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Tony Cavalier

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Everything posted by Tony Cavalier

  1. Jay was a very physical player with a high motor. I really enjoyed watching him play while he was at Mayfield. If he can get that team to bring to the field what he brought between the lines every Friday, they are bound to successful.
  2. I know we have been dealing with this very issue for the past several seasons. I guess it would probably not be out of the realm to expect more schools going this route in the very near future.
  3. I do the same with many of the players during our weight training sessions. When they see myself and a few other coaches busting our tails, putting up bigger numbers and running every sprint along side them, it really eliminates any excuses on why they aren't working hard or saying something is too difficult. An old fella like myself, with a bum knee and a half torn pectoral muscle, grinding it out 5-6 days a week along side them helps them realize that they can always give more.
  4. Urban played for the Pulaski Braves in the Appalachian League. One of his two homeruns was hit against the Paintsville Yankees, who played their games at Johnson Central High School. Many great players played in that league during the early 80's including: Jose Rijo, Darryl Strawberry, Greg Maddux, Eric Plunk, Dwight Gooden and so on. Here is an article discussing the Yankees stint in Paintsville. MARK MAYNARD: When Paintsville had pinstripes - The Independent Online: Local Sports But to get back on topic, I think it is great for kids to enjoy their time while in high school and play every sport that interests them should they choose to do so. You only have one chance to live it up and to live life with the thought of, "What if?" really isn't worth it. From a recruiting aspect, several coaches that I have talked to during the process have asked if a particular player specializes in one sport or not. One told me that the reason they ask this is because if a player specializes some tend to view it that they have possibly maxed out their potential or there is little room for growth. All I would recommend to those that only play one sport, do everything you can to enhance your abilities and do the little things that no one should have to hound you to do. Be a great student, be accountable and lead by example. It is easy being average and skirting by with minimal effort. Push yourself to not only be the best player you can be but to also push yourself to be the best person you can be. Best of luck to all student athletes with whatever choices you make.
  5. Shawn Hager was the coach this past season. He resigned from the post last week.
  6. Senior Highlights - Austin Hatfield highlights Congratulations to Austin Hatfield on an outstanding career. A very humble and hard working young man that exemplifies all that is great about high school football. Best of luck Mr. Hatfield in your future endeavors.
  7. Congratulations to each of those honored and congratulations are in store for the committee that put together this list. Very nice compilation of talent from across the state.
  8. Sideline, send me the info if you don't mind.
  9. Ed, This past season was what many had predicted it to be, a rebuilding year. After having to replace the entire offensive backfield, half the offensive line, the entire LB corp, two defensive linemen and two guys in the secondary from the 2013 team the outlook going in was bleak and rightfully so. Both sides of the ball this past season were littered with Juniors and Sophomores in the starting line up. Next season we will return 17 starters from our base packages, 18 if we are able to insert our nickel player into a fulltime role in the secondary. We had several Freshmen step up this past season that saw a considerable amount of PT throughout the season, one started the CB position for us in all 12 games. That group, if they remain intact, to go along with another quality group 8th graders should provide a considerable amount of depth going forward. The Freshmen class from this season was heavily line players and next years class will be primarily filled with skill position guys. How those kids develop physically and mentally to the HS game over the next few years will determine the overall success of the program going forward.
  10. CCH is full from everything that I can gather that has been posted. They probably play one of the toughest, if not the toughest, schedule in the state next season. The only open week that I ever saw Coach Wirth post and inquire about was I believe Week 5 and that was a while ago, conflicting with when our district begins. I really did enjoy the games with CCH, minus 2012 and 2013's drubbings. Maybe something can be worked out starting in 2017. I would really enjoy the chance to see all the improvements that their football program's facilities are getting ready to undergo.
  11. JC does have plenty of parking and local restaurants in close proximity. The lot located at the gate can be used as the festival area with various business booths and inflatables for the kids. I think it is a great idea but probably wouldn't be able to get something firm until 2017 after the current two year scheduling period ends. I am in agreement that 4 local schools in the area from each class should be represented but would prefer the A and 2A schools commit to, like you said, 2 year deals. It wouldn't be hard to create a board that has a representative from each school participate to help secure capital and scheduling commitments. Each game would have their own sponsor with several sub-sponsors placing their name behind it as well. With the numerous hotels located within a 45 mile radius, lodging for visiting teams wouldn't be an issue. Allow each local school to run the concessions during one of the other games and throw in a percentage of the gate for the game they produce. That would make a nice pay day for each school while still allowing them to watch their respective team play. 30% of the gate and 50% of the concessions that are sold is a good number. The remaining can go back to the board to pay for team shirts, stipends for the traveling teams, entertainment and to help secure future opponents. If this thing is really going to get off the ground, interest and commitments from the locals should start immediately. It would make a for a great event and hopefully some people can sit down at a table and start hammering this idea out until fruition.
  12. ATL, no shot was delivered and all is well with your statement. We are fairly adamant that Week 3 be a home game, of course something may be FORCED in time, but a home game is really what we would like to have. As of now we have 5, potentially 6, away games for next season depending on how East Carter comes in during week 6. If this week is not a home game that would leave us with potentially a grand total of 3 home games for the 2015 season. I think you and most sensible people would agree that when football does not play a home game, the gate money that is used to fund other sports is also cut. There are numerous non revenue sports that get a cut of the pie to allocate the gate money towards their budgets. If you spend more than you bring in you become unprofitable and teams suffer due to that consequence. I think JC is one of the few schools that do not require a participation fee and that is mostly due to rough economic times Eastern KY is enduring. In all honesty most of the scheduling driving factors comes down to dollars and cents not necessarily the competition, which is why we always try to book 2 year deals with teams and at least split the regular season schedule, 5 home and 5 away. Lexington Catholic was a great get and hopefully we are able to get another team of similar caliber prior to kicking off district play. We may get it handed to us in the two LC games but it will greatly prepare us for later in the year. The primary reason Cardinal Mooney was contacted was because they were looking for a two year deal with an away game that week in 15 and a home game 16. Mooney would by far probably the biggest test we would see during the year, not taking away from Belfry because they are loaded for the next couple of seasons. If it were played on a Saturday night you would have a large gathering of JC fans, Mooney fans and the droves that are dying to see us get our doors beat off. The potential crowd for that game would easily fund 3-4 non revenue sports for their seasons. Speaking with Don he made it sound very similar to what most traditional non-state/national powers focus on with their schedules, all comes down to economics. He never said yes or no to the game but that it was a large road to haul that would eat a lot in their budget due to it being an over night trip and they are weighing other options at the time. Some of the schools they play are probably able to offer up more incentives for a game that we are simply unable to. One idea that I have been contemplating about was maybe a bowl game that both JC and Belfry are able to play in yearly. Rotate the sites between both schools, have sponsors to help us bring in teams like Mooney, Highlands, CovCath or Massillon. The year Belfry is scheduled to host JC have it at JC and when Belfry is scheduled to come to JC play it at Belfry. We could call it the "Hollars and Hills Bowl" or something along those lines. Belfry is also having a hard time with their scheduling according to the individuals I speak with on a regular basis and this would be a way to try to keep a lot of the miles off both schools to play these quality games.
  13. I was under the impression that they were always better than that. As a transplant to the area, and working side by side with some of the upper brass, they were very high on them. After all who am I to fight with the Mr. on this one. I was actually going to help Barnesville out prior to being promoted to a position that required extensive travel. Not sure of their tradition but just being around the game again was very exciting. I believe Coach Johnson has since moved on now that he has two young children. They played Martins Ferry, home of Alex and Lou, and one school that many in the community were high on was Stubenville. I remember seeing a young guy by the name of Dashaun Lewis just west of the valley, in Cambridge, one week. Very tough and physical player. Do you know whatever happened to him?
  14. Congratulations to Dawson Stalker (6'2 285) of Johnson Central High School by being selected to play in the Adidas Freshmen All-American game in San Antonio, TX on January 3. This game will be played following the Army All-American game. Huge accomplishment for this young man and I am very excited to see how well he continues to develop over the next three seasons. Dawson Stalker's Football Recruiting Profile
  15. I know that St. Clairsville has been contacted but I don't think interest was there due to the drive. It took me around 5 hours to make the trek by car, equating to probably a 6 hour bus ride. The contact information given to me from the school was to k.rine@omeresa.net, as the school stated he was the individual that was in charge of the football schedule. Another school in that vicinity is Union Local, typically a good team and probably one of the larger schools in Belmont County. Having worked there for a few years I got to know many of the programs but Union Local was the one that my former employer, Murray Energy, supported. This is primarily because all of Mr. Murray's children and his nephew, COO Rob Moore attended. A lot of people frown on Mr. Murray in that area but I really hold him in high regard for what all he was able to do for my family and myself. I also spoke with Don Bucci of Youngstown Cardinal Mooney about the Week 3 opening, unfortunately it was after Bo's Nebraska Cornhuskers gave up 430+ yards to the guy from Wisconsin. The conversation with him and discussing some of his former players is something that I will cherish. Not very often you can speak to an individual and just shoot it for a bit talking about the Stoops brothers and Bo, then their success that they all have had after graduating from there. He said if he can get some support and traction on their end to permit such a game of this distance (a sure overnight trip) that he would but they are weighing other options at that moment. I know we are looking for a home game this year to balance out the schedule for budgetary purposes to the best of our ability unless something can come up that is in close proximity. As of now we have 5, maybe 6 road games, this year depending on how the new district opponent comes in. The last I have heard is that a school did inquire about the opening and something at this point may be in further discussions. With Christmas Break, a lot of individuals are away and I haven't been able to obtain any additional information.
  16. Home and home. JC to Lex Cath in '15, and Lex Cath to JC in '16.
  17. Who is the team that Pulaski got to play in their bowl game week 0? Also, was the Bowling Green game a 1 year deal? If they go to Bowling Green and play these two teams, that is a heck of a schedule to prepare for the playoffs.
  18. An excellent game to see how the West in 4A potentially could shake out. Collins should be back in the running as well.
  19. The 2014 chapter in the unending story of KY High School Football has concluded following yet another successful season. 6 teams now stand firmly atop the platform of their respective classes, displaying rewards from the hours of hard work put in during the offseason. Soon the chalk will be flying in weight rooms across the state, cast iron records will fall to new faces, stadium stairs will emit the sounds of a small army marching and the screams of agony will echo from Pikeville to Paducah as the players push themselves to the limit with hopes to attain what every player that has ever laced them up dreams. With that being said and as the calendar begins to inch closer to the 2015 regular season, what are some of the notable games each school has this coming season?
  20. Absolutely, that is a whale of a season and effort by an individual any way you look at it.
  21. West Virginia does something similar to this. A state point rating system allows the top 16 from their 3 classes to make the playoffs. The first round is set up as 1-16, 2-15 and so on. The first round has home field advantage and the remaining ones are played at a neutral site. I think it would be hard to do in the state of KY due to the orientation, both WV and OH are situated N/S as KY boundaries are more E/W. Figs had a nice idea about ranking by region and then playing it out. Once the regional champion is crowned, re-rank the teams and have at it. A neutral site wouldn't be bad once you got this far in the playoffs, splitting the difference between the two schools locations.
  22. Wouldn't a lot of this be determined by how each school keeps a tally of these statistics? I know of some places that count every pile jumper with an assist and others give credit to the guy that made the intial contact and the second man in.
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