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Posts posted by Watusi

  1. The Newport Catholic Throroughbreds make the long trek into the mountains of eastern KY Friday night to take on the Pirates of Belfry. CAM Stadium should be rocking for this matchup of perennial powers.


    Both teams are considered contenders for a title year-in and year-out in their respective classes, and despite the long distance between them, this is a fun and interesting regular season game. Belfry has had the upper hand in the series recently, but you can expect a competitive game that is beneficial to both squads.


    NewCath is 1-2, and Belfry is 1-1, but both teams tend to "schedule up" and are willing to take a loss or two during the regular season in an effort to test their mettle against bigger and better teams.


    Hopefully the large 'Bred fan contingent will make the trip and we will have a ballgame on Friday.

  2. Overall, very satisfied with the way the Pirates finished out this one. The young Bucs are so green at key positions, mainly the skill positions, and they came out and got took to task by a bigger, and more experienced squad. Huntington jumped on them 14-0 fairly early on, and it was a concern that maybe the good guys in red were going to get the woodshed treatment.


    Belfry's kids showed a lot of grit, and clawed their way back to cut the lead to 14-9 in the 4th quarter, thanks to several nice defensive series and a "give it time" vanilla offense that chipped away and finally broke one against the Highlanders.


    The Pirates have a lot to work on, and a long way to go, but they showed me tonight that they have a lot of physical pieces in place, they just need time and reps. More importantly, especially with a young team who dug themselves an early hole, I saw some of the intangibles that I didn't really expect this early on. This group has a fire in their belly.


    You gotta love that.

  3. Belfry and Hazard have a really good relationship and have scrimmaged for several years. The coaches have a mutual respect and it is a good opponent for both teams. They generally do not follow a game situation format, instead going several series of 10 plays each, subbing liberally, and then do the same for JV players.


    It is great for individual players and coaches, but from a fan's perspective, not much of a true look at the "team" in action. Never ever read too much into a Belfry scrimmage, good or bad. It is just a glorified practice against guys in different color uniforms.

  4. Basically it makes week 0 a scrimmage week only. Everyone in the state will start their regular season on week 1.
    There is no week 0 anymore. Under the old system, there were 11 weeks, (0 through 10) and if you played a game week 0, you gave up a scrimmage and still had a bye week during the season. However if you wanted 2 scrimmages, you had to take the 2nd one in week 0 and then you wouldn't get a bye week during the regular season.


    But under the new system, if I understand it correctly, there is still 11 weeks, all of them regular season. Weeks 1 through 11. Everyone can have 2 scrimmages AND still get a bye week during the season.


    That rule has changed for this coming season (2018). You can have 2 scrimmages and an open week.

    That is the way I understand it too.

  5. I've heard bits and pieces about the calendar change, but haven't read anything. Can anyone explain the new calendar starting in 2019?


    Am I right in that the nomenclature has changed, and there will not be any more "week zero" references?


    Can you now have 2 scrimmages whether you start play on the first weekend (week 1, I presume) or the second weekend?


    What else has changed?

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