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Voice of Reason

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  1. Cusick chased him down. Cusick saved 3 long runs from being TD's.
  2. I do enjoy these posts each year and seeing how much that loss bothers CCH fans.
  3. Game day! I still have no feel for this game. Too many injury variables - who is in and who is out? I am hearing Link is back for CCH; Erdman is probably out for Beechwood but we won't know till tonight. Variables - Who controls the line of scrimmage? - Can Beechwood's sophomore receivers continue to make plays? - Can Beechwood's defense figure out the QB runs and stop Harney from taking over this game? - Turnovers are always huge. CCH defense has 8 interceptions. Can the CCH defense get a pick off the rarely intercepted Hayden?
  4. I also heard a stat that Burrow had very good protection overall in the game. That puts the off target passes thrown by Burrow on him. There were two key passes by Burrow to Iosivas across the middle that were bad throws by Burrow. If Burrow is on target with either one of those, the Bengals probably win. I also blame Zac Taylor for not getting Burrow enough live game reps in the preseason, especially since Burrow was coming off an injury and missed the latter part of last season.
  5. Little League baseball did this when I was young. I umpired baseball for several years when I was a teen. A lot of youth soccer leagues rely on teens. I think teen officials are a great idea.
  6. IMO, life has never been better for us as a society and yet we seem to have more angry people than ever.
  7. We have seen KHSAA RPI enough the past couple years to know it has flaws that go beyond out of state opponents.
  8. Similar only in being a ranking system. That is where the similarity ends. Calpreps.com is head and shoulders more accurate in ranking teams.
  9. That tackle was the definition of a hip drop tackle. I can't believe the refs missed calling it.
  10. The shortcomings of KHSAA RPI on full display. Betsy Layne's strength of schedule is second worst in 2A and one of the worst in thr entire state. But they are 4-0 so they are #3 in KHSAA RPI. I don't know if they deserve to even be in the top 15 in 2A. Ditto Prestonsburg at #8.
  11. Zac Taylor's team has their two game in season prep games under their belt so they should be ready to go now. Bengals win.
  12. A play I want to see again is just prior to the TD, Moss had a short run to the right on 3rd and 1 or 2. Moss slipped down then jumped to his left and leaped forward. It looked to me like a terrible spot by the official. Moss also was laying on top of a Chiefs tackler so he was not officially down. Ball should have been spotted at the 1, first and goal for the Bengals. Instead it was 4th and 1. Burrow gets the 1st on a sneak but took a big hit. I wanted the Bengals to challenge that spot on the Moss run. Then, Taylor called a time out prior to the 4th down QB sneak play. If you are going to call a time out, go ahead and throw the challenge flag. If you are right on it being a bad spot, you get the 1st down and don't lose a timeout and don't subject Burrow to that hit. If you are wrong, you may lose one of your challenges but on the 1 yard line it was worth the risk.
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