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Everything posted by AUSCAR27

  1. Thoughts and prayers from Union for a quick recovery. I have been on the field with our kids before when this has happened; there is nothing more scary than when one of your kids goes down with a head or neck injury.
  2. Back to the top of the thread; it started out giving the score and what a fun game to watch because of the amount of scoring. It was definitely entertaining for the fan, but for a coach... not so much. How it has evolved into this and gotten off track so much, I have no idea. It has turned into another thread with nothing to do with the topic of the score of the game and turned into an opinion on how you don't feel freshmen should play JV. Again, not sure how it has gotten to this point, maybe another thread should be started addressing this specifically. Both Ryle and Highlands are fine schools with great programs, it will be exciting to watch these young men as they grow and mature into varsity level players.
  3. Totally agree, as long as the feeder teams are mirroring the offense and defense that the High School is running. Not that it has to be exactly the same but if the kids are getting a good foundation and understanding of what the Varsity team is running, they are way ahead of the curve. In Boone County we don't have middle school football, which I feel hurts kids getting ready to go to the high school level. The problem that we have is a bit different, our pee-wee league, although pretty solid, feeds into four high schools and the kids are not necessarily drafted on to a pee-wee team that may feed into the high school that they will attend. I am very close to one of the county schools and would love to see us have a middle school football program. Sounds like you have a good program and wish you the best of luck!
  4. Putting out an order to the team to "take out" a player from another team?? That's funny!! What do you think this is, The Longest Yard? Pretty hard to target someone and take them out of a game, unless you have a team full of "Cheap Shot Artists." I don't think that HHS or Ryle operates like that.
  5. Wow, after such a hard fought game on both sides of the ball, you are complaining about someone that you know nothing about. The man that you are speaking of is a man of great integrity and honor. If you spent one hour with this man you would be a better person for it. He runs a non-profit ministry that does nothing but good things for people all over the world that are less fortunate than you and me. I find it offensive that you would make such unfounded statments about him; you should be ashamed! I don't know who you are referring to but I would bet my life on it that you have pointed out the wrong man.
  6. Wow.... Do you think that you should call Ryle and tell them to stay home? Doesn't sound like they should even waste the gas money!!
  7. It would be nice to stay on track with the HHS/Ryle thread. BTW, Conner's last two TDs were with less than two minutes left in the game, equaling more than 1/2 of their total offense, with quite a few of Ryle's 2s in the game. Conner was never in the game! Don't count on this tonight, I'm sure that the 1s will play the entire game. HHS has a very nice team and a long tradition, they have proved themselves over the years as a powerhouse in the area. Ryle has a very nice program as well. Look for alot of hard hitting tonight, should be a good game.
  8. I hesitate to respond to this argument that HHS is #9 in the country because I don't want anyone to think that I am taking anything away from their talent or tradition. I feel like HHS is probably the most talented/best executing team, from top to bottom, in the Greater Cincinnati area(maybe in the state of Ohio and KY). That being said, I find it hard to believe that there aren't 9 teams better in FL, TX, CA, NJ, PA...etc. There may be 9 better teams in each of the states that I mentioned above, for that matter. I am not sure what the criteria for the determination of the national rankings but I am sure that it has to do with the strength of schedule and record, but again, that is based on the schools in this area. Again, all of that said, it is nice to have a team from NKY mentioned with the top teams in the country.
  9. You are correct, normal home(Black) and away(White) jerseys, he does wear #17. They wore Orange for Boone and must not have a #17 jersey in Orange.
  10. Ryle head coach called across the field to the Cov Cath head coach with about 7:30 left in the 4th to put in the reserves. At this point the game was decided(34-7), they wanted all of the kids to get on the field in their final Freshman game.
  11. Cov Cath just came to play tonight and our kids did not, Cov Cath deserved to win the game. You should be congratulating Ryle on a great, undefeated regular season instead of taking shots. Not sure if our kids were really out to impress you with any of their wins. Good luck to the Colonels in the Championship game... Good group of kids!
  12. The latest time that I have heard is 7:00, for TV scheduling purposes. Both Ryle and SK web sites confirm this.
  13. I absolutely agree, great kids at both schools! Like you, I have had the opportunity to watch these kids grow through the years and are becoming great young men.
  14. Wow, where to even start... You are right, if Cooper ends the season without a loss, they do have the right to claim they are the best "small school" in N. KY. And to put to bed the idea that Ryle doesn't want to play Cooper, that's not exactly right. The night of the Tom Potter Classic (Friday8/14/09), Rile Varsity played Dixie. Ryle freshman were supposed to play the Dixie freshman within the time frame set forth by the KHSAA (3hr. window). The Dixie freshman coach said that they would not be ready with only two weeks preparation leading up to the scrimmage. The Ryle freshman head coach contacted the Cooper freshman head coach to schedule a scrimmage on the Ryle varsity practice field, Cooper agreed. The day before the scrimmage, Thrusday, Cooper contacted Ryle and said that they would not come to Ryle to play the game. Ryle freshman head coach asked the Ryle varsity head coach if they could play at Cooper, he said they could. Again, the game was set to play Thursday at Cooper, the Cooper freshman coach agreed but called back and said that the Cooper Varsity coach was not sure about the KHSAA rules and would not allow the scrimmage to take place. I have a pretty solid source that this is exactly what took place. My point is, it is not Ryle that is not willing to play, they tried and it did not happen. Ryle has a full schedule of 8 games plus the playoffs and couldn't fit Cooper in, after the fact. Were they supposed to drop one of their scheduled games to set up a game with Cooper? Don't think so. As far as "big school" "small school" is concerned. Is each school supposed to decide weather to play up or down each year based on expected talent level, or do you play in the category of the size of your school? What makes more sense? I have heard this argument in several threads. Surprised that no one has brought this up before now.
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