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Everything posted by DoTell

  1. I hope that some who post here will have the integrity to step up and address your issues with the coaching staff. And yes, they are your issues. I have watched the HHS threads with amusement all season long as some of you have shown your lack of character and class by bashing a staff that is basically volunteering to help your kids. Every school has parents who do not agree with their soccer coaches. Thankfully, most do not air their grievances in a public forum as some HHS parents do. Perhaps the kids that opted out this year did so because they could not stand the annual infighting and negativity that surrounds HHS girls soccer. This attitude infected the program just within the past half dozen years and it is now and has always been a 'parent problem'. These years are short, the high school soccer seasons are over in the blink of an eye. Do your kids a favor. Get rid of the negativity in this program, butt out and let them enjoy their high school soccer years.
  2. Or, perhaps the child in the public school was the one who opted out of going to the private school? I do not know, do you?
  3. Of course your school would have to avoid scheduling the private schools during the regular season as well. You certainly would not want your kids subjected to a humiliating defeat at the hands of a bunch of private school kids, regardless of the point in the season.
  4. Do you think their religious faith might have a bearing on the decision? Would an all girls environment impact the decision? Would staying with classmates that they have been with throughout grade school be a factor? Or, would all these things just be afterthoughts, taking a back seat to sports?
  5. Would a public school state championship really be a state championship if the winner did not have to beat the best teams in the state? They would always be the * state champion.
  6. Plotting? I think that may be too strong a word. If it is the players, perhaps hoping might be a better one. With the tuition rates at NDA, it is doubtful that every player on a club team will be going there. If it is the parents, I doubt that the primary motivation for planning on a NDA education is soccer. Likely, that is just a bonus for their daughters.
  7. So next up is NDA. How long has it been since NCC has beaten NDA?
  8. Yeah, I figured I did not need to point out the obvious or that my tongue was firmly planted in my cheek for that post.
  9. JC could make a call down to Florida. Highlands seems to have no trouble getting teams to travel 1000+ miles to play in Kentucky with no return home game.
  10. It is likely tough to get a quality team that would be willing to travel all the way to JC just because JC wants to play them. If JC truly wants better competition, they may have to travel without the expectation of a home game in return.
  11. By advancing more quickly, I mean that perhaps there were fewer breaks in the action where a substitution could have been made. Lots of ball control, few throw ins. I was not there, so I do not know this.
  12. Good, glad to hear that. I also agree with your point that if only 1 player was not inserted, it is not a good thing. Perhaps, the game clock advanced more quickly that anticipated and there was no time to get her in, or maybe there was a disciplinary reason we are unaware of.
  13. This year's Cov Cath team is just not very good. It should be a competitive game.
  14. Perhaps it made no sense to you, but again, I doubt the coach made the change in an effort to sabotage the team's chance of winning. Do you feel differently?
  15. Ok, change my question from lineup change to position change. Still like to hear an answer on it. I do agree that come playoff time, some players will not see the field. Most coaches make this clear to their teams. The best, most effective lineup will play the majority of minutes to try to advance and only players that can play to that level will be used as subs when the starters need a breather or if a starter is ineffective. The rest of the players should be prepared to play if called on, but should not expect playing time just because they are on the roster.
  16. Do you believe the coach is intentionally sabotaging his team's chance to win by changing the lineup? Is it not more likely that he believes he has found a matchup/weakness in the opposing team that he can try to exploit, thereby giving his girls a better chance to win, with the new lineup?
  17. IMHO, no. Dixie cannot compete with the downstate 6A teams. Neither can any other NKY 6A team. Sad to have to say, but until it is proved otherwise, NKY 6A football is not very good.
  18. Given the choice between Cake and Crow...well...
  19. If we take the UK logic, Dixie beats SK, Cov Cath throttled Dixie, Highlands crushed Cov Cath...ergo, no contest between SK and Highlands. Right?
  20. I voted Dixie in this one. SK has had too many close games against average teams to be considered a threat to do much of anything in the post season.
  21. Kind of a low score for the Birds. How did the game go?
  22. Gotta say I am surprised by this result. Nice win for the Red Colonels! Better open wide UK#1, you have a lot to eat.
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