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Everything posted by acemona

  1. I don't think you can trade sex for peanut butter, not that that was what she was doing, but exchanges for drugs are sometimes easier to come by than exchanges for food. As to the jail and addiction, I am feeling you on that one.
  2. Who is going to take care of the Fraudulent ones kids? Should everyone who goes to jail lose their children, and is it for sure that she had kids when she was in the addiction cycle?
  3. I don't think it said she skated on the other charges. I may have to re-read but I think she paid her dues.
  4. http://thinkprogress.org/justice/2011/11/15/369180/mississippi-woman-receives-three-year-prison-sentence-for-feeding-her-family/
  5. My point is that you are okay with government support and intervention for you because you feel like you deserve it. Is it then not okay for many others. And the notion about getting a job . . . The information that I am seeing is that a lot of recently graduated college students are unemployed or underemployed. If you are underemployed how are you going to pay for bills and student loans? If living at home is an option for you and your bills are then simply your student loan then you are lucky. There are not a lot of folks who have that same option.
  6. What will you do when you graduate and there are no jobs that will allow you to cover all of your expenses and pay off your loan? Will you default and then fall into the lazy category and one of the people who caused this mess? BTW are your student loans all privately financed and backed, or are you relying some on government support?
  7. It is a matter of understanding the cycle of poverty. When you live hand to mouth, there really is no way to get ahead.
  8. Because those statistics are no longer true. To suggest that Kentucky is liberal is crazy. Democrat, yeah, liberal - no way. My ex-father in law was a mover and shaker in frankfort democratic politics and I was appalled at some of his beliefs.
  9. This is the great disconnect. They have not hired more workers and have only increased profits.
  10. If it is over the intercom, it is unconstitutional. It appears as an endorsement of a religion. What I can't figure out is that no one is HURT, as you say, by not having the prayer over the intercom. Why do they need to do it?
  11. http://thinkprogress.org/yglesias/2011/10/21/350428/did-the-obama-give-a-529-million-loan-to-create-electric-car-manufacturing-in-finland/ Not so fast.
  12. Tell me what the economy would have looked like if that had happened? If many of the banks failed and I lost my savings and the stockholders lost all of their investment, how could that have been a good thing? I think people who make these statements don't truly understand the repercussions of these events. When was the last time major banks failed . . . wasn't it around 1929? That turned our really well for everyone didn't it?
  13. Several Comments: 1. I was not being condescending when I asked how you know you are an atheist at 10. I would think you would be more agnostic in that you don't know. But to have made up your mind at 10 . . . As for myself, I think I was 7 when I made a profession (in a very conservative southern baptist church) and I think it was wrong. My understanding of God and Jesus is more clouded now than it was then, and I believe that most of what I thought then is wrong. When you are 10, you are more than likely espousing your parent's beliefs. 2. I struggle seeing how this is promoting the establishment of religion. 10 Commandments - yes, Prayer to Jesus over loud speakers, yes - mural with a prayer to a "heavenly father" , not so much. 3. I also don't see how this inhibits or disrupts education. It is in the auditorium, correct?
  14. To be honest, I don't believe either chapter to be literally true, but I consider both to be truth myths, like old First Nation stories. Son, it may not have happened exactly like this, but what I am about to tell you is true. The true part of Genesis is that God is the metaphysical creator. How long it took and the exact sequence and what process God used are irrelevant. The story is simply told in a way that is easy for us to understand.
  15. So they counted the number of people booing?
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/09/22/republican-debate-dadt-repeal-rick-santorum_n_977105.html
  17. Genesis 1 and 2. Different stories of Creation.
  18. That is not Paul, but more likely one of his followers writing under his name. Paul also tells us there is neither Male nor Female for we are all one in Christ.
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