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Everything posted by Orion20

  1. TMC is loaded with talent on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. It might be a 4 pony race, but it's very possible TMC could have been one of them ponys. I understand where you're coming from, but they're loaded with talent. Not to take anything away from the seniors, but they're going to be even more loaded next year. Hopefully next year brings a different result. Just shows that you HAVE to win out within your conference. 12 penalties and a quarter and half a quarter did them in.
  2. I agree. Where is the room to expand that many seats. Nippert is in a pretty confined area as it is.
  3. I went to some football games in the past and knew about Cohorn and him setting numerous receiving records at Dixie, but I didn't realize him and Hatton really knew eachother. Isn't Hatton getting close setting the scoring record at Dixie?
  4. I didn't know that. Smart basketball player. What's the connection between Hatton and Cohorn?
  5. I was at the game today. Holmes looked pretty good. The program had only 3 seniors listed on the team. If that's true they're going to be pretty good with many underclassmen they play. They go about 10 deep. I looked across the stands and noticed Brandon Hatton sitting with Goose Cohorn. I know Cohorn plays football there, I guess Hatton was doing some scouting on his own.
  6. This game is crazy! Gutsy call by Brossart with the season on the line. WOW!
  7. The TMC stats have him second in receptions at 15 and yardage at 172 and 2 TD's. He has been a starter all year. I go to all the TMC home games and this kid can really go. He seems much faster than when I seen him play at Dixie. More leaned out. I've seen him make some crazy cathes, but what catches my eye is his blocking downfield. He blocks reall well, really physical type of blocker without the ball. I'm kind of suprised he's not playing at a higher level somewhere. TMC definately got a good football player in Cohorn. Great school for him also on the education end and his future.
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