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Posts posted by FalconBacker

  1. I agree, Tre made a textbook open field tackle last night on a Monroe County option pitch in the open field. He can cover a lot of ground in very short time.:walk:


    Tre Powell doesn't get mentioned nearly as much as the older talent that he has around him. Tre is probably the best pound for pound athlete on the team.

  2. Just getting back from Tompkinsville.


    Everyone was spent after this game. The coaches. The players. The fans. Everyone. Emotions stayed high thoughout the game and it really was a great atmosphere for football.


    The signage coming into town was great as well. My favorite was the marquee on the business across the street from Pizza Hut. It said "Sorry Pizza Hut. We want Papa Johns." Very nice.


    It was great to eat some great BBQ with Toebud and talk football. Great stuff. Also great to meet the "Monroe Trifecta" of Toebud, Semperfifalcon, and tsyoung7. Always great to talk football with you guys and the hospitality was great.


    Hats off the Monroe on the great season. Great effort and their game plan worked well until Josh Carter took over the game on defense. It's been a long time since I've seen a single player dominate a half on defense the way he did. He reminded me of Forrest Whittaker from "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" He tackled everything in sight.


    Justin Harlan of Monroe was very impressive on both sides of the football and the sophomore was great as well.


    Just a great night and atmosphere for high school football.


    I agree Scribe, as a visiting fan Monroe is impressive both as a team and as a community!


    Antonio gets most of the press, but Josh Carter took that whole FC team on his shoulders in the second half. He simply refused to lose and his attitude was contagious to the rest of the team.


    I watched almost all of Micah Johnson's games here at FC, but tonight was the most dominate LB performance I have had the pleasure of watching!

  3. I believe we are going to have another outstanding match-up between the 'Breds and Falcons. A year has passed since these two teams walked out of Papa John's and now they will get it on again.

    The Falcons shouldn't sneak-up on the 'Breds this year. NCC knows that FC can roll with any of the teams in N. Kentucky. FC has nothing but respect for the NCC program and their accomplishments.


    This is going to be a good one! It may take some OT to get this one settled!


    I am taking FC by off all things - a Field Goal kicked by our soccer player turned place kicker.

  4. I can't say enough about our trip to Monroe County:


    Congratulations to the MC Falcons on a great season! I truly believe that the turn around from last year to this has got to be one of the biggest stories in the state. Your coach has started something special. He will surely be a top contender for coach of the year.


    I was very impressed by the Monroe County fans and all the well wishes we all received after the game. The environment you have there in Tompkinsville is one to be envied by all, truly awesome.


    Best of luck next season as I am sure you will be right back in the hunt again.

  5. I meant no disrespect towards any program that is still left in the playoffs, I am just a proud dad of two players and can't get enough of this teams accomplishments. I wish every team success but we all know that there is only one champion. In my heart it is already Monroe!!!:ylsuper:


    But in reality I know at least three other programs might have something to say about that!!!!:argue:


    This week will decide at least two of them, by the way, Monroe's field is in horrible shape. They are trying to get it in shape for tomorrow but the rain today did not help. I saw the news and at game time here it is suppose to be 30 degrees, maybe some of the mud will freeze! Bring your cold gear its December and we are still playing!!!:thumb:


    I understand how proud you are and the success at Monroe this year is one of the top football stories in the state! Your coach should be right in the middle of the Coach of the Year Award considerations.


    I also agree with you on the field conditions. Probably the best thing that could happen is the temperature get down below 30 degrees.

  6. Wasn't thinking about that was more thinking about college! Is he maybe a D1 prospect or lower. That is all I was asking for. If he has good numbers I know he is a junior and would love to see him stay in state rather that lose him to another like TN.


    Antonio will need to grow a couple of inches to seriously be considered as a D1 prospect at QB. He has 18 months until he graduates, so he has time to grow. He is an all-around football player and with his abilities could easily play defensive back at the next level. This is his first year as a Varsity starter, so I believe everybody is excited to see him improve even more next year.


    Not that it means anything as far as staying in the state for college, but he does wear a UK handwarmer.

  7. I have been following along but not wanting to comment on a game on the other side of the bracket, but now must break in. There is a Monroe County fan on the Fort Campbell vs. Monroe County thread that claims his team is the hungriest team in 2A. Basically, the 'Breds, Hounds and FC Falcons just don't want it as bad. I defended both NCC and Corbin, but you guys may have some comments you would like to add. I hope you all have a great game and we hope to see one of your teams at Papa John's.

  8. First of all, THANK YOU for your service. I am also an Army Veteran.


    Now back to the topic on hand: In no way would I ever try to take away the respect that FC deserves but I will state this, Monroe is hungrier and more determined than any team still alive at this point. Monroe has only been this far once before in the Falcons school history (89). They are a team that is playing with nothing to lose, not face or shame or right of passage, they are extremely proud to be 1-0. That is this teams record after every game. They always break down the huddle with 1-0 after a win. So this game is thier first in thier eyes and hearts.


    Monroe also is three deep at most postions on the field with the second string not falling far from the top. Most of these kids have that look in thier eyes that this game is not enough. Monroe has an entire community behind them with a great Fan base. The second string could be starting at some programs in our district. This is good to keep fresh legs and minds in the game at all times. I am not sure how deep FC is but Monroe dresses 70 kids for a 2a program. That is a really high number for our school enrollment.


    Also about Fc being the highest scoring Team in 2a. That is true but I will say this about Coach Pettet, he is very good at getting the younger kids in the game very quik. You will never see him run up a score on any team. Just look at Monroe's stats. The wealth is spread all over the place...no stand out players, just solid, smart, gifted athletes with the coaching staff to take them along way!


    This being said I am taking Monroe in an upset by 6!!!!:D


    May God watch over these kids and bring you home safe!


    You should be very proud of Monroe's accomplishments this season and it sounds as though you are. As far as being hungrier than any team still in the playoffs, you may want to increase your view past the Monroe County line. I know NCC is hungry, they believe the title is theirs until some team proves different. Corbin probably has a more rabid fan base then Monroe and they live and breath football every year. Don't think anybody in Corbin is going along with not being hungry. Fort Campbell's team is bound together by real life situations that no other team in the state could imagine. FC plays for each other and parents in far away lands; the team means everything to each player.


    As for implying that FC runs the score up on opponents, nothing is further from the truth. The JV team is in many games early in the second half, but you can't tell the JV not to score when they get a chance.

  9. I'm not ragging on FC. Just pointing out they did have a slow starting game against Trigg. It took a bit for them to get going on offense. Chris Allen's no-call when he pushed off a defender to score seemed to be the spark they needed to get going. That, and Andrews taking over the second half were the differences in the game.


    I know you aren't ragging on FC. (didn't mean to imply that) I believe we have to be realistic, even when evaluating Fort Campbell's offense. We are spoiled by the fact that they are the highest scoring team in 2A. We expect it to be show-time all the time. The reality is that there will be three and outs that come our way, but it doesn't necessarily mean something is awry with the offense.

    Trigg was a fumble away from playing in the Regional Championship game. It is not surprising that we had to punt the ball a few times against them.

  10. Thank you for offering your thoughts behind your vote.


    I would like to say one thing......regarding the part that i've bolded. I've listened to every game, and I don't recall any slow starting first halves.


    I also think that the penalties for FC happened early in the season, and just after the break in the first game with OC, but have since been corrected, and don't happen that much.


    It'll certainly be a good game, wish I was there! :madman:




    Slow start against Trigg County. Three straight 3 and outs if I remember right.


    I am just as amazed as you when the Falcons don't score everytime they have the ball, seems like they should. I don't know if the Trigg game was a slow start by the Falcons or just a solid one-half performance by Trigg. It was apparent in the third quarter that Trigg was not nearly as deep talent wise as FC. They were a top-ten team that was beaten by three TDs 28 - 9.

  11. "My understanding from the Ft. Campbell threads this year is that the FC Falcons have struggled with penalties and with slow starting first halves. If that precedent repeats itself, I think that Roe is on its way to the state title game.


    That all said, Ft. Campbell's linebackers are absolutely and positively outstanding. If Roe does not get them blocked, I think they will struggle scoring, because good at throwing it as he is, I don't think the passing game is going to be there for Roe on Friday.


    Another factor for Roe is the kicking game. You can't give Ft. Campbell the field position you gave to Bardstown and get away with it.


    I'm going to call a Monroe upset, say, 28-24."




    Please check the official scores for this season. Numerous shut-outs and many games where the mercy rule was in effect. I can't remember many slow starts. Fort Campbell had a penalty riddled first game against O Cath and the starting QB sat out the Franklin - Simpson game, nothing more.


    Like FC said this is not the same team you saw win the championship. This team is much faster with multiple play makers on the roster. I challenge you to drive to Tompkinsville and watch QB Antonio Andrews in person. I think you would quickly become a believer.


    I still, respectfully like our chances!!

  12. I'm surprised anyone has picked the Rockets honestly


    Crittenden County is just solid enough that they could steal one if Beechwood's players are as overconfident as everyone else on this thread.

    As Chris Berman says, "That's why they play the game".


    Rocket, I challenge you to change your vote on this one. Should your Rockets pull off the miracle, you are going to regret not being a loyal Homer!

  13. Who are the top (current) juniors in the state? Please include position and other particulars.


    Fort Campbell quarterback Antonio Andrews comes to mind quickly.


    Antonio Andrews: Will be on the short list for Mr. Football next year, even though he is from a small school. Antonio, right now, is one of the most exciting players in the state. Ft. Campbell doesn't get the press coverage that many of the larger schools in Kentucky receive, but his name is starting to get out there.

    He is currently a smaller version of West Virginia QB Pat White. Should Antonio continue to grow a couple of inches, he has the speed, skills, and instinct to attract the attention of many college programs.

  14. I am glad to see that FC fans are of better class than previous Monroe played Fans. We are anticipating a great turnout. I hope the stands are full again Friday night like the last game. I was told there was close to 3800 at the game watching. That is really a large crowd for our little community! Fc needs to bring everyone they know and have a great day over here in our neck of the woods!! And definately take in the local eateries, we have many BBQ's to choose from.:thumb:


    Those Green County fans must have worn out their welcome pretty quick?? I think that may be part of being District rivals and playing each other more than once.

  15. For those predicting a blowout here’s some food for thought.

    Monroe beat Allen Co. 32-14, Allen Co. beat Franklin Simpson 40-28. Just something to think about...


    I don't think you are going to get any smack talk from FC fans about a blow-out. Any mention of a blow-out will be by those not connected to either school and their comments are nothing more than uninformed conjecture.


    Fort Campbell is expecting a game, but we are also bringing our A-Game.

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