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Everything posted by uk#1fan

  1. Don't let your kids ride school busses then because kids cuss up a storm on them.
  2. Actually the girl on my sons football team forced a fumble in overtime to help win the Super Bowl.
  3. Most football teams are getting the Heads up Tackling training teaching kids how to tackle the right way.
  4. Standing in line and miss a quarter of the football game. Henry Clay, Lafayette and Bryan Station all have concessions stands down by the end zone.
  5. Maybe you should get educated with Heads up football and the new way of tackling. Coaches are teaching kids to keep their head up and not lead with their head.
  6. I like the way Lexington schools are set up with the concession down by the endzone.
  7. My son is 9 and it is his fifth year playing his team won a super bowl last year. In 5 seasons I have seen 3 kids get concussions. Which was from kids leading with their head. Once they get used to tackling the right way the concussion risk goes down alot.
  8. Shocked you dont recall it. Your the expert at everything.
  9. Again this thread is about Hoge I hope he has a great season at BYU and gets playing time. He should learn alot with Ty Detmer as the qb coach.
  10. That is all we heard about last summer.
  11. I didn't start anything Jack all trades started it. I guess he forgot how he hyped a certain Highlands kid being a D1 can't miss how did that work out?
  12. Hoge has a very good chance of being the starter after this season at BYU.
  13. Sounds like he is a pretty good athlete he did good returning kickoffs for SK in football.
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