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George Amberson

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Everything posted by George Amberson

  1. Any way to see the replay of that tag from Billy?
  2. Can't wait for the day where announcements like this don't need to happen.
  3. :lol2: I get your point for sure. I'm not convinced they are guaranteed first rounders, but like I said, if they are and they decide to go I can't blame em! They should do what is best for them no matter what.
  4. Well I get that, but it's not ilke one more year of waiting is going to hurt. He said it himself they are good financially.
  5. Is there a specific reason he wants to see them to go pro? It seems like you're in the camp that believes he is going to tell them to go pro regardless. Obviously you have your connections and are a lot more in the know than the average fans here.
  6. I thought I heard they were setting up a UCLA game. Actually, I decided to google it again and here is what I found: UCLA-Kentucky "Showdown" Starting in 2014-15? - Bruins Nation
  7. Hmm that's interesting. I don't think there is a wrong decision here. If they both are guaranteed first rounders (not sure that's the case) and can get a guaranteed contract and live their dream then I don't see how that could be a bad decision. On the flip side, they could both mature, get stronger/quicker, fine tune their game, play one more year together, and potentially go as lottery picks. I don't see a bad decision for either and will support them no matter what. If this is the end, it was a great ride I'll never forget. If not, I can't wait to watch them suit up for UK next season.
  8. I honestly don't follow a single person who has said anything bad about Rex. He kept retweeting bad stuff UK fans were saying to him, that's how I know.
  9. Note I said similar because I think it's apparent UK has the most fans who freak out over everything. I really don't think they'd get a good reaction and would get plenty of hate for it. There's a lot of keyboard bullies out there you just don't realize how many until it's your team involved with something.
  10. Why would he be a bad parent if they declare for the draft? I don't really understand what you're getting at... I was just answering your question of you didn't know where people were getting that from. I answered it.
  11. I just didn't understand it. I can pretty much guarantee people would not be nearly upset if he just waited until after the game. For the record, I thought the timing was dumb, but I didn't let it bother me. He knew how the BBN would react and knowing they were getting ready to enjoy their title game and dropping that kind of bomb he was going to get a big reaction. Imagine (if I recall you're a Duke fan) Jay Williams saying Coach K was leaving one hour before the game. I imagine the reaction from the Duke fan base would be similar. Just let everyone enjoy the game and wait until after. If the timing doesn't matter, then neither would sitting on the info for a couple more hours.
  12. Rex can do what he wants and it's clear that he does. With that said, why not wait until right after the title game? Or the following morning? I'm just not sure what the point of saying it an hour before the game was. Did they affect leverage somehow so that win or lose Cal could get his deal sweetened? I don't know, but it doesn't make much sense to me. Hearing Calipari connected with other jobs happens every year so that didn't bother me, just the timing of it all.
  13. Yup. It was a shocking miss to say the least but just one of many on the night. I just think fatigue caught up to them.
  14. I think a lot of people are getting their info from the talk Aaron Harrison Sr had with his sons before the SEC tournament saying (i'm paraphrasing here) that they didn't need to worry about the NBA, to just play and have fun, and their financial situation was just fine. http://www.courier-journal.com/article/20140315/COLUMNISTS02/303150045/Adam-Himmelsbach-Harrison-sons-shine-after-Dad-lifts-cloud
  15. He could be right, could be wrong, that's the beauty of his/the media's predictions, you never know and if you're wrong well screw it who cares! PS, Julius Randle just texted me, he is going to be back at UK next season. 100% book it.
  16. Rex just posted this article to his website explaining his comments and the Cal situation: Can't Reason With Unreasonable - Cal, The Loud BBN Minority And The Business of Basketball - iRex3.com
  17. This is reporting these days. Guess and hope you're right. If not, "well information changed," "i'm shocked, but nothing is ever a lock," etc.
  18. Then followed that up later with this: Seth Davis‏@SethDavisHoops·2 hrs this is Twitter. I can say anything RT @barrrrgo: how can you possibly say there's no chance the twins come back?
  19. Great atmosphere in Rupp right now for the season celebration
  20. Yeah I know they did, that's the players though not a coach and a player. For as good as Cal is, LeBron is going to win titles with a good coach, but more importantly, with a good supporting cast. No one can do it alone.
  21. I don't doubt that all. LeBron is the most underpaid professional in all of sports in terms of everything he brings to a franchise. However, there is no way LeBron has made the decision (no pun intended) to go to LA with the playoffs right around the corner. Not to mention, him and DWade are best friends and of course close with Bosh too. I just don't see any way that all these moving parts have been figured out. Now, could it happen? Sure, it could. But, I think it is a lot of speculation and people trying to make things stick right now.
  22. Ah, slip of the memory there. Pardon me in this day of mourning for my Cats. I still just can't see the twins leaving but maybe i'm just hopeful.
  23. I could see UK doing that pretty easily honestly. I also don't think he is going to be the Lakers coach nor would they offer him that much money either.
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