.
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