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Everything posted by oldram

  1. The Rams want this and realize that its not impossible but a tough battle. I hope this thread will be polite and encouraging to both teams. Please i am bored out of my mind with stats. Most of us old men can give you the stats on teams since the 50's. It will mean nothing come Friday night. These boys will make their own history. I do have an opinion about one thing and it could be extremely wrong. With that said i still think we are classed wrong i do not think a small independent school needs to be playing private schools. I do not think 2a is classed right either. That said i will not complain any further because my children has assured me that i might be able to get out of the house and watch the game with a ram burger or hot dog.
  2. i have looked back at the thread and this page especially. I think if you will read the content and the way it is presented versus the way Raceland and LCA etc.. has spoken the tone is very different. I think if we remember how something is said speaks volumes. Much respect to NKY.
  3. Bluto, My daughter did say she got to see you. The doctor said no. I tried to sneak out and they caught me at the door. All they gave me was the radio not even a Ram burger. By the way you were dressed i predict pranks all night. The family did say LCA could not have been nicer. Its been great talking to all of you.
  4. I want to thank personally the LCA people on the BGP. Of course they wanted their team to win but they said it with dignity. Encouraging both teams to play hard and have a safe night. They promised to back the Raceland Rams if we won and so they have. Thank you from Ram Country. Trash talking, running stats down everyone's throats, disrespecting coaching staffs will not work on the BGP. How about a new approach? Compliment your team. Predict that they will win and leave it at that. We support our Rams heart and soul but we also respect any team that we play period. To our Band of Brothers anyone at anytime can have the game of their lives. Let this one be yours. GO RAMS!
  5. I love this post. The fact that size shouldnt be the only factor is always a plus. The lineman at Raceland sometimes are overlooked for nominations due to their size. They also average between 190 to 240 at about 6 foot tall. Good for Hopkinsville.
  6. Denton from Raceland is out until next year with an injury. We think the world of him and hate that that happened to him. I would go with Thompson or Caldwell if you go with another one from Raceland.
  7. The kids are not talking. You cant even bribe them to talk. Im an old man and i thought everyone talks when you offer gas money. Nope, their mouths are tighter than Fort Knox.
  8. Who is your linemen vote? I see you might be called a homer like me so i figured you might pick them all.
  9. I did go back to the question presented at the beginning of the thread and it said pick who you think from your team or another team. I am sorry that i offened MLB50 or any other BGP person by naming a couple from the team I am following. I am not from Raceland so I thought i could give an honest opinion.
  10. Anybody think some of the lineman from Raceland. Defense has been their mo all season long. I wont nominate on this thread because they are calling people homers. I am an old man that reffed. I just have been following the Rams for some special reasons. What do you all think?
  11. Yah:ylsuper: for the homers. They deserve to get recognized if the numbers are there.
  12. Got in trouble on a thread for voting for three of our Raceland boys on a thread for who i thought should get all area. I have never been called a homer. I added two boys from other schools so i wouldnt get hung. HAHA
  13. According to the paper these boys are a couple of the best in 1A.
  14. Not so much a homer as sometimes the small school boys are not seen. This thread will probably be taken up by Northern Kentucky or bigger schools. But i will put in another vote for Matt Thomas and although Greenup's out of playoff's Aaron Rowe.
  15. Raceland's Scott Grizzle, J. T. Forrest, and Clint Thompson
  16. Knowing these boys well I am going to say thank you for them. I cant speak for all four but i do know that a couple that you mentioned are honor students and i totally agree their education is the most important.
  17. i am glad that we are all encouraging on the BGP because the general thoughts around Raceland is that we will get beat. Not only did I hear it once yesterday but about 9 or 10 times. I stand by my word give these boys encouragement. Cvillecat said the boys were all buisness yesterday. Leads me to believe they want this. I know it was cold last week but our crowd was dead. Us oldtimers know that all it takes is a good game and these boys are capable of doing that. I am sure LCA will play their heart out but what makes everyone sure we wont. Ok, i am done with my speach election is over. I usually always go aganist the rams on predictions just so they can prove me wrong but today i predicate the Rams for all the doubtors.
  18. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What are they feeding those kids? I think our bunch is lucky to have a couple of hairs of peach fuzz on their face.
  19. We need to see if we can get my special interest down to your special interests field to meet and greet.
  20. That is the best one I have heard in awhile. I know when they played JFL we would always go to the games and say we would like to check if some of them drove to their game.:lol:
  21. You deserve much respect for that comment. :thumb: I like Cvillecat and OldRambler run with the old crowd and with that we have the old health problems. Hope to be there Friday night. I have a special interest in the game.
  22. Calling on all Raceland Seniors. This might be your last. One play at a time think with your head and play with your heart. Dont let this be the last time you walk out on the football field for Raceland. For the rest of the Ram team remember its a Family Tradition. We need you all. GO RAMS!!!!
  23. I agree i dont think it will be revenge as OldRambler said the coaches will make sure of that. You dont want personal fouls etc.. I do think it will be Orange Crush football. To my knowledge no more injuries. Boyles should be back as well as practicing hard on mistakes we made. Special teams will be ready. I have said it my last couple of posts. Pass protection and coverage and watch the on side kicks. Paris was frequent with those Friday night. Cville glad to see you back on. Hope you are feeling better. I know what it is to be sick. I shouldnt have been out in the cold Friday night. I will argue with the doctor when the season is over.
  24. I think it is better that Raceland is the underdog. They have something to prove. They seem to play well away after all only 4 home games this year. I even think the crowd is louder. Paris had the momentum of the crowd the second half and you could tell it. A few of the boys ask where we were. Lets not dissappoint them.
  25. No fire truck parade on Friday. I think all parades are called off until the coaches give word. To early for another parade.
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