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  1. Bull in the ring is the only one that should be banned IMO.
  2. Looks great! Even though I wish they would build a retractable roof stadium this way it could be used year round and host possible Super Bowls and Final Fours.
  3. I’m a little gun shy after being completely wrong about the Ludlow vs Sayre game lol. However, I do think Ludlow will be to physical for Newport in this one. Plus while Newport has some really good players, I think Ludlow has the best player on the field in their RB/LB Damien. Should be a good game, and a good chance this is the first of two matchups again this season.
  4. Ugh frustrating loss. I was hard on Taylor last week, but I thought the game plan today was great. I loved the decision to go for it on 4th down by the goal line that ended up being a touchdown. If they don’t convert that when they could have taken a lead with a field goal, people would have complained non stop about that decision. So he gets credit for making an aggressive decision and it working. It sucks that they are now once again 0 and 2. However a game like today also shows me they still can be one of the best teams in the NFL and can expect similar things to previous years. Where they overcome this bad start and go on a good size winning streak to be right back in it.
  5. I love the fight in the team yesterday. I thought the defensive game plan was great. Even though the offense didn’t score much, I think they had a solid plan too. The biggest difference in the game IMO was Kirby Smart played to win the game. While Stoops as usual played it conservative. Before half very easily could have taken at least one shot to the end zone before kicking the field goal. Instead he took a timeout with 9 seconds left after a first down to kick a field goal. If he was worried about not having anymore timeouts, then should have clocked the ball after the first down to save that timeout. Then at the end of the game it is 4th and 7. You are basically 11 yards away from being in field goal territory. You have to go for it there with 3 minutes left. Even if you do get stopped, you still have 3 timeouts left and the 2 minute warning to still have a shot. In both end of half scenarios Stoops played the conservative route. Smart on the other hand instead of worrying about incompletions possibly stopping the clock. He let his offense go out and be aggressive to try to win the game by mixing in some passes to get first downs and not just playing it safe running the ball.
  6. Walton Verona jumped out to a 13 to 6 lead, then if was all KCD after that. As KCD speed gave Walton issues on defense. Walton had a few more drives where they got into KCD territory in the first half but couldn’t finish the drives.
  7. At the end of the day this team is supposed to be led by our offense. They pay the QB top money, top 10 in NFL in Oline spending, and sooner rather than later Chase will be the top paid receiver in the NFL. This offense is supposed to lead this team now in the Burrow/Taylor era, and be able to play with a lead. The Bengals offense does the defense no favors being as bad as they were in the first half, which leads to teams being able to continue to run the ball and play with a lead. The Bengals defense last year gave up a lot of big plays. I do think they will be better at that this year. However, to help the run defense this offense must start playing like the top 5 or 10 offense it should be and play with a lead.
  8. The Bengals trivia question today at the game did the dreaded jinx to the team. The question was how many fumbles did the Bengals lose last year, which was the least in the NFL. The answer was two and sure enough the Bengals lose two fumbles today shortly after that question.
  9. Agreed that was a huge change. Patriots ended up scoring after that too.
  10. Possibly. I know on the last drive he tried to check it down two times. Which I agree the other WRs didn’t do much at all. However, Patriots literally have no one at WR yet we’re able to scheme guys open. Bengals especially early every season looks like they don’t know how to attack the defense and accepts what the defense is allowing or not allowing them. As the year goes on the Bengals do a better job, but it just seems like when they don’t have much film they are afraid to attack and reactive to things. Which seems to be an issue every year early, and this year they don’t have the excuse of Burrow not having a training camp to be ready.
  11. Part of the reason for the 100 yard rusher is how had the offense performed. Which to me this game is 100% on the offense. Zero reason why you should only score 10 points. As usual the Bengals struggle early in the year being able to scheme things open. While the opposing team does a good job at scheming things. The Patriots don’t have much talent on offense at all, but they were able to scheme guys open on passes. Then a great run scheme especially at the end pinning the Bengals inside and leaving the Patriots RB one on one with a CB. Bengals coaches do well when they have plenty of film on teams, but anytime they face new coordinators or coaches early in the year they usually struggle knowing what to do. They are more reactive whether than attacking.
  12. I know I have personally heard some Ryle coaches before question how O’Hara has gotten some of the offers he has gotten. I don’t think they are questioning that anymore with him. He is the real deal. Smart player, with a big arm, and can make plays with his legs too. Both teams have solid defenses, but he truly was the big difference last night.
  13. I mentioned this already in the update thread, but need to say it here too. I got this one completely wrong. Very impressive win by Sayre tonight.
  14. Sayre with a very impressive win over Ludlow. I definitely got that game wrong, as Sayre looked great tonight.
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