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Everything posted by Boucher

  1. Not losing 2 times is an even bigger rule than not losing late.
  2. True, but we are talking about replacing 1 vs/ 3
  3. OSU lost all of their LB's from last year, and survived. I believe I heard that PSU returns the most starters in the Big 10. I'll take OSU as long as Carr is at UM (& Tressel is at OSU).
  4. I guess we'll see. I think OSU and PSU will both be pretty decent next year, don't you?
  5. Maybe John Cooper or Earl Bruce can come out retirement.
  6. They'll be good, but imo maybe third best in the Big 10, let alone top 2 in the country.
  7. As a fan, do you think he needs to go?
  8. UM did a really nice job substantiating their argument that they should have been #2 in the Country. Is Carr going to survive his abismal bowl & OSU (Tressel era) record?
  9. That's been my thought all along. Not as strong as usual at the top, but the balance of the conference is much stronger.
  10. Wasn't Wisconsin supposed to win this game?
  11. I understand your point, but honestly, it's not just the SEC claiming superiority, just about every analyst I've heard has claimed the same.
  12. #2 vs/ #2 would have been another good one.
  13. I've heard the rumors, and think Marvin will be in Cincinnati for years to come. I don't think following Cowher in Pittsburgh would be an easy task, and I'm quite confident that Marvin knows that.
  14. 6-6, maybe 7-5. Tough schedule. Brooks will be fine, anyone can see the brutality of the schedule.
  15. After hearing some of yesterday's postgame comments, it would not suprise me at all if Chad Johnson was traded.
  16. Greetings from Nashville. Cat fans were at least 8-1 to Clemson fans. My hotel is Clemson's booster hq, it was all orange. They were talking a lot of trash this morning, saying they were going to walk all over UK. Funny thing how they're nowhere to be found now. I could tell at the Catwalk that the boys were ready to play. Great job by the coaches in game planning and prep, and the players for execution. Was that a crazy 2nd quarter or what?
  17. No way should St. Louis be cut. In a job like his, the only thing people remember are mistakes.
  18. I didn't put the loss on him, the Bengals didn't play good enough to win, but the snap did impact the game.
  19. PRP won by 4. NL had an opportunity to win/tie it at the end, but could not get the shot off prior to turning it over. NL had to miss 15+ FT's. Good effort, just came up short.
  20. This is the worst UL team that I've seen in recent memory.
  21. I was thinking the very same thing. :thumb: (outside of the Oakleys)
  22. Very Sad. Pollack was on track to becoming one of my favorite Bengals of all time. Class kid.
  23. Is Wayne better than expected, or was there too much hype regarding McCreary?
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