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Posts posted by LRCW

  1. The Reds are sellers.


    I agree on Iglesias. Teams will overpay for a closer and the Reds should cash in.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see Sonny Gray moved for the right price. Moving those two would bring a nice little haul for the Reds.


    Only players I see the Reds moving would be Roark, Iglesias, Puig, Wood, Gennett, Diedrich and possibly Garrett.

  2. It was a good try. I'm sure @LRCW can explain what went wrong. Maybe like MJ said, using the name Homer Bailey in your post took away the magic.


    I have much to learn.



    Well sometimes the truth hurts, but the blame falls on you @Voice of Reason. For the reverse jinx to have it's full power you can't have people bringing attention to the fact that the reverse jinx is being used. It's a very delicate and precise process.

  3. I know there is probably pretty much no chance that we sign Puig and it probably isn't in the Reds best interest financially but I really do like him on this team. Sure he'll make a bonehead play every once in a while, but he plays hard. Loved the single that 95% of the majors would settle for that turned into a double.


    The big question though is he only hustling because he's playing for a big contract?

  4. Reds score and have men on first and third and Votto up. Votto and Suarez both strikeout looking. You have to swing at borderline pitches. This is why the Reds can't win. Must have your best guys produce.


    I disagree with you about Bowman. He has been outstanding the majority of his outings.

  5. It seems like every time the Reds have a huge chance of gaining some big momentum it comes down to having their ace on the mound against the Brewers, and he has failed miserably the first two times. Let's see if Castillo can prove today he's deserving of being considered one of the game's best pitchers, or if he shows again he can't handle a big game.

  6. People I know who have visited a lot of ballparks all seem to like Comerica. For thise who have been there, what stands out about Comerica?


    In fact, not just on Comerica, I would like to hear why people like the parks they rate highly.


    It's the beauty of the skyline for me at PNC.

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