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Posts posted by mexitucky

  1. I don't know anything about this kid at all. Is he good enough to walk on at Duke or UCONN?


    What does that have to do with anything? He didn't walk on at Duke, he walked on at UK. He's a 6'5 shooter that may never play quality minutes, but he's going to give everything he has everyday in practice. Who wouldn't cheer for a good Kentucky kid living his dream?

  2. The Krebs's and Seibert's have been family friends for a long time. This is amazing. I know from personal experience that this kid busted his tail to put weight on and get stronger. This is some much needed good news for his family. I will have a brand new reason to root for UK. Couldn't have happened to a better person.

  3. Any chance of him moving to TE?


    I don't think that he is fast enough to be a D1 TE, but he should be playing tight end for NewCath right now. You can tell from basketball that he has good hands, he's fast enough for 1A football to make an impact and, oh yeah,

    he's friggin' 6'7". Without reliable receivers this year, having Kiernan catch passes would help tremendously. This isn't a 6'7" kid that runs like he's standing in mud. He's athletic, not a burner, but athletic. He could get open and even break a few.

  4. Maybe he'll turn out to be like a Sean Sester from HHS and Purdue. Sean never really impressed me in high school and neither does Zach.. You can't teach size and those two have it.. Sean is starting and doing a good job for Purdue...Hopefully Zach can redshirt and get stronger like Sean did.. Good Luck Zach!!!!!!:thumb:


    I believe that once Zach commits a whole year to working out, the weight is going to jump. He isn't very strong lifting-wise, but he's got a great frame, good feet for his size, and could be a quality OT or DT. A full year away from basketball and just lifting and running is all it will take.

  5. I'd sell, I think this one is between Beechwood, Bardstown, Mayfield, and Danville. Anyone else is fooling themselves.


    I don't feel that Beechwood has the horses this year. Maybe I'm wrong, but this years winner is coming out of the west. I watched the 'Breds-Tigers and came away very unimpressed with both teams. You can't take a half off in a big game (and both teams did) like that and compete with Danville. This is Danville's to lose.

  6. Game came down to two things. 1) Coaching adjustments as has been stated by everyone and 2) Absolute lack of emotion and leadership by the players. Yes, the coaching was atrocious the second half, but the players had an 11 point lead at half. They had absolutely dominated the first half with a chance to get back into the district hunt. Beechwood came out and pushed them, and they didn't push back.

  7. Again, did I hope/expect more? Yes. Is there someone on the Reds team presently or in the farm system that can replace what he does? No. Is there someone in the NL that can put up the numbers he does? Not many.


    And if you trade him for someone to replace his numbers than you STILL have the lack of quality pitching issues. And if you trade him for quality pitching, then how are you going to replace the 100 RBI's and 100 Runs scored that he supplies each year?


    Right now the Reds have painted themselves in a corner with Dunn b/c I don't truly believe that the Reds will get a good No. 1 for him. I am of the Billy Bean school. I believe that statistics can tell the value of a player to the offense. However, the statistics one uses to judge a player can cast that player in two totally different lights. In terms of HR's, nobody is going to come in and hit 40 for the amount of money the Reds have. However, there is a chance that they can get a guy to get 100 RBIs. I have seen enough of the Angels, Marlins, and White Sox to see that you need one or two good power pitchers, a great defense, and timely hitting. Dunn offers neither timely hitting nor even average defense. He gets 100 RBIs when he should have 120+ given his power numbers and apparent great eye. The 100 runs would be tough to replace, I will give you that. However, there are alternatives that may be cheaper and just as efficient.

  8. Corey Dillon was All-Pro 1999-2002


    Bettis was All-Pro 93-94, 96, 2002, 2005


    Carries- Bettis 3,479 Dillon 2.460

    Yards- Bettis 13,662 Dillon 10,598

    YPC- Bettis 3.9 Dillon 4.3

    TDs- Bettis 91 Dillon 70

    Team Wins- Bettis 97 w/ Steelers in 10 seasons

    Dillon 32 w/ Bengals in 7 seasons


    Dillon's numbers, when put in perspective with how bad his teams were, deserves consideration. Bettis is not heads and shoulders ahead of him.

  9. Mexitucky, you are as anti-Dunn apparently as I am pro-Dunn. The bottom line is this: you win games by scoring more runs than your opponents, period. The pitching is what is, but Dunn has continued to drive in more and score more runs than anyone else on that team...period. You don't like his inconsistency? Me neither. You want to give up on him at 26? Crazy, IMHO.


    Who are you comparing him to? The Reds have a nice complimentary line-up with random guys stepping up here or there. Dunn is EXPECTED to carry the team, he failed. He hasn't done well when the team has needed him to step up. Are you considering him irreplacable? Is he on the same level as a Ryan Howard? He definitely hasn't stepped up like a Pujols. Look, the Reds have held onto him for him to become the superstar. He hasn't reached that level. The Reds have left themselves with no other options at this point, so you have to keep him.

  10. So the Reds up 1-0 and he hits a 3-run homer to put them up 4-0 in a game that they eventually win 4-3 would not count in your view??


    Look at the 100 runs he has scored consistently for 3 seasons. (I believe that is the length of time) Has any other Red came CLOSE to driving in as many runs as he has his last 3 seasons? NO.


    HSSB would be so pleased with me.


    Fine, let's extend the parameters. How many homeruns did he hit, or how many hits in general did he get, to give the Reds the lead, or to extend their lead when leading by less than 3? Would you consider that a fair assesment of clutch hitting? He has 92 RBIs, how many of those came with the game already out of question? Those are stats that I don't know, but from the games I watched, if there were runners in scoring position with two outs, a K was coming. In response to the post about the center fielder? I'm not a huge fan of his either.

  11. Bettis is No. 5 all time in rushing yards. Stop speaking with your heart and use your head. He is a no-brainer HOFer, although probably not first ballot.


    Dillon and George are very similar, numbers-wise.


    But not situation-wise. Football logic shows that the teams ability to win dictates how many carries a back gets. The Bengals were putrid. Everyone knows that backs from losing teams see less carries due to playing catch-up. Not to mention that Dillon played with only one decent QB, and Esiason was on his way to retirement at that. The teams he played for hurt his numbers. Bettis is NO. 5 due in large part to the fact that he played for the franchise with the best record and most continuity over the last decade. Their defense allowed Bettis to run the ball into the fourth quarter, b/c the Steelers were winning. George was, in my opinion, overrated. He averaged 3.7 ypc, or something like that, for good teams. If the Hall-of-Fame committe looks at statistics and weighs them against how the team around the player was, then I don't see how Dillon can't get in.

  12. Can't drive them in, unless someone is consistently on.....He carried a lot of offensive burden this year and with no one to pose an offensive threat in front, of after him teams pitched to him and made him chase, instead of giving into him.


    What has 42HR's and 92 RBI produced.....Whoooaaaa Nelly......:scared: With your own argument about Dunn, the Reds would be 20 games below .500, without his production.


    20 games below .500???? Dunn has accounted for 19 wins??? Come on man, the whole argument relates to how many times has he given the Reds the lead with either a hit or a HR? I can't find it, so until I see it, I'm going to believe that he hasn't done anything to account for 19 wins. How many flyballs has he not gotten to that the average left fielder would? How many other leftfielders have 12 errors? People have to look past the HRs, b/c apparently people have been getting on base for him to have 92 RBIs while hitting all of .233. God knows he's not hitting them in with sacrifice flies.

  13. Fine. Take it to a 14-game season - 71 yards per game. Again, not as great as the "1,000" figure seems.


    Secondly, I'll submit the Denver Broncos as evidence that 1,000 yard rushers are not that hard to find.


    I will admit, though, that over an extended career (vs a single season), averaging 70 to 80 yards per game IS impressive. It simply doesn't do much for me in a single season.


    He averaged 1,000 yards while his team was behind in almost every game. Let's face it, if the Bengals were at least mediocre when he played, you could add another 1,500 yards on his career numbers. Truth is, when he ran against a lot of 8 man fronts. There was noone else for the D to respect, and he still ran for 278+ yards. What he did for who he played for is very very impressive. If he isn't Hall of Fame, Jerome Bettis and Eddie George definitely aren't.

  14. Or trade him because of it for someone that you think will be more consistent. Not sure if it is the time to give up someone that is still developing. Not unless you get the kitchen sink for him.


    If he was making strides that one thing, he's become a worse hitter each year. He's put on weight, struggled in the field....he hasn't developed, he's stagnated.

  15. Here is the problem, are you going to trade him for another outfielder to replace his 40 HR's and 100 RBI's? Are you going to trade him for pitching? If so, who replaces his stats and the production he does give? Yes, it would be nice to have more from him but does anyone else provide what he does?


    If the Reds are serious about modeling themselves after the Twins, then they should trade him for pitching, problem is...who really wants to give up a NO.1 starter for him? The Twins are modeled on pitching, defense, and fundamentals. They have a great organization from Rookie ball on up. Fine. You don't need another outfielder to hit 40 HR's. What has the 40 HRs produced???? 92 RBIs? What you need is an outfielder that can make the routine play in left to save a few runs by taking away balls that are falling around Dunn. If that outfielder can hit .280 plus and drive in runs when the runs need to be driven in, then you've replaced Dunn. He's not a good situational hitter. He only helps the team when he hits meaningful HR's and how many has he hit that has put his team in the lead this year? HRs are nice, but what really matters is getting runs across.

  16. For comparison's sake here is why I don't believe that the Reds need Dunn.

    Look at his September stats:

    .145 BA

    34 Ks

    2 HRs


    10 runs

    11 hits

    .250 slugging pct.

    Not to mention being lethargic in LF.


    Howard has:

    .412 BA

    27 Ks

    9 HRs

    18 RBI's

    19 Runs

    35 Hits

    .824 Slugging


    What good is 40+ HR's if you hit only 2 when your team needs you the most??? The whole point is to make the playoffs. They had a chance and Dunn choked along with the bullpen.

  17. Dunn future to me, is either at 1st base or a DH. I think most would agree, he's not the first OF you think of relating to speed.


    Howard's stats you mentioned:


    103 BB's

    179 K's

    .305 BA

    180 Hits


    An amazing year and his future looks bright. I responded to the K's with power hitters and used Howard, as an example. Pitchers will learn his location and his K's will remain the same, while watching his BA decline over the years.


    Dunn is on the Reds, I understand his weaknesses and his strengths....but to the original premise of this thread, the comments were on his production at GABP and not away.


    Either fans want him or they don't....I'll take him.


    The latest stats for ESPN.com have Howard with a .316 avg. and Dunn at .233. However, the big stat is the fact that Howard has 146 RBI's and Dunn has 92. On top of that, when his team needed him the most, Howard became a MVP front-runner.

  18. Not sure on Kearns, as he has a .265 career batting average, while Dunn's is .245 or so....Dunn's offensive production is better this year than Kearns to me and he does K a lot but Ryan Howard, along with many power guys do.


    Kearns never developed like most thought or wanted, in my opinion and yes he's significantly cheaper but still, lacks the consistent power numbers that Dunn has.


    If it's about money, Kearns is better....If it's about production, Dunn is better....If it's about opinion and speculate....time will tell but I take Dunn.


    What is Ryan Howard's batting average? How many runs has he driven in? Strikeouts are a major sticking point with the anti-Dunnites, but that would be forgiven if he were an average fielder and drove runners in.

  19. ...like tagging up from first on a fly ball the other day to win a game? That kind of hustle.


    The man is lathargic. He's a liability in the field, and at the plate. The "Two Angry Guys" gave a stat yesterday that stated Dunn had 19 total bases in September and 33 K's. He can only do one thing, hit home runs. That would be great if they were clutch home runs that put the Reds up, or at least within a run, but they don't. He is the king of the solo. For two seasons he has faced the shift, and for two years he has refused to hit to the opposite field. I don't believe Dunn is selfish, b/c you have to care to be selfish, I just think that he's going to let his natural ability take him to where it goes and he's happy with that. There's no way that a guy who walks 100+ times a year should strikeout over 150 times a season.

  20. Hopefully NewCath has started to find its offensive identity after some early season struggles. Beechwood seems to have a firm grasp on who they are offensively and defensively. They just seemed to be overmatched by Alter and CovCath. That being said, NewCath scored on CovCath, and didn't do horribly bad defensively outside of a couple big plays. They were destroyed on special teams. I think that this game is going to be very close. Like every game between these two, it's going to come down to miscues and punt coverage. How many times has Beechwood returned a punt for a TD or NewCath fumbled at the most inopportune times? I go with NewCath 21-17.

  21. A lot of college athletes are 18 or 19 and their families don't have a lot of money. Some take the easy way out, like Bush did, Some follow the rules.


    Until you have been in that position, you don't know. You don't know exactly what was offered. Now, did his family need a $400,000+ house to "survive" or get by? No. Would I have taken that offer if I was in his position and there was a very good chance nobody would find out???? MMMM...honestly, I'd like to say no, but I don't know. Truth be told, not one of us on here has walked into a sporting goods store to see OUR jersey going for $75-$150 a piece and not seeing one dime. If a computer geek was on academic scholarship and worked part time designing web pages at $100 an hour for a company that networked through the school, would USC be put on probation??? I know what the rules are, I just feel that there is a double standard placed on athletes. We as fans will never understand the temptations.

  22. Does he start this year


    Jeff Smith from NewCath is the starter. He's a good QB if you like 6'6 235lbs QB's at under 6% bodyfat with rocket laser arms (cue Payton Manning commercial). He's a beast. Mike Lewis, however, is the kind of QB that could really prosper at Georgetown with his ability to throw and run.

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