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Everything posted by Hangman

  1. That's the first time I've actually been excited to hear Mike Breen say "Bang!" Posey and House..Back to back threes!!!!! :dancingpa
  2. My biggest problem with Doc is that he'll play a guy one game and then we don't see him again for a while... There's my second biggest problem with Doc... He gets the dumbest technical calls...
  3. I was, I was... :dancingpa I'm not claiming it was easy though. :lol:
  4. The guy working the scoreboard has no life.
  5. Feeling confident about this one right now... Subject to change any second, though.
  6. I know that it's not over yet, but this was just a fun thread to read...
  7. I'm not going to get on here and bash the Lakers, because that's not the kind of fan I am... I'll just say that I'm extremely excited about this... None of my favorite teams (besides UK of course) have won championhips in my lifetime... I was born in 87, and the Celtics and Mets both won in 86... The Seahawks never have... So if Boston ends up pulling this off, I will be unbelievably excited. Here's to hoping for one more!
  8. Random thought of the day... PJ Brown is almost old enough to be Rondo's dad..
  9. I don't really want him either... I think he alienated his guys.
  10. Too bad these players have probably secured Doc's job for at least a couple more seasons...
  11. I knew Odom would have a breakout game... 8 points already, not even halfway through the 1st...
  12. I can't stand Doc Rivers... I wish the Celtics had a good coach...
  13. I work with a lot of Steelers fans... They like to ask me who the Steelers played in the Super Bowl a few years back... And it's like they get amnesia... they just can't seem to remember who won, and always want me to tell them. :fight:
  14. If I hear Mike Breen say "Bang!" one more time, I am going to pull my hair out.
  15. Bandwagon fans drive me insane... I go out of my way to make sure people know who my favorite teams are so when they have success people won't forget and just lump me in with them...
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