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Posts posted by Watusi

  1. I get that isn't exactly the teachers fault but it also isn't the tax payers fault. It wasn't GM or Ford employees fault the pensions ended. It isn't what teachers want to hear but the fact is moving forward defined Benefit plans as currently written aren't sustainable.


    There needs to be a concession on the states part for those close to retirement I can agree. But those early in their career need to be moved off pensions and into defined contribution plans. This is how all pensions were shutdown in the private sector. Kentucky should not hire another teacher into the current system.

    If the state had made their contractually obligated contributions for the past 15 years, instead of robbing the system to put money elsewhere, it wouldn't be underfunded. In that regard, it is the state's fault and thus the state's (taxpayers) responsibility.
  2. Does that state pay the employer portion for the Troopers? That seems odd. I've never heard this before.


    I also will state the 3 jobs on a local and federal level should sustain defined benefit plans for are Law Enforcement , Fire Fighters and Military. Mainly because of the physical toll and risk of death.

    Yes, under the FICA law the employer pays in a matching contribution for any employee contribution. KY State Police employees pay into social security.
  3. Teachers teachers teachers.


    What about social workers, state prisons, highway workers and state police?


    Those Kentucky employees are not only suffering the same losses as teachers, they're also going to be taking a pay cut.


    Not to mention the rest of the state already changed retirement for new hires in 2013. All new hires are in a 401 (a) retirement other than teachers.


    Teachers retirement is funded better than the rest of state employees and from what I gather, theyre losing less.


    I cant stand seeing nothing but worry for teachers when there are lots of other state employees who stand to lose as much or more.

    I hear you and you are right, this bill affects all state and govt employees. The outrage blanket should be a little wider.


    As far as groups of employees "suffering the same losses as teachers" not so fast. State Troopers and a lot of others pay into social security where teachers cannot. That is why violating the contract signed with teachers in regards to their retirement is worse.

  4. Don't watch if you are squeamish or a member of PETA.


    I've never seen anything quite like this. Oklahoma hunter filmed this sequence with his bow cam where he was hunting from the ground.


    Late season buck fight and the bigger 10 point kills the smaller 8 point. He completely buried one of his 10" G2's over and over into the rival. Video said there was over 40 minutes of footage of the buck just repeatedly goring the other one. It is condensed on this video.


    After the fight was over, the hunter managed to call the victor into bow range with a snort/wheeze. The hunter shoots the buck, but the shot was a little far back, so they wait until the next day to recover him.


    Wild stuff.



  5. How many years does Chuck Smith have vested in the state? I know the pension system is in chaos, but probably not the time to leave for a private school.

    If you have in enough time to meet the requirements for full retirement, then it is ABSOLUTELY the time to retire from public education, especially if you have the opportunity to work in the private sector.

  6. Chris Cornell was the lead singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave. Also put out some solo stuff and was in a few super bands. One of the best vocalists to come out of the 90's.

    That must be why. I'm not a big music guy and especially not pop music of the 90s. Ive never heard of those bands either, LOL

  7. Chris Cornell is the one that continues to punch me in the gut repeatedly.
    I honestly have no idea who that is. One of many on the list I could say that about.


    Thought Richard Hatch referred to the Season #1 winner of Survivor. Googled, guess not.
    Me too. LOL. Immediately thought of Survivor's RH.


    While I hate to see anyone die, especially those that are much too young, someone that I do not personally know and have never even met/talked to don't really have much an effect on me. There are a few exceptions but for the most part I don't give it much thought.
    In a nutshell, this is my feelings too. I'm indifferent to most of them.
  8. Smith went to play at UK in 1977 so I'm guessing almost 60. Since he spent several years coaching at UK under Rich Brooks and Joker Phillips I have no idea where he would stand on teacher retirement. With any private school (Newport Catholic, St. X; CAL is Lefors were to leave) you have to factor in outside employment for coaches.
    That was my first question also. I have no idea if he would even entertain leaving Boyle for the rigors of Louisville 6A, but if he did, the finances of that move would have to make sense IMO or it would be a no-go.
  9. A lot of people assume differently, but Belfry is a county school. Along with Pike Central, Phelps, East Ridge and Shelby Valley, Belfry is just one of 5 high schools in the Pike County School District.


    And technically wouldn't Male fall into the same category with JCPS?


    I think he meant "county school" in the sense that it was the only school in that district.
    You are both right, of course on Male.


    Belfry is the epitome of the term county school, and when I included them I just added Male as an afterthought because I figured somebody would point out that they are technically one.

  10. I don't know if there are any county schools I would add. Boyle is as close as you can get, I suppose - but there will still be fluctuations in talent.

    A lot of people assume differently, but Belfry is a county school. Along with Pike Central, Phelps, East Ridge and Shelby Valley, Belfry is just one of 5 high schools in the Pike County School District.


    And technically wouldn't Male fall into the same category with JCPS?

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