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What Say You

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Everything posted by What Say You

  1. WaaaaaAAAAAAAAA HOOOOOOOOO! Way to go Scott!!! :dancingpa
  2. Great coach but an even greater person. Could not have happened to a better person!
  3. Congratualtions to Scott on a fantastic season. They end the season at 22-11. Not too many people in the 10th Region or for that matter Northern Kentucky gave them much respect or credit early on! Hopefully they will not be overlooked any longer! Sure glad Scott showed up to play today because it was another classic. Many on this site thought this was going to be a GRC cake walk and blow out. Just like they have all year, the Eagles rsponded by believing in each other and leaving everything on the floor. While they did not close the deal, they kept it close and gave themselves a chance to win. That is all you can ask for! They played with a lot of heart the entire season and it showed in today's perfromance! Congrats to Nate Sharp for joining the 1000 point club!
  4. Half Time....... Scott........30 Brossart.....23 Sharpe had 12 pts.
  5. I wish that was the score nWo! It was a good game.......close all the way....Scott was up over SK all of the game. Tied at the end....then fell behind. I'm Proud of Scott team and Coach Carr!!!!
  6. We are all proud of you Scott Team. You gave it your all tonight. Good Coaching Coach Carr and Staff. Good Season! We are looking forward to next year. :thumb:
  7. I was just going to post that...... Keep us updated!!!!!
  8. The game has started......... Get tough Scott team.........:fight: Good luck Coach Carr and Staff!
  9. Great Game Scott Team and Coach Carr!!!! Stay tough for Friday night! :thumb:
  10. Football, Yep, new beautiful School now. Mine burnt and my husband and I were the founders of The Dearborn Co. YMCA that is in there now! Do you still live in Aurora?
  11. I knew you could do it Scott! Keep going!!! :dancingpa
  12. OK Scott......"get tough, I am sending you energy----->((((( :fight: ENERGY))))) You can do it!
  13. When "I" was in School....and we won't go into the year....?????? The student blocks were across from each other....they interacted! (cheers...light badgering ("in your face", "air ball", "booooo", painted their bodies, flirted with boys, (not "fight" over them rolling down the steps), made noise, cheered with the cheer leaders, etc......) The PEP bands of both teams went, school songs were played, both cheer leading squads came. School faculty came...band leaders, cheerleader sponsors. Thus....the adults kept to them selves, students had supervision that was "there". Things have changed, If we could only turn back time. Games were fun!
  14. 1000 points!!!!! :thumb: Howard and Coach Carr.......
  15. Scott won by 1 point......that's all I know!!!! Howard had 20 points!.....that's all I really know!!!!
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