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Everything posted by Cardinals2745

  1. I am not sensitive at all. I am explaining to you that those who believe in gay marriage are not social conservatives.
  2. With the amount of free porn available online to all, it is a great probability that it will occur within the next 30 to 50 years. America is officially in the toilet.
  3. How is that reaching when Kings and Queens and even Presidents (FDR) married cousins.
  4. I have not condemned anybody on here except to use that which has been prophesied for millenia. I have my own religious beliefs (freedom of) and somebody else has their own (freedom of). If we do not agree, then so be it. Man - I will repeat it again - Man has instituted "freedom from" in order to keep the peace. Nothing more - nothing less.
  5. Abortion is murder. There is no right for murdering another individual.
  6. I will continue to write without expecting anything in return. Why would a Christian believe differently? I will keep praying for all of you without regard for sarcasm.
  7. You are not a social conservative if you agree with gay marriage.
  8. I have given no comment to indicate that I am intolerant of any individual or religion with regards for my love for Jesus Christ. The First Amendment states that we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.
  9. Your friend is not a social conservative if they believe in the rights of gay marriage. Why are you so sensitive about this?
  10. If you are going to bring up the Bible concerning Christianity, then please provide accurate meanings. Works and good behavior do not get you into heaven. BTW, separation of church and state is a joke. Thomas Jefferson did not believe in religion. Our country continues down the path of injustice due to our leaders' indignation towards God.
  11. Suggestion. You might want to read your bible about salvation. You are speaking about Man's expectations of you, not God's. Salvation is something different.
  12. Slippery slope? I am all for interracial marriage as long as it is 1 man and 1 woman. God created free will for individuals to choose.
  13. To doubt my statement (in post 293 when you said, "Right") shows no trust on your part. It definitely shows a lack of tolerance. I love all people. I work with all individuals to help them to understand that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light. If they choose not to follow Jesus Christ, then that is on them.
  14. We haven't heard from MCNM. He normally knows a lot about the football program.
  15. Your choice, but you do not have an understanding of the spectrum.
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