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Know It All

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Everything posted by Know It All

  1. Agreed. Bad policies on both sides of the border.
  2. The Clever Way GOP Congressman Is Pushing Back After IRS Claims Lois Lerner Emails Were ?Erased by a Glitch? | TheBlaze.com
  3. I'll answer for him. The Chamber Of Commerce, National Right To Life, & The National Rifle Association Are Waging War On Conservatives | RedState
  4. Rand's response: Rand Paul to Hillary: Take your 'sad song' of financial difficulties to the American people Ouch.
  5. Yeah, they do care. Every politician who worries about reelection cares (which is all of them). It's one of the hottest issues in national politics. Why do you think the Obama Administration has had to actively defend these programs since the Snowden revelations? Significant public opposition from BOTH parties. A lot of people care and there are a few in Congress who have forced votes (see Amash amendment) to put our elected officials on record. An informed voter would find out how their elected official voted and use that to determine how to cast their ballot. Just because President Obama supports the NSA's surveillance programs doesn't mean everyone else could care less. That's an emotionally convenient viewpoint. Because of Edward Snowden, we're having a national debate about the legality and constitutionality of these programs.
  6. When you're done whining about Obama being attacked by his opposition (just like every other President) let me know. The NSA is collecting and storing my personal information without Congressional oversight and outside the legal bounds of the Executive Branch. You may be uninformed, that doesn't mean everyone else is.
  7. Not according to polling: RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination
  8. What are you talking about? (edit) I mean, what's your point?
  9. As someone who has grown up in the digital age and values my privacy, it's sad to so-called "informed voters" not care about the vast expansion of government surveillance. Especially since the legal basis for most of these programs was assumed by the NSA, without consent of Congress or the FISA court. It's not about Obama - or Bush - it's about deciding if the surveillance state is the route we want our country to take. I guess if you were more technologically inclined you would care enough to hold those in power accountable.
  10. The question as to whether Snowden is a traitor or not is irrelevant IMO. The dude left the country, he probably knows he's a traitor. So what? It's beside the point. The problem is - should our government have the legal authority to scoop up billions of records every day of every American citizen without a warrant citing where and what is to be seized? If you believe in our democratic process, government transparency and accountability then that answer should be a resounding "no." The more important question, however, is - is sifting through trillions of stored records the most effective and efficient way of finding credible threats to national security? And I think the Boston bombing already answered that question.
  11. Actually Rand has been the Republican front-runner for awhile now. I think Rove and the establishment already see him as a legitimate threat and polling indicates he is. The biggest factor playing for him is his ability to swing young adults and independents by taking hard stances on civil liberty issues (NSA, indefinite detention, TSA) while still keeping the conservative base happy. The primary kicks off in Iowa, a caucus state, which plays to Team Rand's strengths. If he takes Iowa, he'll have a good chance of taking New Hampshire. His father placed 2nd with 23% of the vote.
  12. If the 2016 Republican Primary for POTUS was held today - who would you vote for?
  13. You don't consider sexual harassment in the workplace a violation of women's rights?
  14. “I would return any money that was associated with Clinton, because I think he’s a bad role model for the workplace, for women’s rights, for all of that,” Paul said. “I think really, frankly, they ought to be a little embarrassed to be associated or being seen with him.” Read more: Paul slams Clinton-Grimes event - Andrea Drusch - POLITICO.com :lol2: How can the left champion "women's rights" and associate with a man who as President had sexual relations with an intern? Thoughts?
  15. Too many law-abiding citizens are left defenseless because of onerous laws such as gun free zones and expensive permit fees. You're assuming law-abiding good guys are guilty of a crime before they even commit one. Geez.
  16. It's not about extending a law-abiding gun owner's right to self-defense in a bar? I don't see what the fuss is about. Now, law-abiding gun owners may carry a concealed firearm in a bar. Good. We need more good guys with guns if the bad guys are already carrying them. For the record, I'm not a fan of the NRA. They compromise too much.
  17. You're wrong. Here's a link to the bill's text (you'll have to download a word doc): 14RS SB60 Read pages 13 and 21. The bill allows you to carry a concealed firearm inside a bar as long as you do not consume alcohol. Besides, it's already legal to open carry a firearm in bars anyway.
  18. The opposition is liberal Republicans. If you don't want to see a divided party, tell John McCain, Lindsey Graham, John Cornyn, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, and Eric Cantor to stop using their power to coerce the R caucus into supporting big government policies. There's a reason why the Obama Administration is using the IRS to double-down on C4s, conservative groups have kicked liberal butt over the past few years. Here is a list of hard-right groups you need to check out: Senate Conservatives Fund National Association for Gun Rights National Pro-Life Alliance National Right to Work Committee National League of Taxpayers Campaign for Liberty Club for Growth Tea Party Patriots FreedomWorks
  19. What constitutes a bar? How about a restaurant like O'Charley's that serves alcohol?
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