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Zoot Soup

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Everything posted by Zoot Soup

  1. I wouldn't say he's pathological. He knows what he's saying and he can control it. It just fits his narrative. My question is this- what is Beck doing that is different than Obama 2 years ago? He is preaching hope and change, just not using those exact words.
  2. I am sincerely glad you feel that way, but I'm afraid if you turn on the news it tells a much less rosy story.
  3. Isn't Krauthammer doing the same thing here that he rails against? He laments the (all terms used very generally) left seeing the right as in need of someone more sophisticated telling them what to believe, but then he generalizes all liberals as elitists.
  4. Doyel claims Bruce Weber of Illinois was the rat.
  5. I'm ok with everything but the Islamophobia part. American ARE Islamophobic, there's no denying that.
  6. But c'mon Clyde! It's so much fun to be honest and tell people their teams are terrible.
  7. Goodman says (and Twitter somewhat confirms) Terrence Jones had a big hand in landing Wiltjer.
  8. Interesting. Looks like he should be playing at Duke.
  9. I've never been either, but between Google Earth and booking sites, you might need to stay downtown to get a decent price. Most stuff near the stadium is around $400 a night right now. Downtown has a direct train line that will take you to the stadium and (hopefully) keep you out of the mess of driving in.
  10. Pretty interesting. It bring back into question what I asked in another thread. Is this current round of Islamophobia media driven?
  11. Doesn't look like you figured the Crusades in that. Should pull it about even.
  12. Not that it matters a whole lot, but where did you read that?
  13. Not sure what you mean here. The stabber was named Michael Enright and the cabbie was from Bangladesh.
  14. Is this what the hate speech and Islamophobia is creating? http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/08/26/new.york.muslim.stabbed/index.html?hpt=T1
  15. Nor is the mosque directly across the street from Ground Zero. It's all relative.
  16. It has, but it looks like execs believe UK/UT is a little saucier than UK/UF.
  17. On a smaller scale, maybe. But I'm sure to the Columbine families it wasn't.
  18. At least fast forward that to about 7 minutes and watch the Charlton Heston thing.
  19. Possibly, but it's still pretty funny. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party
  20. I seem to recall them mentioning something about that briefly in history class in high school. I think the History Channel had a show about it once. What I meant, though, is that no one would protest a synagogue, Buddhist temple or church. Islam is the religion (right now) that everyone likes to give a hard time.
  21. I'm saying all media because they give it coverage, debate it on every angle and every hour. Until these last few months, we heard very little about mosque controversies and now they seem to be popping up every day. I just think it's because it's the hot topic of the day and talking about it draws viewers.
  22. I'm not talking about the mosque near Ground Zero. That's a legitimate debate in my opinion. But if you look at the news it seems like every state is having a mosque debate. I'd dare say that far, far fewer Muslims are against mosques in those places.
  23. Islam is the only religion folks seem to go out of their way to attack. I didn't see anyone complaining when the Buddhist temple was build on US60 between Lex and Winchester. Nor do I see people protesting at the mosque on Limestone across from UK's campus. Of course, that one's been there for 10+ years. Why is it a big deal all of a sudden when Muslims want to build mosques?
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