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Everything posted by UKPat02

  1. So... If we conserve and take care of the Earth that is God's plan. If we destroy the Earth, pollute it and make it uninhabitable that's God's plan, too? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm really trying to understand.
  2. I love those who were saying the Democratic primary lacked drama while the Republican race was tight. :lol:
  3. Sounded to me like you made the statement that nothing we do could change what God's plan is. Something of manifest destiny.
  4. So if nuclear war started we couldn't harm the planet?
  5. That's assuming I have the same viewpoint as you, which I don't. I don't understand how you can believe we, as humans, can't alter our environment.
  6. I completely disagree and hope you'll change your mind.
  7. Even if you don't believe in global warming, you have to believe in Gore's core message which says that we should take care of the resources and planet we have.
  8. Georgetown gave UK a run a couple years back. They always have a solid team. The only thing I can find wrong with your post is that 73% from the line wouldn't be what I would call "awesome".
  9. I'm no statistician, but isn't 5% a pretty big margin of error?
  10. They were conservative justices. Most opinions they handed down were composed of conservative jurisprudence.
  11. The Economist does a cool "World Electoral" map. McCain supporters, probably won't like it much, though.
  12. That's a fine choice. I also enjoy Gorgonzola and feta.
  13. What about the case of Virginia v. Black? It held that a state statute is constitutional if it bars any object (i.e. a burning cross) that is placed on public or private property with the intent to intimidate.
  14. Sorry, can't let this one pass. There were two conservative justices that signed onto Griswold V. Connecticut. I doubt they had a "liberal agenda".
  15. I see Arizona is down to a 3-4 point lead for McCain and Obama is pushing hard. :eek:
  16. So they're either ignorant or....ignorant? :lol:
  17. Pretty easy to say from the comforts of your den.
  18. And what do you say to the innocents?
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