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Posts posted by hrcarrier

  1. This was a huge win for the Irish.


    The rape involving one of his players and the accident with the student filming will not cause him to lose his job. Something will likely come of it, but not his job. I'm aware that some don't like Kelly and believe that he is all about himself, but I do believe that he is the coach that will turn Notre Dame around. Will he ever be Holtz? Never. Will he be far better than anyone else that's been there since Holtz? Very likely. What he did with the University of Cincinnati was amazing during his short time there and he really put that program on the map in comparison to what it had been. I know that ticket sales there sharply increased during his last two seasons as well.

  2. Look at it from another bright side, at least the Big East will have a team that has proven itself BCS capable over the past few seasons. With TCU coming over, imagine how tough the Big East may be if Rodriguez was still at West Virginia, Petrino was still at Louisville, and Kelly was still at Cincinnati. With these teams in mind, I believe that Louisville will only get better if Strong does not take a position somewhere else in the future.

  3. I had heard that BSU could land in the Humanitarian Bowl and I hope to goodness that isn't true. It is pretty amazing that everyone roots for the little guy during March Madness but they seem to be the black sheep when it comes to football. I know the horse is nothing but bones by now but a playoff would be unreal.


    I feel the same way. Just think, the UCONN Huskies will make a major BCS game with a win next week, which will make them Big East champions. I hear a lot of people talking about how bad the WAC, Mountain West, and other conferences are due to the weaknesses in their schedules. I would take a one loss team out of the WAC or Mountain West before I would take a Big East and possibly even ACC champion the way these conferences played this year.


    And for those thinking that Boise would get blown out if they played a team like Alabama, LSU, Michigan State, Ohio State, etc., I do not believe that it would happen.

  4. Petrino will be a front runner in my opinion. Give him the hot bed of talent in Florida and a big name program and you will see National Championships.


    I agree with this strongly, Petrino would be huge for the program and I wouldn't be shocked to see the Hurricanes in title contention within two or three seasons.

  5. I'm not sure who wins this one, this may be the best title game going on between all classes. I know that NC is good from what I've gotten to see of them. I did not see OC play this season, but from what many have said, OC is very good offensively, which I suppose is accurate if they put up over 60 points against Danville. This one could be very high scoring and I believe that the winner will be the team that causes more punts, turnovers, etc.


    Good luck Breds, bring the title back to NKY!!!

  6. I wouldn't say it will be a cakewalk for anyone, but if one has more of an advantage, I would go with Highlands and Trinity. The 4A title games have been very close over the past two seasons with what were considered by many to be blowouts and I believe that the Class A-3A title games could be very close. The Mayfield/Hazard game could be really interesting and I don't know which way to pick due to not being familar with Hazard. Good luck to all teams.

  7. Boise let a huge lead slip away. I feel bad for them. UKMF you're crazy if you don't think any team in the country is hoping they don't have to face them in the bowl game. One loss does not make them an average team.


    I completely agree, I guarantee that there are plenty teams that would not want to play Boise during the bowl season. Don't forget about TCU either, if Oregon loses next week, I believe TCU will make the title game, which is a HUGE if, Oregon is looking good, but you never know what happens in these weird rivalries.

  8. Thanks for the compliment and we will do better in 2A than most people expect, like how nobody gave us a shot at the beginning of this season. I thought we had this game wrapped up but Hazard somehow managed to score with little time left, it was a heart-breaker. Meaning no slight to Hazard, I think we should be going to WKU right now. The senior class we had was awesome and our team grew so much through the season and we worked so hard, its tough to see it all end. The worst part being is that was the last game I would ever play with some of my brothers. I will be rooting for Hazard against Mayfield and I honestly think they will win, I really want to see to see Coach Dixon win state. LCA will reload for next year and we will shock 2A, they won't see us coming.


    P.S. it's good to be back on bgp.


    I believe that you all will be very good in 2A, I wish your team the best of luck.

  9. Just in, had to hit Florence Hooters before that insane drive, opted not to stay the night and now that I'm home I am glad I didn't stay.


    Mayfield is use to travel and I think that made travel a non issue and for those who slammed our schedule I don't know what to tell you. Niether of these teams had played a truly great team, other than BW -NCC, since about the 4th or 5th week of the season. Mayfield seemed to have a few to many weapons for BW and our line play was solid and eventually in the second half was completely dominant. Speed too may have slightly favored the Cards. I have for some time felt like many on here (mostly non Beechwood fans) overlook Mayfield or have just watched BW own 1A to the point that Bw is in your head. Mayfield, has never had to deal with any of those type intimidations issues with the Tigers. I have to ask those who were there, and have wondered myself, had Bw taken that opening drive in for a score would this have been a different game. Yes and know in my opinion, I thought Mayfield was better but that would have atleast slowed the eventual contol of the game in Mayfield's favor. I was astounded by BW's ability in the first half to convert 3rd downs, many 3rd and longs. Did Bw wear down in the second half, espically upfront, or did they give up. Mayfield was well on their way after returning the kickoff for a TD but the drive that I thought put a stamp on the game was when Mayfield lined up and ran heavy doses of Jonathan Jackson straight at Bw running clock and breaking BW's will. Vocke, is a great back but I thought we did a great job on him all night and BW just did not look like they were all that comfortable having to go at it through the air. Did BW get out of their comfort zone when Vocke was ineffective?


    BW needs more seating but man what a field. If any of you Tigers come down to BG, look us up, I really enjoyed meeting SportsGuy who, like the BW program is nothing but class. I hate that drive it is just wrong to have these in the same bracket but atleast its Bw's turn to drive next year. Okay, enogh of my sorted ramblings and off to bed with a smile I am going.


    A couple of the things you mentioned could be true. Vocke has not really been made a non-factor all season, so neutralizing and stopping him could have been a huge difference in the way Beechwood played offensively.

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