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Everything posted by Henry521

  1. Well yea, their senior year or they also would have had a 15 - 0 season.:irked: The other 14 games they were able to compensate for DMZ:D Sorry, I heard it was pick on DMZ day!
  2. Rob Zombie "Never Gona Stop Me"
  3. Sorry to thread jack, but hey FairFan are you in the States?
  4. Love Shack Friends in Low Places Wild Thing Areosmiths "Ten Inch" OK, but it would be funny.:banana:
  5. I'm glad I didn't read this thread last night. Leatherneck was out of town and I was home alone. I wouldn't have slept a wink. Although it would have made me lock the doors which I forgot to do. LN is home tonight and the doors will be locked. I really don't think it has anything to do with the hunters. It happens more than you realize. Just read the Town Cryer.
  6. That's the thing about Vi, she made everyone feel special. She would send Leatherneck B-day cards and then when we had our boys she would send them the B-day cards with the $1. I don't know how she kept up with everyones B-day but she did.
  7. Vi is truely a beautiful person. She gave more to the kids and people around her than the entire city could ever give back to her. Our thoughts and prayers are with Vi. A BLUEBIRD FOREVER
  8. :lol::lol::lol: Actually I don't get to as many games as I would like. I'm alot calmer at basketball games simply because I don't understand the game as much as football. However, I have broken out the whistle in a gym or two and I must say, it is alot louder at the indoor arena than an outdoor arena. I have to make sure I sit next to someone that knows me and knows whats coming. If they don't they usually end up moving.
  9. I'm assuming you meant this sarcastically. If so, I agree that it is not a smart thing to do. To much time and hard work to get that hardware to have it in a Cov. Cath. gym.
  10. Maybe they just can't add. Makes you wonder if they have other schools with incorrect win/loss records.
  11. Your right. I didn't mean it to come out as these kids were only basketball players and it certainly read that way. I guess what I meant to say is that even though many play other sports, Willy is really pulling out the inner basketball player in his kids. Even though they play other sports, basketball for some of these kids is their best sport and Willy brings that out.
  12. You are right in this point. I feel that Willy is creating basketball players at Highlands and not just football/basketball/baseball players at Highlands. Congrats to the team and to Willy. He is creating a team of basketball players that are athletes in their sport .
  13. This is huge. And when the educators realize this and understand that the student athlete is pulling double duty, then maybe the educators will understand what exceptional people they have in the athletes in their school. I have never felt that the time put into the athletic programs: weight lifting, spring training ,athletic camps, or charity work has really ever been given the recognition it should. I understand that the drama team and the band and the business classes put in alot of extra time and I don't won't to take anything away from that. Trust me when they get to college that is what the colleges are looking at. But the student athlete is also learning very many life lessons that I feel need to be taken into account when colleges look at these students. They may not be the next star of your team but they have sacrificed alot and come away with many life lessons in leadership and team work to just be ignored at the next level. OK, I feel like Earl Pitts,"Wake Up America"
  14. Congrats: Luke Ryan Josh Austin Alex Go Birds
  15. Again I will ask the question, Did Cov. Cath. not win this game because Bondick was not in the game?
  16. Your right, you can't even eat chicken and drink tea before a football game in that parking lot. I can't imagine an all out street free-for-all going on.
  17. Where does EKU recruit? Don't here of alot of recruiting at Highlands. Maybe they are, and I appologize, but I just don't hear alot of parents or players talking about Eastern.:confused:
  18. On this note: I would like to see a menu change once in awhile at the 915. Like the place but need a little more variety. Maybe I just need to venture out and try some new places.
  19. We've had this discussion before. It goes both ways, get over it. It will be the other way if and when Cov. Cath. wins over Highlands.
  20. I agree the announcers are fine. Hey, their the only announcers in town so I'm greatful.:ylsuper:
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