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Everything posted by TonyDanza

  1. Bring it on...I ain't skeered of no snow!!!!
  2. AGAIN...there is always real situations that can be good reasons for a child to change schools during high school. If they are real and legit situations..yes a child should be able to change schools.
  3. If this doesn't include family. It would be a ring & earrings I was given.
  4. Seriously that is what I am thinking. :irked::irked::irked:
  5. I was at this game and WOW!!!! It was so cool to walk-in to all that white! Way to come back in the 2nd half Cards! :ylsuper::ylsuper: Other side notes: - Slick Rick...nice suit! :lol::lol::lol: Glad you changed. Next time don't wear blue underwear. - To the people that sit around us in lower level areas..I am so proud that you actually got up and cheered instead of acting like you were watching golf! :lol::lol::lol:
  6. I got th price list for the sponsorship levels! All I can say is WOW!!! :scared::scared:
  7. And I disagree with you. A child should not be deciding/changing schools in the middle of high school. As you well know kids have enough issues already to deal with! Changing schools due to moving, financial, yada, you get the point...is acceptable. This is where some questions come up about recruiting etc at this time. You allow kids to do that all the time and it would be a fiasco. I don't disagree that a child should be able to go to a school that is best for them. But I think that choice should be made before high school starts.
  8. In my day and age you were tagged at birth with the high school you would be attending. Today my opinion as a parent is you select a school that is the best fit for your child(ren). Plain and simple. Even if that decision is made in the 8th grade.
  9. Hard to list...been so many good ones over the years. Brian Brohm would be top easily with Jeff right behind him.
  10. I voted for separation. I want to see what happens after the seperation and what will be whined about next!
  11. The guy had issues. He made a choice to not address his drug problem...and now he is dead! So sad.
  12. You can go to different pharmacies to get them filled.
  13. Yes, they can but this only tends to happen when it has been brought to the attention of the pharmacy by family, doctor or the law. There is something called the "Ghost program" it is set up for people who need to be watched for prescription related issues.
  14. Geez how did I leave out that word. :scared::scared::laugh::laugh:
  15. Really, thank goddness I was smarter than the average bear to figure that out! Actually good ole' TD has helped two doctors lose their license for stuff like this.
  16. He could have gotten them each from individual doctors however what I have learned/seen it takes as little as one for this to happen.
  17. Nice try! :lol: But I don't think I am your type. I am not crazy. Ok just a little crazy but the crazy you like! :lol::lol:
  18. Don't know but that stuff is horrible. I have never seen a drug that can be taken for such a short period of time and have such a EVIL affect on people.
  19. That just makes my heart ache to see him die because of this. I don't care who he was just a complete waste to die that way.
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