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Everything posted by extackler

  1. The parents meeting for HHS Baseball was last night. Boy, talk about some coaches with passion for the game. It was refreshing to hear how positive and motivating they were going to be approaching the game of baseball. This program is definately moving in the right direction. The parents and HHS should be proud to have these guys instructing the boys. GO Birds!
  2. Shields is coming off of shoulder injury, so I doubt he'll be on the mound this season. Watson has been a "no show" and the clocks ticking.
  3. Dillon pitches. He was picked to play on a team last year that tried to qualify for the Little League World Series. They were not successful.
  4. Now we can put all the Spring Break vs Baseball issues behind. The team was announced yesterday. There will be 2 or 3 basketball players join them when their season is over. It's a move in the right direction. Best of luck to all the players and coaches. Have a great season! Go Birds!
  5. Don't be surprised if one of these "giants" ends up down on the "Hill". A very reliable source said he saw one of them with his father at an orientation a few weeks ago down there.
  6. As for last years squads, I know of only one that's not returning. It has nothing to do with Spring Break. He's been trying to play 3 sports at HHS and thats very difficult today. From what I hear, he's pursuing football and basketball. I think the coaches have been pleasently surprised by the talent in the underslasses during tryouts.
  7. I think the issue is, this is the first year the Head Coach has come out and said "you cannot play baseball at HHS if your planning on leaving the team over Spring Break". This has caught most people by surprise since going south for Spring Break in Ft. Thomas is a very popular thing to do. Last year a "few" players left the team over Spring Break, came back, got suspended for leaving and missed more games. In his opinion it didn't do much for building team unity.
  8. DMZ, that number seems low according to the coaching staff. Anyway, I did hear that more boys are showing up each day for different reasons. Keep in mind the basketball players have not attended any tryouts to date. Remember these coaches are at a real disadvantage because they're not at school during the day to interact with the students. As for the Soph group, I have no clue.
  9. There were at least 3 players ineligible at the same time in the soph class. No names!
  10. Yes, tryouts began Thursday. They continue today and tomorrow (Saturday). About 30 players attended. There was some missing because of the confusion about school being canceled. I'm sure they've been contacted about today and tomorrows tryout. The basketball players that want to tryout will be held at a later date.
  11. Alford is one of those possible 11 I referred to in my last post. I agree with Family Tradition, Liggett has the potential right now to play at the varsity level. This Freshman group has 3 excellent catchers with Liggett, Alford and even Rizzo in my opinion. If the Freshman along with key Sophomores make the JV squad or above I look for possitive things from HHS baseball in the near future.
  12. I'm not sure if the 8th graders come into this equation at this time. As for the Sophomore group, there were only 3 players from HHS on the team that won the City Championship. One of them currently plays baseball for HHS, the other two have dedicated themselves to other sports at HHS. The rest of that team is at NewCath and Newport respectively. Regarding the current Freshman group, there will be anywhere from 8-11 trying out. All of these players have had very successful seasons in Division 1 and District 22 Knothole throughout the years. Again, nothing negative on my behalf here. Hopefully in time the teams success(es) will drawl more kids and new attitudes.
  13. If this is true, it's no wonder HHS has not made another trip south. Fortunately I don't believe the 4 coaches coaching at HHS now would permit such actions to be tolerated without serious consequenses.
  14. FT, I'm totally honest when I say, "it was our son's decision" to stay back and tryout for baseball. There was absolutely no arm twisting by me at all. He's played baseball since he was 5 and just isn't ready to give it up. I'm not judging anyone. I know this is a tough decision for some, but this is the way our family is handling things.
  15. How about a Spring Break walk???? Guanteed to be very short!
  16. I'm sure Spring Break was a major factor in their decision not to play. Last season spring football and baseball existed together better than it had before at HHS. This was directly said by both coaches recently. I commend the coaches for their thought and commitment to building a better program at HHS. It may suffer a year or two but eventually people will get over it. We go to Florida every Spring Break, but guess what? This year mom and daughter are going and I'll be home with my son who isn't even guanteed a spot, but wants to tryout because he likes to play baseball. Before you know it, HS is over and the days to play HS sports is over. Go Birds!
  17. Why did he leave in the first place? When he was here, was he a tuition student?
  18. We attended the banquet today. Six hours full of football, pride, and commitment was the topic of the day. Players, parents, grandparents and fans were entertained about player acomplishments, stories and awards. Congratulations to all the players. Good luck to the Senoirs as they move onto to future goals. GO BIRDS!
  19. 83birds, you didn't read my post clearly. I made the point that Coach Schlarman is preparing himself for his upcoming game. Believe me I'd love to see him win 500 games at HHS. I'd love for to see the young boys in the community come up to him as they do Dale. Unfortunately I'm not sure if he make himself accessable. I've seen Coach Mueller at Freshman girls BB game, JV girls BB games, ect. ect. Who I don't see is Coach Schlarman. I admit, he may have his squad on the road at times. My point is, getting the youth in any community excited greatly effects the success of the highschool programs. Just an FYI, I do know how much imput Coach Mueller has in the Jr. Football and like I said before, his door was always open to the league.
  20. BLUEBIRDSI, I'm not suggesting that Coach Schlarman get any type of rec league off the ground imself. But, I think it would improve the overall quality of the high school program if he put some "feelers" out there to see if he can get the ball rolling. I can't believe he couldn't find someone to get things moving in the formation of the league. I also understand Coach Mueller position when it come to the operation of the Jr. Football League. However, as a former coach and board member of the league Dale's door was ALWAYS open to discuss anything regarding the football league. It sounds like you and I agree for the most part. The high school coached have a tremendous amount of responsibility running there programs. But these two head coaches approach things differently when it comes to getting out in the community and I believe their programs reflect there personaliies.
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