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Everything posted by americanman

  1. You're right, Bubba. The comments made by Coach Wright are interesting. I may be taking this wrong but he seems to be saying that the Jackets need to realize that although their playing has improved that he allowed the end score to be what it was by taking out his best players and subbing way down the bench. He could have left the "Big 3" in and really ran the score up. He almost makes Williamsburg seem unappreciative of his consideration. I guess that I can see his side of the picture. I don't know what was said, or not said, that would make him feel that way but I know that as a Williamsburg fan I was really pleased by the way that the Jackets performed last night. This was the third meeting for these two teams. The first ended by a 50+ win by South and the second with a 30+ win for South also. Last nights meeting ended by only a 20 point difference. Again, I may be wrong but if my memory serves me correctly, I think that in each of these games that South basically played the same players. They began with their regular starters and then as they pulled ahead they went to their bench. I guess what I'm trying to say is that both teams played basically the same group of kids in all three meetings and with each meeting Williamsburg improved. It's not that the Jackets aren't respectful of South's talent. It's the fact that they are such a powerful team that makes cutting the margin of victory with each meeting an exciting thing for the Jackets.
  2. You're right, Bubba. The comments made by Coach Wright are interesting. I may be taking this wrong but he seems to be saying that the Jackets need to realize that although their playing has improved that he allowed the end score to be what it was by taking out his best players and subbing way down the bench. He could have left the "Big 3" in and really ran the score up. He almost makes Williamsburg seem unappreciative of his consideration. I guess that I can see his side of the picture. I don't know what was said, or not said, that would make him feel that way but I know that as a Williamsburg fan I was really pleased by the way that the Jackets performed last night. This was the third meeting for these two teams. The first ended by a 50+ win by South and the second with a 30+ win for South also. Last nights meeting ended by only a 20 point difference. Again, I may be wrong but if my memory serves me correctly, I think that in each of these games that South basically played the same players. They began with their regular starters and then as they pulled ahead they went to their bench. I guess what I'm trying to say is that both teams played basically the same group of kids in all three meetings and with each meeting Williamsburg improved. It's not that the Jackets aren't respectful of South's talent. It's the fact that they are such a powerful team that makes cutting the margin of victory with each meeting an exciting thing for the Jackets.
  3. As always, South looked great last night and I expect them to go far. But, once Coach Wright took the Big 3 out of the game, Williamsburg played very well against South. The young Jackets looked good. I expect the meetings between these two teams to go much differently in the future. Coach Robinson brought the Jackets along well this year. He needs to be congratulated for his hard work. He took on a lot of responsibility under not so choice circumstances, the team was young, inexperienced, and not prepared well, but he hung in there and helped turn his things around. I think that he should be proud of himself and his players. Good Luck to the Jackets.
  4. I've been involved in sports on both sides. I'm a parent and a coach. Coaching is definately more difficult. When you are a coach you are responsible for looking out for the team as a whole. Little Billy may be a great short stop, catching everything hit his way, but if he can't make a good throw to 1st base because he throws wild and won't listen to the coach he may have to be moved. Same reasoning with an outfielder. I had a kid that could catch like a pro but couldn't do it without diving on the ground and flipping a few times. He caught the ball but wasted some much time on the drama, trying to make the catch look harder than it actually was. He might have gotten the batter out but the base runners were tagging up and running like crazy while he was still rolling around in the outfield. This same kid could hit well and would consistently hit easy doubles which he would then try to stretch into triples or homeruns. I could have been holding a sign reading STOP DO NOT RUN and the kid would have still took off. And of course, 9 out of 10 times he would get thrown out. This child had so much athletic ability but was completely uncoachable. I thought that it was me and that we just didn't relate well but this behavior went on into M.S. & H.S.. The parents thought that he should be able to use his own judgement and run whenever he wanted. They were as much a part of the problem as the child. The kid didn't play much in M.S. or H.S. where, unlike Little League, everyone does not have to play because when he refused to listen to a coach he went to the bench. Now the child doesn't play because the coaches don't like him. One of my favorite fields to play on is Hazard H.S.'s because the parents are far away from the players and the coaches.
  5. You are 100% correct LBM, as parents we do want what's best for our children, especially if we feel like they are deserving but on the same note being a parent sometimes clouds our judgements. I agree with Yoda's earlier post. When things do not go as we or our children think that they should, it can be a learning experience for the child. If they want a starting position or happen to lose a starting position then instead of blaming the coach and portraying the child as a victim encourage the child to work harder and earn that starting position. In my experience, coaches want to win and it would be very obvious, not to mention stupid, not to play a child that contributed greatly to the team regardless of feelings toward the parents. Its also been my experience that when you have difficult parents that you usually have a difficult child to deal with also. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and sometimes parents can blow their kids abilities so far out of reality that they actually do them an injustice. Just because we think that our children are great doesn't mean that they actually are. Coach see things more clearly than we do at times. They are there at practices and they consider the childs attitude. Some kids are convinced that they are so good that they are beyond listening to their coach. These children may be great ball players but they are not coachable. Playing sports can be an opportunity to teach our children some life lessons before we actually have to put them into the real world. You can't just quit a job, throw a fit, or have Mommy & Daddy talk to your boss if things aren't going your way. Figure out how to make things better.
  6. A team that my child was on one year had 4 seniors. 2 were 4 year players and had started every game. The other 2 had only played this one year and never started. They were wonderful kids but not quite as talented as several underclassman. They had decided to play every sport their senior year. On Senior Night, we were scheduled to play a very tough team and the coach played his regular starters. Prior to the game beginning, the mother of one of the seniors that was not scheduled to start, came out of the stands and threw her senior-mother corsage at the coach, grabbed her kid, and stormed off. Thankfully, she completely missed the coach with the corsage which was made with this huge mum. One of the other players picked the mum up from off the floor and said, "Well, I gues we see where he got his throwing ability". The poor child whose mother had thrown the little hissy fit was so embarrassed. Of course, he got ribbed pretty bad at school for the incident. That mum has remained part of the team as a reminder to parents that we do not always see things as the coach sees things and that our actions are often payed for by our children.
  7. I believe teague hurt an ankle and is just now gettin back to where he is comfortable on it.
  8. Thanks for the nice words for Williamsburg. Much nicer than your bus driving in the creek comment when they played Cumberland. I was beginning to wonder if you were a friend or foe. The Jackets played well last night. Coach should be pleased with the effort they gave. They are improving with every game played. I think Corbin went into the game thinking they were going to have it easier than they actually did. The 1st period was great and I think it sort of surprised them.
  9. It's good to read some positive comments about Williamsburg. The players and coaches are working hard and hopefully it will pay off in the next couple of years. Maybe some of the parents that have been faced with the issue of holding their children back could advise some of the younger parents. It's a hard decision to make when you don't realize that someday your 15 year old will be taking the floor or field against a 19 year old. 4 years makes a big difference in physical and mental ability.
  10. Wasn't offended by your opinion. Didn't like the bus in the creek comment. Wasn't necessary. Williamsburg is young but the talent is there. They will have their time but until then, comments like yours have no point.
  11. Williamsburg played great team ball tonight. McRay passed the ball well and make some good shoots, Cunningham shoot well, and Pettit and Kilgore both rebounded strong. Teague is at about 60% but should be ready for the All A. Monticello just killed us with 3 pointers. I think the total was 15 out of 17. It's hard to defend against that kind of shooting. Hats off to Monticello. It was good to see Williamsburg play with more teamwork. Keep up the good work, Coach R.
  12. Coach Robinson is doing a fine job. I have a question for you, Nomorenoles. From your quote in the Williamsburg vs. Monticello thread you either watched the game or listened to it on the radio, either way you must take an interest in Yellow Jacket basketball or why waste your time. So if your a fan, why the negative comment? No one expects things to change overnight but Williamsburg continues to improve with every game. It would be nice to receive a little encouragement.
  13. What about Williamsburgs' chances? They have been doing much better lately even if the ending score doesn't always reflect it. They are getting stronger and learning more with each game. What do they need to do to improve their chances?
  14. Just another thought, Scatter Brain. If Williamsburg is so "whiny" why don't you just make sure not to sit with any of their fans? We try to be a likeable bunch.
  15. I don't think that Williamsburg "whines" any more or less than any other school. No one likes to think that the refs were unfair. You can practice to make better free throws, better passes, better whatever but you can't practice to make the calls better. That is out of the players & coaches control and it tends to bother people. Give us a break.
  16. Either Durrant or Tyler Hansbourogh (I don't think I spelled that right)
  17. Teague and Conlin are good players and contribute to each game. I think that Williamsburg needs to work together more as a team. No one individual can do it all. I think that the teamwork will get better as the team ages. The younger players on the team have played together for awhile and will work together better as a team. Williamsburg didn't play their best last night and the calls were bad but, it is not the end of the world. They will recover. Other players will step up and cover for the Teague/Conlin absence.
  18. Why not? He is one of their leading scorers and one of their leading rebounders. I think that having one of their dependable players out kind of hurt the Jackets confidence. What do you think that the problem was?
  19. Teague and Lebanion are both good players and will be missed but it takes more than one player to make a basketball team. Whitley and Williamsburg both have players that can step up and make a difference. Good luck to both teams tonight.
  20. Good question. What about Corbin and Lynn Camp? When you look at some of the districts, geography doesn't really seem to matter.
  21. Why do you assume that I'm asking the question for Williamsburg? Corbin and Whitley weren't exactly thrilled about the alignment.
  22. Does anyone know how the districts are choosen? It can't be on the size of the school (1A,2A, etc.). And, how do schools petition to have their asigned district changed. I did not know that was possible.
  23. That is not the question I asked, Is it possible to petition the KHSAA to realign a district?
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