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Everything posted by Purplepride

  1. Great write-ups from everyone. This game could be as exciting as the SW/BG game! Across town rivals tend to pack a tad more emotion.. but I don’t think you have to dig too deep in the Semi-Finals to find emotion from these players.. especially this year with Covid!! I believe this is most certainly the game to watch! The QB matchup will be exciting. On paper, their stats are pretty comparable. I believe CC’s QB has 9 INT’s where BG’s has 5 (3 which came in that SW game). They both seem to be amazing with their legs. However, it seems ON PAPER, that Cooper has more help and isn’t completely relied on like Jacob is. Jacob has carried the ball 103 times for 508 yards and 15 TD’s. That seems like a lot of QB keepers to me.. lol. He leads CC in rushing and about everything else. Cooper has carried the ball 67 times with 322 yards. A run heavy offense HAS NOT faired well against BG all year. It could be a long night for Jacob if their passing game isn’t working for them. Honestly, the way the BG’s secondary has been flying around the last 2 games, I’m pretty excited to see a high caliber offense play them. I’m not sure if CC has faced a RB like Bunton all year either. BG has looked pretty solid the last 2 weeks. We will see tho. Again, I think it will be 2 great teams ready to battle! Also, I’m told only CC will be live streaming for a $15 fee. They aren’t allowing BG’s normal media streaming to take place. They are allowing D93 to broadcast on the radio, but no video feed. Anyone have any information on this??
  2. Yes, I’m not sure North Bullitt has faced a Defense quite like BG’s yet. If they tend to be a run heavy team, it may be a very long, hard-hitting night for them. BG seems to be getting more and more comfortable offensively as the season moves along. Each game has shed new light on a new player. It’s been fun to watch. Everyone keeps talking about BG’s incredible defense.. however, I think their offense has dramatically improved after losing key players in the beginning of the season. They have found the right personnel to get the job done. Cooper and Burwash have made a new connection that looks really scary ( in a good way)!! After taking some licks in the SW game, I see the Purples coming out Friday determined to win BIG for the EL one last time!! These Seniors seem determined! Does North Bullitt have the defense to stop Cooper, Bunton, Burwash and Dingle? Those are 4 bad boys!! Dingle played a different role against SW last Friday .. he only touched the ball one time and BG still ended up doubling their score!! That’s crazy !! Also, it’s suppose to be COLD Friday night! Bring your blankets and heaters North Bullitt peeps!!
  3. Which field general will lead their team to the WIN tonight? Which coaching staff is better prepared? Will we see Seniority shine tonight?? Excited for the battle tonight! Great football weather!!
  4. An email sent out to parents stated that there wouldn’t be cheerleaders and they weren’t allowing anyone to stand around the track either. They also listed the breakdown of tickets as SW: 800 BG: 300 So Im assuming that’s correct, 1,100. Unless, something has changed since Monday. I agree that Home team should have a larger amount.. but close to 75% of the total tickets seems a tad selfish. Maybe if they didn’t sell the entire 800 they will pass some over.. but to begin that way is a little comical.
  5. Why in the world would South Warren only give BG fans 300 tickets and they keep 800??? That definitely seems kinda crappy. I guess you can do what you want to with home field advantage.. but geez! BG parents said they didn’t mind stating those numbers in an email either. That’s crazy!!
  6. Absolutely.. here we are! Love the detailed write up! Thank you for coming to the Greenwood game. I’m unsure what AWFUL game you watched that you consider BG “limping” into the SW game?!?! Both of theirs scores seem to mirror one another last Friday. *Also, BG finally dealt with Covid.. they had 15+ players quarantined for 14 days and had 1 day of practice right before the Greenwood game. From my understanding it was the ENTIRE O-LINE, some D-LINE, and skill players. That’s alot of downtime on those big boys!!! *The first time they played one another this year they just lost their #1 receiver, Wilson, and Cooper was playing with a fractured wrist. I’m pretty sure personnel on offense has changed significantly since their last meeting. *Play calling has gotten better IMO! That first game was crappy.. everyone was trying to adjust to players being swapped around. You can’t really judge a team against a powerhouse like Trinity.. they are in a league of their own. However, Cooper never threw a pic or got sacked!! He looked good against GW. He had 300 yards and 4 TD’s. Could’ve had over 400 yards and 6-7 TD’s.. but there were several easy, dropped passes. *Also, BG’s schedule is definitely more challenging. They played all 6A schools and then their district games. However, SW has their district games and then 3A and 4A schools. I’m not really sure how you can compare the teams.. especially when they first played on such an injured list, including SW without Dunn! * The doubts of accurate passes and Bunton’s running game just doesn’t quite fit the stats at this point. KHSAA may not add the playoff game but I believe Veltkamp and Cooper both have 2 INT’s and look at the teams Cooper faced! I think it’ll be a really good game of teams with talented players. BG did struggle offensively against Trinity.. and so would 1500 other HS teams in KY!! They lost to SW by 3 the first time. It was a 4th quarter game! So with all of the issues that BG had... what was all of SW’s issues on why they only beat BG by 3??
  7. Hmmm... I guess my question would be where on the field are you referring to “really didn’t look very good”. I agree with rusty when you haven’t played since October 30th PLUS you’re practicing without 17 players until the Wednesday before the Friday night game. However, saying SW will handle them seems s tad far fetched. Also, what are you measuring that on? BG has played all 6A teams this year, totaling 4, then District games filled up their remaining games. SW played 3A and 4A schools, other than their district games. BG has been their only competitor. BG was definitely cominG off of some misfortune prior to that one. I’d say BG seems to be a different squad now. Again, maybe I’m missing something.. definitely open to shedding light on the reasoning!!
  8. I agree.. BG definitely looked rusty. You could tell that they were without almost their entire line for 2 weeks due to quarantine. I believe I was told they came back on Wednesday. Defense wise, BG wasn’t as polished as normal. Which is to be expected after not playing for 3 weeks and then practicing without 14 players for 2 weeks. GW still just didn’t have the manpower to hold off that Defense that was hungry to get stops. They had several chances within the red zone and couldn’t finish!! Offensively, GW really wasn’t letting BG get a lot of ground game going. So they went to the air.. and dang...it was pretty! Cooper threw for 300 yards and with the dropped passes would’ve been 400 yards easy! He was a gun slinger last night. So many talked about the ease and patience he had in the pocket.. it was exciting to watch! He was throwing 50 yard bullet touchdown passes. If BG uses that, it can be the game changer that they need for the playoffs! Even with some EASY dropped balls that would’ve been TD’s, the receivers made some incredible catches last night! I can’t wait for this BG vs SW matchup. Great Thanksgiving week ahead!!
  9. Excited to get to see some HS Football tomorrow night! Pretty sure the Purples will handle business .. I believe all starters are due to play. All kids are both sides I’m sure are hungry to get back out under the Friday night lights.. The Purples haven’t played since their game against Trinity. They took the BIG “L”.. but walked away uninjured pretty much. Trinity is just in a league of their own. For Cooper to not have been sacked at all that night was actually incredible. He was definitely running for his life from the sound of the snap for sure!! Does Greenwood have a QB they’re comfortable with now ? May be a tighter game if so! Glad these young men get to keep playing and finish out their season !!
  10. I was actually told that on Saturday.. so I’m not sure when the actual decision was made. You know how long it takes news to trickle down! Especially the FACTS.. lol!!
  11. Hey there Trinity Fans.. seems like we received some guidelines of no backpacks/ bags/ extra stuff being brought into the stadium. Do you know if you can bring in blankets, those small heaters, etc.? I believe it’s gonna get down right chilly this Halloween 👻 Eve!! Please let us Purples fans know that will get to make the drive!! Thanks!
  12. Hmmm.. close?!?! Not sure about that! I think it’s Senior Night and Homecoming for the Purples As well as the LAST regular season game to be played at the El Stadium.. EVER! Lots of sentiments happening on Friday. I believe it would take a heck of an outing by the Gators to get the Purple Spirit down on Friday! A lot of Purple Pride flowing in one night. with that being said, the Gators vs SW game was a lot closer than expected. Most didn’t expect GW to even score. So, they could come out ready to rumble. However, I think the Purples will give GW all they want and more... on both sides of the ball. It’ll be a fun one to watch. The coaching staff has a history at GW as well, so that’s always a nice rivalry for them too! 42-6 BG
  13. WDNS FM D93 will be Live Streaming on Facebook.. I just received confirmation on that!! Sporting Times usually Live streams as well. 😊
  14. Ok.. trying to be patient.. but hey, it’s Bball season!! Who are the Top teams in the State this year?? Who’s loaded with talent?? Seems to be a lot of player movement lately. Not sure I’m even up to date on which players are still with which teams these days!! Discuss!!
  15. Anyone heard if BG brings back any of their injured starters for tomorrow nights game?? Lineman, punter, etc???
  16. So why did Hoptown cancel their game with BG Purples? They are about to play Logan County that is playing Warren County teams!! Just saying that if it was for COVID reasons.
  17. GREAT break down! I see what you’re saying!! I believe someone mentioned that Wilson and Cooper had played football together since they were 7. Talk about Chemistry.. and it showed!! Other than Dingle, I don’t think the other receivers saw any Varsity clock last year. So you’re right. It takes some practice to feel each other out and get that timing down. I also think Dingle scooped a few really, low passes the past few games which is difficult for his size. However , I also think there have been several that have hit his hands; very catchable passes, that he just lost sight of or heard those 10 foot steps closing in on him QUICK! Those are game changers sometimes. When he catches it, he’s dragging 2-3 players with him for days. Lol. I think it would be nice to run some quicker, faster guys on those WR routes who can catch that long ball. Hopefully this week and next week they’ll get to experiment a little at that receiver spot. Strode stepped up and proved he wants some passing. I think once he caught that first one last Friday, Cooper had confidence to throw it back to him. That’s what it’s all about!! Trusting each other! IMO... I think trying Burwash out at WR where Wilson played would be INTERESTING! I believe he would add another dimension. I would keep him on the offensive side of the ball longer. Not just for Wildcat plays here and there or to punt the ball.. AGAIN, I don’t coach so my opinion is just my opinion .. HaHa! It’s fun to try to think like a coach sometimes though!! We’ll all critique our BGP coaching moves at the end of the season.. 🙃
  18. I believe BG’s offense came away with just as much confidence as their defense after beating St.X their first game. I honestly don’t think it’s a confidence issue. They lost their #1 receiver, QB Cooper May have fractured or severely sprained his left hand during 2nd quarter of PRP game (and continues to play) , they had 2 injured OL’s, and Burwash was also out at last Friday’s game. Considering ALL of those factors, I say “WAY TO KEEP PUSHING ON”! I think when the coaches switch up the pass and run game they are STRONG! Not the kids fault that the coaches call the same 6 plays over and over and over. Last drive of SW game they started to call different stuff and the 2nd half of McCracken. Those coaches are putting a slow start on the Offense when they keep trying to run one player up the middle every, single time! That’s just my opinion.. any thoughts?!?!?
  19. I remember that game vividly last year. Huge crowd at McCracken County. I believe MC was up 14-0 and then BG did a QB change and they never looked back. Cooper came in and shook the game. I don’t believe McCracken scored again. It was an exciting game! I agree.. Wilson is out.. so coaches.. whatcha gonna do? They tried running the ball 80% of the time last Friday. It didn’t work against great defenses. And why? When you have the talent to mix it up!! I think they have some extremely skilled defensive players that you may see running routes this Friday! They have to give Cooper targets to throw to other than Dingle. No way he can throw to him with double/triple coverage. Not sure if Gurley is back or not! I’ll do some digging and find out. Fingers crossed he is. BG needs him. I think BG has to get back to the basics! Equal passing and running plays. This team CAN do that!
  20. I think it was an eye opener against SW that they need to open up the Playbook. They kept running the same plays over, and over, and over! Not until the last drive did they let the kids throw some. Cooper has to get some confident receivers that he can trust. Losing Wilson really took away a lot for him. A few of those balls he threw last night, Wilson would have caught. I think Their first game without Wilson is under their belt now and they know what needs to be worked on. I can see them moving some skilled defensive players to the offense side. Without Wilson, SW only doubled Dingle and put someone on Bunton and Cooper. That took away their offense. I have to say, the play calling hasn’t been as aggressive as it was against St. X. The Offensive coordinator is being way to conservative for a Championship caliber team. They threw the ball all over the field against St. X. Maybe ran a handful of pass plays last night. That’s a shame! I believe they’ll come out hungry for McCracken and work some kinks out on Offense. Someone has to step up and help Dingle, Bunton, and Cooper. Along with the coaches giving them the chance to win with great play calling. I’m looking forward to a great game next Friday!
  21. Suppose to be great football weather tomorrow night! BG’s first home game.. nothing better than playing your across town rival FIRST! Hope to see a lot of offense and some big defensive plays! Two great programs! I hear SW fans saying this game doesn’t really matter for some reason. I think they all matter. They all do to the players for sure! Bragging rights are HUGE no matter what game it is.. especially during Covid times! Gotta play like it could be your last!
  22. From my understanding, hearing from some parents, it was once thought he broke his left wrist during the PRP game. Pretty bad scare. Not the case though, I believe we’ll see it taped for precaution. Possibly a really bad sprain. I don’t think a sprain will keep most of these kids, especially Seniors, from playing right now. They never know, with this Covid, when their last game may be! I can’t say I don’t blame them! On the other hand, BG wouldn’t let him take a chance if they thought he wasn’t ready.
  23. I’m being told from some reliable sources that he’ll be ready for Friday! Seems like a big scare for the Purples offense. Losing your QB is HUGE for any team. My sources point toward “IT’S A GO” for Cooper against the Spartans. Glad to hear it too.. makes for a better competition! Approximately 1700 is the 30% capacity for the El... wondering if the hometown teams will fill that up? What are they doing with student sections right now?? Are they allowed?
  24. Should be a great, exciting game. The injuries on the BG side could definitely hinder the Purples. Wilson is a key factor to the offense. Absolutely heartbreaking to tear an ACL during your Senior year. He’s a 3-sport athlete as well. Cooper and Wilson seem to have a great connection together. From my understanding, they thought Cooper broke his left wrist during the PRP game sometime in the 2nd quarter. I’ve been told he IS playing against South. If not, that could be the decision maker. I was told they had 2 other injuries on defense as well. I believe it will be a very physical game since both schools seem to start the chatter at the beginning of the year! Special teams, kickers, etc. will need to be on their best game. Any one mistake could decide this game. Excited to watch this rivalry on Friday!
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