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Everything posted by BIG BLACK JACK

  1. Tired of getting info for you. You're an able body at a computer, no more free handouts!
  2. Yes. Regardless of what race the candidateh is. I just wanted to point that out, because I could not count how many people think "Oh the blacks are just voting for Obama because he is also black." No, they are voting for him because he's a Dem. Now they probably came out in higher numbers, like I stated before, but Obama running did not change their voting patterns.
  3. If this isn't a reliable enough source for you, I will sift through the internet and attempt to find a better one. http://http://www.blackdemographics.com/blackpolitics.html This site shows the following: 1996- Clinton = 93% of Black vote. 1992- Clinton = 91% of Black vote. 1980- Carter = 94% of Black vote. 1976- Carter = 93% of Black vote.
  4. You, along with all the other Reps. who have complained about the blacks voting for a black, do realize that the black vote has ALWAYS GONE TO THE DEMOCRATS? Please tell me that you WERE aware of this? Yes, maybe having a black male run for office increased their turnout numbers, but the black community has ALWAYS supported the Dems. Their vote this election and the last election should be of no surprise to you or any other Republican, and no not because Obama is black, but BECAUSE HE IS A DEMOCRAT! I am almost under the assumption that it goes wayyyyyyyyy beyond the fact that Reps. are not in touch with reality. I think they refuse to accept how things are, and how they are becoming. If you want to go back to the mid 1800's take a trip down to Oxford, Mississippi and shout "The South Will Rise Again" will everyone down there. I am dumbfounded at how ignorant some people continue to be.
  5. Sorry I get the two schools confused a lot. Hope Guru doesn't kill me for it.
  6. Definitely Warren Central at Graves County. Not only #3 v. #9, but the fact that Warren Central's coach is going to face the team that he coached for many and left for the Warren Central job should make this game even more intriguing. Also expect great games in the following: Cooper v. Franklin Co.; Monroe and PT; and every single 4A should be a dandy (I might have to get out of Lex and find one of the 4A games that will be reasonably close).
  7. If it's grown in the US, would it be safe to assume those who buy it off the farm are injecting that money into the US economy? Since they are buying it in the US.
  8. Biggest cash crop in ths US. I think legalizing it will drive down the price, therefore hurting the economy. But then again, its legalization will empty out a lot of the prisons and would save the criminal justice system a TON of money.
  9. QB- Fitzpatrick RB- C. Johnson RB- Turner WR- Colston WR- Marshall Flex- T. Smith TE- Pettigrew K- Hanson DST- Broncos
  10. I would like to see Booker eventually run, but not in 2016.
  11. I would support Christie. I think Sandy displayed his ability to work across party lines which cannot really be said about anyone anymore.
  12. Had a dream about a former classmate of mine, his brother who had recently passed away was also in the dream. I hadn't seen him in two, three years. Next day I see the same guy out at Wal-Mart. Crazy. Makes you a believer in the man above.
  13. Yes. 3-4 times I remember vividly. I've been out of HS five and a half years.
  14. You want Monroe to Schedule Warren Central and Bowling Green? What good would that do them? You saw what Central did to Mayfield and FC, also saw what BG was doing to Hendo before the storms stopped the slaughter.
  15. No love for the 10th? Come on people. I expected better of you all.
  16. Cruz and Cobb (only if Nelson is out). Otherwise roll with Fitz.
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