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Everything posted by formerkywrestler

  1. For a bad back the best thing you can do is really strengthen the core.
  2. Snuck in. Kid got woke up when he snuck in. I honestly don't know. Article doesn't specify...
  3. I don't read this as the 11 year-old was out: According to the police report Raymond Frolander solicited a boy under 12-years old to engage in sexual activity at a home on Powell Boulevard around 1:30am. Raymond Frolander could have just as easily been in the 11-year old's home when the incident happened.
  4. Daytona Beach dad allegedly beats up man after sexual assault on - FOX 35 News Orlando
  5. Surprised Oklahoma didn't have a Native American language third.
  6. A good friend of mine is doing WI this year. Come to Chattanooga. An ENTIRE swim with the current at your back, easy rolling bike, potentially not fun run.
  7. Pretty apropos that this thread got pulled back up. Just signed up to volunteer for this year's Ironman Chattanooga so that I can register for the race in 2015!
  8. Probably in the minority here but I think it's a good contract for Charlotte. What do they really have to lose? Lance could easily outplay this contract. Or he could turn the locker room into a complete disaster. Either way, the type of gamble I don't mind taking if I'm the Hornets. To be clear, on A LOT of teams I would say this is a bad move...
  9. @Chris_Broussard: Sources: Lance Stephenson accepts 3 yr, $27 million deal with Charlotte #HeCray
  10. We sat together soon after moving in together and worked out a budget. A couple of things to note, I make quite a bit more than her and she has teenagers. We also don't have any joint checking accounts. 1. I take care of all the house-related costs including the bills. 2. She buys our groceries, toiletries, regular needs. 3. We both take care of our own cell phones as we had existing plans when we got together. Decent chance she gets on my personal plan eventually as I get a work discount in addition to my company-provided phone. 4. She pays her car insurance, gas, and car payment. She also keeps the spare vehicle (she owned outright before we got together) on her insurance as it's paid for and the insurance costs are virtually nothing. My car is paid for and I take care of my insurance and virtually non-existent gas costs. 5. We each have a designated amount that goes into each of our savings accounts: A) emergency fund B) retirement accounts (401K for both and employee stock for me) C) Vacation fund D) We each have our own racing accounts. Anything race-related, equipment, etc comes from this. These are actually checking accounts but we treat them as savings. If it's a race we our both doing we split it. If only one is doing it, that person is responsible. E) Kids savings for her. 6. I take care of my personal trainer and our joint gym membership. 7. I take care of all the costs associated with Simba. The other pet costs (turtles and a beardie) are pretty nominal and we just kind of alternate. Not much structure with them. 8. After this is done the rest of the money goes into our separate checking accounts and we are free to do with how we please. It's a little complicated but it's worked quite well for us. If we want to make a big purchase (landscaping and basement remodel are two we have done since getting together) we plan it out and decide how much we can contribute, how long we need to save, and the costs of the purchase(s). The only changes I see in the foreseeable future is that she REALLY wants me to get a new car and I have a feeling a wedding savings account will happen at some point (it was brought up when we recently budgeted out her car purchase).
  11. Friday is almost certainly out for me at this point.
  12. Forgot about him, he sucks too. But I did like him as a player.
  13. Hardwood Paroxysm ‏@HPbasketball 4h To review: How Cleveland has run its team is rewarded, and how Houston has run its team gets boned. OK.
  14. Don't see how it happens, but I'm not going to lie, I'd get a pretty good laugh if Miami somehow won a title before Cleveland...
  15. They may set some records for suckiness: @WojYahooNBA: The Chicago Bulls are gauging interest with free agent Dwyane Wade, league sources tell Yahoo Sports.
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