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Pura Vida

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Posts posted by Pura Vida

  1. Wow intense episode!


    The NBA player said Alecia was a no brainer, but later seemed down about it. The bounty hunter who I previously loathed, scored major points by taking such good care of Cydney.


    I always like the unique/clueless to hang around on Survivor. It just makes it more fun. So kind of hoping Peter (Obama), Debbie, & Tai stick around awhile.


    It will be interesting to see how far the NBA player gets – seems like the celebrities go soon after the merge.


    I’m sure Caleb will return on a future season.


    At this point I’m rooting for Cydney & the Sorority Girl (Julia).

  2. It is my sad duty to report to you that our great friend and beloved Bellarmine University President, Dr. Joseph J. (Jay) McGowan passed away unexpectedly and peacefully at home early this morning after a brief illness, with his wife Maureen McGowan by his side.


    Our Lady of the Woods Chapel will be open today for all members of the Bellarmine University community.


    More information will be shared as it becomes available. In the meantime, I know you will join me in reflecting deeply not only on the magnitude of his accomplishments in this life and the gravity of our loss, but also on the good of this place, and our love for each other.


    Especially, we send our love and support to Maureen and their twin sons, Joseph and Matthew, at this most difficult time.


    Maureen wanted to come to the University early this morning and she met with the Cabinet, who is aware and who I have copied on this communication.


    Regards, Pat


    Pat Mulloy

    Chair, Board of Trustees



    We may stop by there enroute to UofL game tonight.

  3. Cards woke up late to get the win. That game was a bit strange and seemed to go on forever …


    David Levitch’s 3s were huge (and so fun to watch), Adel’s dunk fantastic, I really missed Ray Spalding! And other randoms: Still grossed out by the bloody jersey of Pitt’s Luther, that we had to look at all night.


    3 more games, go Cards!

  4. Oh wow that was an awesome amazing comeback win, it really doesn’t get much better than that, I love these Cardinals!!


    (And, you guys can definitely have Allen on your imaginary teams. Mine would NOT include him.)


    The city of Louisville was buzzing!! It was so fun hanging out on Bardstown Rd. last night with the good weather and the good win. People were everywhere, spilling out of restaurants & pubs. Loved the vibe, and as always, go Cards!

  5. That was an awesome game… and jpa you summarized it very well, as always!


    I am so excited about Mitchell and the future of ALL these guys.


    Looking forward to watching the Duke game back home in the Ville tomorrow. Hope the Cards can get the revenge win, Duke is playing so well right now!


    Any word on the Spalding injury?

  6. I feel for Trey, but my guess is Rick has somewhat started moving forward to get experience/work on next year’s starters. Although Damion Lee played nearly the entire game, so maybe that’s not it. LOL


    I do know that while the coaching mind is present; it is also always on the future.

  7. Game is today at 4pm @ Notre Dame. We, UofL fans, have been left with a hollow empty feeling towards the season – but we’re running out of games to talk about (LOL)…


    Cards couldn’t get the job done earlier this week at Duke. And it’s impossible to know how the post season ban impacts the game.


    Not knowing anything about ND, what can we expect?

  8. All college sports enthusiasts already have a view on Rick and his legacy… the author admits this in his last sentence (which makes the premise of the article invalid from my pov).


    Anyway, once Rick finally moves on from coaching I think he continues to hang “around”. He’s gregarious, analytical and never short on words. It wouldn’t surprise me to see him continue his career as a basketball commentator/guest analyst, etc. So for some, it may be awhile before he’s gone enough for his legacy to be fully established.

  9. Stuff I ponder on Ash Wed:


    “Remember man that you are dust, and in to dust you shall return.”


    “No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor and eat ashes and sigh continually, if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.”


    And from someone’s Facebook today… “Lent, a cathedral of silence in which we wait for the voice of the Lord”

  10. Ash Wed. came early this year!


    Anyone giving up something new this year? I am going to attempt to give up alcohol. I think it’s going to be really hard – I have a drink or two a couple of times during the week and definitely indulge on the weekend. I really hope I can do it!!

  11. Really think the back story to the self-imposed post season penalty is obvious to me. Pitino (knowing, or not) is 100% responsible for this travesty. He is being thrown under the bus (which is where he belongs) and will be gone from U.L. By season's end. Ramsey and Jurich have now seen enough ugliness from the investigation that Pitino needs to be punished, and thus the post-season penalty this year. If it was on next year, Pitino rides off into the sunset untouched, other than another crack in his moral rep. Jurich will skate with any future blems terminal. Ramsey has other problems, and he had no choice but to act Presidential in this matter.

    If NCAA does not come down harder, a quality coach will be attracted and perhaps recruits will go on as reasonably normal. IMO. NCAA would tarnish themselves if they don't go heavy on a school running a brothel for recruits and players.


    I literally love that this is what concerns you. At least you’re honest. :lol2:

  12. Even if he didn't know about it he should have. He had Minardi Hall built so he could better control his program. This is the second major scandal under his watch. Time to cut ties.


    Coaches and players (and AD's) should not be the sacrificial lambs for the deeds of the corrupt. It’s so wrong.

  13. My wife is freaked out by the two bodies up front.


    I forgot about that. For those wondering about the bodies are of two 3rd or 4th century Christian martyrs who died in the Roman Colosseum rather than renounce their faith. In Europe, it is common to inter those highly honored in public places. They used to be interred in a church/monastery/convent/ ( I forget which) in Italy but during the Italian Revolution in the 1870's, the revolutionary army was very anti religion especially anti Catholic and Church property was being destroyed in their path. Those who ran the Church/monastery/convent knew the pastor of my Church and asked if they could ship the martyrs to St. Martin's till things calmed down. Things never calmed down, the Church/monastery/convent was destroyed, most with it killed and the rest dispersed so the two Martyrs were never requested back and have remained at St. Martin's for 140 years or so.


    I’m not getting this entirely…. can you somehow see the bodies/remains??

  14. I’ve always had faith that we’re led to the people and the places where we are meant to be. Truly believe that Lee and Lewis’ time at UofL will have a significant positive impact in their life journey. Maybe this heartbreaking experience somehow opens even more doors…


    Dang it’s not happy hour yet, and already getting philosophical on this topic.

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