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Don Vito

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Everything posted by Don Vito

  1. I can't seem to get on the Ole' Watering Hole but I can get on the sleeping bears. At the bottom of the screen it says Media Inactive. I sure hope there is nothing wrong with the camera. I need my daily dose of watching the pond.
  2. HammerTime, I feel for you. You have been on to this link for almost a week now and have yet to see a lion attack. Hang in there brother and maybe your wish will come true.:lol: :lol:
  3. Got some action right now. Looks like a couple of young anelope or gazelles eating grass.
  4. You would think that on a Friday night in Africa, there would be at least one lion that would like to take his favorite female lioness down to the ole watering hole for a drink.
  5. O.K. enough already, when are we gonna see some animals.
  6. I noticed those too, might be shooting stars. Never mind I see what you are talking about now. I saw some in the background earlier above the tree line. Those I think were shooting stars.
  7. Just logged back on and saw some type of activity. A large group of something was walking by, possibly antelope or something. I just caught the tail end of the shot.
  8. Just saw a couple of birds swoop down for a drink of water.
  9. The only action I see is that goofy spider-web blowing in the breeze.
  10. Didn't mean it that way, just meant that the shooter may have thought it was someone else, not that that makes it right. Any way it was a tragedy that it happened to anyone. I hope too that the the guilty person is brought to justice. I totally agree that just popping off rounds with people in the vacinity is totally absurb. I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
  11. Agreed. Unfortunately the reporters are saying that this could have been an accidental shooting ( thinking it was someone else's limo )
  12. I'll take Shaun Alexander and the Seahawks in this game.
  13. I'll have to to go with the Chiefs on this one. Indy's defense is suspect.
  14. I didn't think the Cats could do it but they came through. Congrats Cats.
  15. I would think that most police officers would not do this, if they do then they probably need to find a new line of work because sooner or later it would catch up with them.
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