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Everything posted by hrcarrier

  1. This game is interesting. I believe KCD wins but wouldn’t be too surprised if Bethlehem does.
  2. Far, things haven’t been remotely close in Blacksburg for football since Beamer left.
  3. I think the Bengals can win this. Defense needs to be on its A game, if not it could be a shootout type of game.
  4. It will be tough, Houston is a totally different team with Stroud and Baltimore has been playing lights out. If we win both of those games than I believe there will be more confidence overall.
  5. It was nice to see the TE production overall for the game too. Even with his struggles from before, it was nice to see Irv Smith Jr catch the few he did, including the touchdown. Hopefully he continues improving.
  6. Big and needed win. They weren’t as sharp overall as last week but I’ll take it. Our defense is going to need to play very good next week. CJ. Stroud is no fluke by any means, he’s the real deal.
  7. The AFC North is tougher than any other conferences by far right now.
  8. Burrow has been off a little at times tonight. All in all, good game still.
  9. Huge fumble there, they were on their way to a touchdown very likely.
  10. Even bigger defensive stand coming up. The offense has been lacking some since halftime.
  11. Huge touchdown pass to Sample on the Bengals last drive. Also a huge grounding call on Allen to end the half, questionable or not.
  12. Hopefully there’s more of things that Irv showed to come.
  13. This one interests me. I believe either team can win and that this is likely close. I will go with Ryle with being home and with their improved play later into the season.
  14. I’m going with Lloyd without much, if any trouble. Good luck to both teams.
  15. Wherever it is I plan on being there. Win or lose, Dayton pride! Good luck to both teams and an injury free game.
  16. Hard to argue that, Oklahoma State should be the team of the Big XII moving forward for a while. If anyone consistently challenges them, maybe Kansas State.
  17. I think it’s a very fair and rational question to ask. Between the Bengals improving, Baltimore looking as good as they have, Cleveland continuing in its winning ways, and Pittsburgh playing pretty well overall too. I don’t think that an overall division is very close to them right now in all of the NFL.
  18. Dayton will face the Thoroughbreds for the second time in this second round matchup. The last time playing, the Thoroughbreds won with no trouble and a running clock. Is it a repeat of what last happened or does Dayton make it more interesting this time around?
  19. I believe Paris wins, should be a fairly good game.
  20. I thought the same thing about Freeman. I don’t know if I’d say this game seals anything necessarily, but it deducted from the nine lives he began with. I think he gets at least another season, but guess we will see. Regardless of winning/losing, I don’t think anyone can argue that Notre Dame played a very tough schedule this season.
  21. Final. Crusher for the Sooners. With losing their second, does anyone from the Big XII have a shot at the playoff? There’s still plenty football to be played in multiple conferences but with Texas losing to Oklahoma, it’s looking a lot more limited.
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