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Pura Vida

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Posts posted by Pura Vida

  1. I'm actually commenting more on Crawford being a puppet for TJ. UL has enough to worry about then me piling on.


    How does telling the Faux Tiger to stop his obsession with UK while you’re hanging out on a UofL thread… relate to the Crawford/TJ puppet thing?


    And while we’re on this topic, what are some of your examples of Crawford being “TJ’s” puppet? I didn’t think you’d read him.

  2. Your obsession with UK and their fans is really mind numbing. Please make it stop.


    What’s really entertaining (besides dissing Crawford then admittedly never reading him) is telling The Faux Tiger to stop his UK obsession while you’re all over this U of L thread. Classic…

  3. Yes Crawford is all over it. LOL


    Hey! We’re finally at a place in the scandal where haters are left LOL’ing AP award winning sports journalist to feel better about their life.


    Keep hanging around, maybe more scandalous details will emerge yet.

  4. I find this particular article kind of hard to follow. All I can make out is he’s saying the truth may be bad (yep we know).


    And on that note, I don’t get why people are so afraid of the truth.


    And finally, I get the feeling this thing may drag along forever.


    Ok I’m done.

  5. He’s a college kid who made a bad choice (with still plenty more to go, like all of us).


    I have no strong opinion on the 1 or 2 day game suspension. For drug/alcohol violations I do see a lot of value in a community service requirement. A college athlete could make a very meaningful impact to others struggling in this area. Good luck to JT.

  6. What do people in other countries wear to dress like an American? I envision hipster clothing for some reason.


    I work with an American woman who married a guy from the U.K. They moved to London and started a family, etc. When she was eligible, she applied to get dual citizenship (for the UK).


    On “ceremony” day the custom is to dress up in the culture from your home country. She dressed like a cowgirl. ???

  7. There is literally nothing that Pitino, UL, or Jurich could do that you all would condemn. You all are microchipped. People on here are foolish to believe that you all would condemn UL.


    The point is, nothing we say will ever satisfy you. The outrage and condemnation is there. It’s always been there. It just happens to be from you and others like you. And honestly it’s enough for everyone.

  8. Coach Bucket what is the Dom Brown treatment? Sorry I’m not savvy about all things football. LOL


    And completely off topic, but can I just give a shout-out to Garrick McGee (Louisville Offensive Coordinator). Love him! There are times when Petrino simply rips into players (aka Lamar) and McGee is always around to say it’s ok, it’s ok – and get the guys back together.

  9. Definitely tip my hair dresser + I try to bring her something fun depending on time of year, Christmas cookies or chocolates, etc. She loves it.


    I’ve tipped the garbage guys.


    Tried to tip guys at Tire Discounters for adding air to my tires, but they don’t accept.


    I have a co-worker that tips on top of gratuity already included in a group dinner bill. It’s a nice gesture, but none of the rest of us do. LOL

  10. UL is a joke and their AD is horrible. How can anyone think Pitino is innocent in this? He had an even worse scandal yet UL fans act as if he is a saint. The entire program is a joke and the AD and Pitino should be fired immediately.


    Yikes, apparently this is the place to take out last night’s frustration. Get it out guys.

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