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Posts posted by mexitucky

  1. From Lance...

    Alex Gonzalez scouting report from Dan Hoard

    I talked with Dan at the UC game Tuesday night. Keep in mind he does Pawtucket Red Sox games....the farm team of the Boston Red Sox......and watched a large number of Red Sox games in 2006.

    He said Gonzalez is the best defensive shortstop he has seen since Ozzie Smith and Omar Visquel in their prime.

    He said he is a difference maker and game changer in the field.

    He also added that with the number of fly balls he hits......he will do well in GABP

    He said Reds fans will LOVE Gonzalez.


    Great, but can he run out to leftfield and catch all of Dunn's balls for him as well? I'm ok with an above average shortstop that can extend innings by getting on base 35% of the time. This guy's going to have the pitcher leading off quite a bit. The Reds don't need another home run hitter, so the fly ball argument holds no water unless he can do it with guys on second or on third to move runners. God knows noone else can, with the exception of Phillips.

  2. The same Notre Dame team that hasn't won a Bowl game in a decade? Before last season they had been very average for a lot of years. Would they win the Big East this year...maybe. UL and WVU are very good and Notre Dame is....to be kind...untested.


    Maybe we'll get a UL v. ND game in a Bowl and you'll have an idea if they'd have won the Big East this year. Although I think the thought of that might make RP have a breakdown. :D


    Who have UL and WVU played in comparison with ND? I don't see how you throw out those two teams, compare them with ND's schedule and say that ND is untested. UL has played a good WVU team, a slumping Miami team and blew it against Rutgers. WVU has beaten Maryland and noone else. ND has beaten GT on the road, beat a slumping Penn State team, and beat a decent UCLA team. Outside of the military academies, they've played decent teams. To me, all three teams seem similar in the lack of competition they've played this year.

  3. Yes. HD is next. They are 13-0 and apparantly a better team than what they were last year. We are certainly no overlooking them at all. You don't get this far in the Ohio Division I playoffs by overlooking opponents.


    Should be a great contest.




    Good luck. It's always nice to see a Cincy team bring home a title. One step at a time.

  4. ...Amen, my friend.


    ....Yes, old people and century held season ticket holders, who are just sitting on their hands in the upper level and students, in the lower level.


    Often times, the camera pans around the crowd and its certainly not, the enthusiastic, energetic and often wild, students.


    Cameron Indoor Stadium instantly comes to mind, with the students and their constant motion, chants and cheering.


    Not anymore. Durham's Fire Marshall put the kabash on that. They also have to sit now.

  5. Do we realize that we can now have over 100 k's from four regulars in the line-up and the potential for 200k's from another bat? The Red's defense is terrible, but their ability to put the ball in play with runners in scoring position is even worse. Phillips and Hatteburg are the only guys who can go opposite field. If the Red's don't hit a home run, they won't score. If we aren't going to upgrade our pitching staff, at least upgrade our ability to generate runs. I'm not talking about a guy who hits home runs when we the game is no longer in doubt, I'm talking about the guy who can get the runner over when there are less than two outs and the score is close.

  6. He deserved the award but if you look deeper into the numbers besides HR and RBIs then Pujols should have won.


    What???? The only reason that the Phillies were in the wild card race at the end of the year was due to Howard and Utley playing out of their minds. Howard killed in September. Pujols had a great year, but his team basically collapsed in September, while the Phillies stayed in the race. Had the rest of the Central not been horrible, the Cardinals would have had an epic collapse. As it is, they won the title, but the MVP is for the regular season.

  7. One error and the guy's a bum?


    No, 100 K's a year on top of only 4 seasons of over 130 games played makes him a bum. Well...maybe not a bum, but definitely overhyped. We can find a shortstop that will commit 20+ errors per year, get on base only 29% of the time, and strike out 100+ times for a lot less than 5million per year. It seems to me that the Reds are making moves for the sake of making moves.

  8. Then tell them to sac up and go back to scheduling the Birds. Its my understanding which could be wrong that the Breds pulled the plug on this series back in the mid 90's after a huge fracas following a game.


    I think they should play simply because many of those kids grow up together playing in the ft. Thomas Jr football league and the rivalry would be outstanding.


    The incident was during Duffy's last year. It was during the game, not after it. They took a year break and then played again in the late 90's with the combined scores being like 1,340-24 in favor of the Birds. Those were some of Highlands best teams and some of NewCath's worst. I would really like to see them play again.

  9. I wish the boys down on the hill would play us.... Even though I don't think it would be much of a game...:lol: :lol:


    FYI a game between NewCath and Highlands would be closer than NewCath v. CovCath. One thing that NewCath has trouble with is the pass. They however, always defend the run well. With Highlands 1912 Canton Bulldogs/Leather Helmet offense, NewCath would have been able to keep the score decent. NewCath wouldn't win, and would lose by a couple scores, but it would be a game. Did you play for Highlands?

  10. The schedule next year will be even more difficult than this year.



    1A Bellevue

    1A Becchwood

    2A Lloyd (district)

    2A Newport (district)

    2A Holy Cross (district)

    5A CovCath

    6A Ryle

    6A Simon Kenton

    6A Conner

    6A Campbell Co.


    No Highlands??? Is that game ever going to be played again?

  11. When I first got on this site about four years ago, I and a few others questioned NewCath's schedule. The team was going 10-2, 10-3 but not playing anyone. This year, my how things changed, and my how it has prepared NewCath to rise to the occassion. Facing semi-finalists from all four classes, (Belfry, CovCath, and Ryle) as well as getting to play four games against top-10 teams in Single A, seems to have given the Breds the experience of facing adversity, but of also overcoming it. Congrats, Breds! Big game on Friday.

  12. The "glass is half-full" perspective ??


    :sssh: :lol:


    No, this is an experienced team that can win the close one, but does not have the passing game to come back from a large deficit. After fumbling the opening kick-off, throwing a pick, and three long TD passes could have rattled them and given them an insurmountable deficit heading into the half. They are down by one score. They are in a very strong position. Need a big stop to begin the 2nd half.

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