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Everything posted by funtowatch

  1. Got with-in 2 a couple of times, but just couldn't get it done. Good effort for both teams. Carroll came to play and made Henry play a little harder than (I think) they thought they would.
  2. That is the part of high school sports that makes the heart glad. Every team needs a Josh to show what sportsmanship is all about.
  3. Gallatin is still playing on dead legs. They have not played well since the Class "A". Hitting free throws would help, but they have won all year missing them. Getting out rebounded like they did last night will put a loss up every time. Oldham scored at least 40 points on put backs and foul shots. At least 40 probably more. Sometimes they would get 3 to 4 shots before they put it down.
  4. It should be down to two. Jones and Duvall. Looking at the schedules they played, regardless of outcome of the district match up I would have to go with Jones to repeat. Both teams have played beyond expectations, with Gallatin playing a much better schedule.
  5. If Carroll keeps the right combination on the floor it could be rough for Daugherty Carroll has the talent at home but do they have the heart. Have to play team ball, something that they aren't use to.
  6. Not many shots in that range anymore. They want the 3 or the layup. Good weapon to have. Can't pick the winner but Gallatin will need to play better than they did monday.
  7. CONGRATS to Coach Mefford and team. One thing you can always say about a team coached by Tim is that they will never quit.
  8. Didn't mean to take anything away from Trimble. Last 2 games have been good ones for them. Wish they went 2-0 instead of 1-1.
  9. His team was winning. IMO had Owen been on the other end of the score that number would have swelled in the 4th quarter. He is smart enough to know that Owen will beat Trimble 4 on 3 so he just take two defenders with him and lets the rest of the team win.
  10. I'm not BLAMING the officials. It was just a poorly called game on both sides. I'm sure all the WV fans think that the officials cost them the game. The boys didn't know from one trip down till the next on how they were going to be allowed to play.
  11. It was a difficult game and I feel for the players on both teams. One trip down what would be a foul would not be the next. I found that it you can't talk to the fans and count to three at the same time. One ref did tell a kid to quit flopping. The young man did get one charging call before he was warned. Walking only counts in the last minute of the game. Had to be a difficult game play. I could go on but in the end it was Josh Giles who saved the day. On defense he forced 4 turnovers in the last 2 minutes.
  12. Walton came to play and Gallatin was either flat or Walton made them look flat. The officiating might have been better if they would have watched the game instead of the stands.
  13. Walton let this one get away. I'm sure the Cats will take it. Not their best game of the year but I'll have to say that Walton was the reason. They came to play.
  14. Looking forward to her return. I'm not sure is was hotdogging as much as it was being a little to unselfish at times. Hard game to have the killer instinct, big early lead allows the game plan to go by the way side.
  15. A legion in the making. We love him and his family.:dancingpa
  16. Because of the pending bad weather the varsity teams played in the 6:00 slot that is normally for the JV. I think that the two teams are still waiting for the varsity game. No one on either team ever got on track. Gallatin didn't play that well but Trimble played even worse. Hope both teams rebound before their next games.
  17. Nice win for the Bearcats. Spencer has played a pretty good schedule with some nice wins of their own. Congrats Bearcats.
  18. Sad to say but YES. Maybe the seat he had wore off on him.
  19. Don't want to take anything away from South Oldham's players or coaches. They had a good game plan and play hard. Good effort on their part and a good win in their win column.
  20. Gallatin was holding Stiles in check and leading in the game then decided to go zone, big mistake. Not the best player in the region but he can flat ... shoot. Then the may lay. took Gallatin out of the game. Both T's cost a possession, and they came almost back to back. Sitting on the same side as the S.O.'s students I will have to say ... Well I'm just glad my kid is not a student at South Oldham. Never seen such rude kids and this rudeness was condoned by the adults and the law officers present. UNREAL
  21. There are many good holiday tournaments but if there is a better tournament anywhere, let me know and I'll be there. 30 games 4 days girls and boys. I did like it better when they played girl/boy/girl/boy after the second day but it is still the best value tournament that I've attended and ONE great show. Thanks Touchstone Energy.
  22. Late response. Super win for the lady cats. We need you Amanda, be well. Andrew rocks, didn't hear this broadcast but I know him and Mom and Dad have a lot to be proud of with those two.
  23. Brossart is the state champion of the ALL A CLASSIC
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