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Posts posted by FalconBacker

  1. The season to begin!!! I have been watching the practices and I truly feel that all that Monroe needs to have another successful year is for the season to begin....WATCH OUT 2A!!!!!! Here comes the Falcons to a stadium near you!:dancingpa


    I wish Monroe County Falcons the best of luck this year, at least all the way up to the semi-final. I would then have to cheer for the FC Falcons. Your program is a class act and our trip to Tompkinsville last year was awesome.


    I hope you bury Green County in the regular season, playoffs, back-yard games, alley fights etc...!!!


    Go Falcons!! (Fort Campbell & Monroe)

  2. This FC team is on a whole different level compared to the past two State Championship teams. Last years squad was comprised of only 10 seniors, the 15 - 1 record was posted by an inexperienced but well coached team. As hard as it may be to believe, the back-to-back champs are going to be hitting their stride this season.


    Pay particular attention to QB Antonio Andrews and RB Troy Turner to post big numbers. Antonio could bring the Mr. Football award back to Ft. Campbell this year - that is a statement of fact no hype. Refer to his stats from last year or the highlight film against NCC at Papa John's. This year he is experienced and has a complete grasp of the QB position.


    FC was invited to the Vanderbilt 7 on 7 passing tournament a couple of weeks ago. Andrews and Turner had outstanding performances and the scouts were drooling!


    FC will not have any problem staying focused, the back to back titles are history. The film and memory of the 2005 playoff loss to Owensboro Catholic quickly humbles anybody associated Falcon football. That loss by the previously undefeated Falcons led by Mr. Kentucky/All American Micah Johnson is never forgotten.


    The 2009 FC Falcons will win their third straight 2A title this season. This team will secure their spot as not only the best FC squad, but possibly the best 2A squad in KHSAA history.


    Parting tidbit: Undefeated in Class 2A since November 2006. (Trigg County)

  3. Is this about biggest turn around from 07 to 08 or what is expected in 09?? Many seem to be confused.


    Biggest turn around from 07 to 08 for me is Monroe County - chased out of the playoffs in the first round in 07 and then giving Ft. Campbell all they wanted in the Semi-final in 08. (07 Record 2-9) (08 Record 12-2)


    BGP should have given more consideration for the Coach of the Year to coach Pettet, not even a mention.

  4. What level?

    If it is D-3 they all can. Just pay tuition, go to the coach and tell them you want to play football.


    From what I saw last weekend, your D3 assessment is right on target. The only exception is Ben Parr. He was the most impressive player for the 'Breds in the championship, getting it done on both sides of the ball. I checked my game program and was relieved to see that he is a senior and FC won't see him again. Didn't have the same feeling of in trepidation for any other New Cath player. The rest were just good high school players, which won't have any D1 programs beating the door down to get them.

  5. I'm curious. How would these Fort Campbell squads compare to the ones from the late 70's and early 80's?


    I believe the Falcons won it in '79 and lost the AA final to Corbin in '80. How do these squads compare?


    The Scribe would probably have to answer that question, most others around FC now, weren't around FC then.


    I personally have been around FC football for eight seasons, so can make a few comparisons. The constant and improving force has been Coach Shawn Berner and his coaching staff. Coach Berner has hooked all the kids into dedicating themselves to a year round standard of excellence in all aspects of student athletics. He is the role model, standard bearer, architect and face of Fort Campbell Football. He can't win coach of the year every year, but he should. He deals with more real life issues in his players lives then any coach in the state and probably the country. We are blessed to have him at FC.


    2008 - this team is the fastest and most athletic FC team in recent years. This was regarded by many as a transition year or rebuilding season after losing so many key players from the previous title team. QB Antonio Andrews, not enough space to list his contributions, led this team on O and Josh Carter, 1st Team AP All-State LB, led on D. This team would have gone undefeated, but Antonio Andrews was held out of the regular season finale to rest for the playoffs. They bought in to the Coach Berner way of doing business and continued the success of the '07 team.


    2007 - squad had some truly outstanding talent, many All-State, and future college players. They had tremendous leadership on the O with Croft at QB, Rhinestine at Center and on D with McWherter at LB and Dexter Durrante at Safety. They were a family that believed in eachother and overcame an 0 -2 start to eventually win the 2A Championship.


    2006 - a year of transition which saw the Falcons exit the playoffs in the first round to their rival Trigg county.


    2005 - probably the most talent I have ever seen on a high school team. Led by Micah Johnson, (Mr. Football '05 & First Team All American) starting MLB Kentucky, Leonard Gordon, playing Safety at Notre Dame, Orlando Misaalefua, starting safety WKU, LaDarius Davis, starting Cornerback Austin Peay, and many others playing college ball. This team was undefeated during the regular season, but was upset by Owensboro Catholic in the Regional Final by 3 points at home. The team got so use to blowing teams out and watching Micah Johnson run everybody over that they thought the O Cath game was just a formality on the way to the Championship. This team was hands down the best 2A team in the state and easily should have won the championship, but did not. They were underachievers.

  6. I have an odd feeling that this thread will be closed soon if we can't act as mature fans and quit with the finger pointing regarding sportsmanship.


    It would certainly be a shame for it to come to that as we're mostly adults here on the board and we're harshly discussing whether on team (or the other) played/acted fair on the football field. Kind of ironic huh?


    When it's all said and done, and this isn't nose-rubbing, the game is over; what's done is done; the final score is in the books and the Fort Campbell Falcons are once again sitting on top of the 2A Class of Kentucky High School football.





    I agree Bill! No need to get in the mud on this subject, too many things to be happy about.

    I am happy that I will be able to use my avatar for at least another 12 months, probably more. Each time I make a posting on BGP, my avatar will remind all, including those in N. Kentucky, that Fort Campbell is the BACK TO BACK, 2A State Champion!! No need to say anything else!


    The scary thing for all the other 2A teams out there is this; the best is yet to come!!

  7. Back to the game now that everyone got that out of their system. She's defending her son's team as are the Ft. C fans. It's water under the bridge. Is Andrews being recruited by anyone? I don't believe that he can play QB at the next level (his athletic ability is at worst high DI subdivision), but he'll make one heck of a receiver or DB.


    If Antonio can grow a couple of inches, he can play the college game like Pat White at West Virginia. If he remains the same size, he can play DB in a lot of programs. I have seen him hit and he can bring it, most have just grown accustom to seeing him on the O side of the ball.

  8. Not having a dog in this fight, I can say FC is a real stand out group of kids, coaches, parents, and fans!!! The sportsmanship as a whole is to be admired, not ridiculed! This is the absolute best team in 2a football in the state of KY. I am proud that we had the chance not only to host this team but to be a part of their rise to the championship this year. Without a doubt in my heart this team not only plays fair but also shows great love and respect for the game. I followed the game with NCC and it was just a great game. Not to say that these kids don't get physical, but this is a contact sport! I am in no means calling anyone out or putting down NCC because obviously they also deserve to be there. This is another good program and they have showed this two years running. But you have to admit that FC is the best!! I am a Monroe County Falcon Fan through and through and I am proud that we got to meet some of the parents and players this year!!!!


    Congrats Falcons...See you next year![/QUOTE]


    Sounds like a date! I think the way the brackets work FC would be the home team next year. The standard Monroe County set for hosting the Semi-Final will be a tall order for us to match. All your kids that made it to Louisville for the championship will have added motivation as they hit the off season workouts and conditioning. They can taste it and now they know what it looks like!

  9. You know what gets me is not everyone knows the story of FC, heck some don't even know FC is an actual Fort, it's those people that get on here and read about teams they don't get to see or hear much about. I would hate for those people to get on here and form an opinion about a team and community based on some disgruntled and sulking fan.


    No, some don't know the FC story and many more don't "get it". I am proud to know that there are folks like you that "get it" and appreciate it.

  10. No problem.

    Like I said above FC was a classy team on their trip to T-Ville, they went out of their way to shake everyone’s hand to include several MC fans that had made there way to the field. They even walked way down the MC sideline to find a MC player (senior) that had been injured and required the use of crutches so he didn’t go through the handshake line, the FC players found him and wished him well. First class if you ask me...


    Thanks SEMPERFIFALCON for your support and pointing out that FC is a First Class team.


    We played Monroe County at Tompkinsville in the Semi and it was a hard-hitting game, which included the MC senior being injured and on crutches by the end of the game. After the game, Josh Carter made a special trip to the Monroe end of the field to check his status. We spoke with many Monroe fans after the game and they wished us all well in the championship. Immediately following the game, I made multiple posts on BGP commenting on the great atmosphere in Tompkinsville and how I believe Coach Pettit deserved coach of the year honors.

    Satuday at Papa John's, Monroe County had 15 or 20 players and parents sitting on the FC side of the field cheering for the FC Falcons. I think that gesture of support is a priceless testament to our shared love of the game and respect for each program.


    Now, the day after NCC gets handed their BACK TO BACK loss in the championship we hear comments about Fort Campbell's sportsmanship. It is nothing but sour grapes from their side and I am not going to get in the mud and roll around with this baseless argument.

  11. They were very athletic. Next year they will be one of the best teams in the state regardless of class as they only lose something like 5 players.


    I respectfully tryed to point out all year that FC was very athletic and very fast. (a whole different level of fast compared to last year) Most in N. Kentucky brushed off my assertions and lent very little respect for the 2A power from the Western end of KY. The evidence was in the BGP poll prior to the game where the numbers were heavily in the favor of NCC.


    I can't wait until next year when this group of athletes is able to sprinkle in some experience with their skills.

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