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Everything posted by CCH24

  1. I disagree. Roll cannot handle the pressure. Shover surely can. Roll needs to step up and not turn the rock over.
  2. Thats how its done here at Cov Cath. The players display their great skillz for all to see. Coach L watches in amazement and wishes he could have had some of these all stars on his Squad.
  3. Without Bondick, who knows how Cov Cath with play. Roll needs to step up.
  4. Grosser has good speed but not such a good bat or glove. Decent on the mound if he gets some innings this year.
  5. Tonight was a huge Sunday night in the Cov Cath gym. Team Burns falls to Team Holocher as Will Deters comes out as the high scorer in that one with about 25. Team Nordman (1-1) knocks off Team Shelton (1-1) 70 - 66 as Pat Van Sant has an off night with about 15. Jake Nordman with 12 assists helps Brandon LaFever drop 36. We'll have more updates for you gamblers who took team Shelton and the 7 1/2 points and team Holocher and the 10 1/2 points.
  6. Nicholas Hovan Runs it now. Seniors or Juniors can referees and there are two referees along with 1 scorer and a scoreboard keeper per game. There is great talent in this proficient league and is taken very seriously.
  7. 326 out of about 500 students at Cov Cath play in the Intramural basketball league. . Its huge. Friendly trash talk all week at school and especially Mondays after the heated Sunday night battles.
  8. This is no usual league. . And this is the boys basketball board if im not mistaken.
  9. The top 10 IBL players from CCH's league could compete with some of the All A schools varsity teams. Not knocking their teams, but the level of talent in this league is fantastic. Top players include: Brent Buckley Brian Schafer Danny Niehaus Andrew LaFever Mark Mcphillips Rob Egan Tyler Holocher Brandon Nutini Pat Van Sant
  10. While Holy Cross is the popular choice to win this tournament, I beg to differ. Villa Madonna has showed signs of coming to life. They take no prisoners when playing at the "Thunderdome." With leading scorer Stephen "much" Love tickling the twine from outside the line the Blue Lightning have a legitimate shot at taking the gold.
  11. If you don't have anything nice to say about IBL dont say anything at all. . .you were clearly drafted in the bottom rounds.
  12. JD Schmerge has been forecasting rain tonight. . . bring your umbrellas. . .
  13. Covington Catholics intramural squads took to the hardwood on Sunday to kick off what seems to be the most competive bball in the state. What surprised me the most was the senior division, the iron was unkind and the leading scoring was Jake Punch(Chad Pennington) with 20 points. Any thoughts on who will take it to the ship?:
  14. Old Guy. . Are you sure you werent secretly thinking that the Highlands basketball team usually consists of football players trying to throw a ball in a hoop ?
  15. They are a much better team with Bondick in the game. He doesnt put up huge numbers every game but he keeps the offense flowing and limits their turnovers and dumb mistakes. The seniors from Cov Cath have been playing together for many years and are not the same without one of their leaders on the court.
  16. That's fine you're entitled to your opinion. I'm not saying Cov Cath won't lose I'm saying they're stronger than last year in my opinion I think the loss of the 4 senior starters is the reason behind people putting Ryle on top for next year. How many starters did they lose honestly?
  17. I'm almost positive a three out of four win season against CCH is not happening this season. Cov Cath is too strong all around (except for maybe a short set of arms)
  18. Just looking at Cov Cath's stats and 08 schedule and it looks like Coach Krumplebeck can get his 700th win by the end of the season. Good luck Bill. We'll see you 3-25 at Tates Creek and hopefully at Applebee's in June.
  19. I don't know how many know but update on Chris Bondick is fractured ulna. Out for maybe 4 weeks. Huge loss for the Colonels.
  20. I agree. Good coach, not great at making a connection with players.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think new cath has much experience.
  22. Mike Listerman has a lot of experience under his belt but from what students say at cov cath a lot of players are not too fond of his ways.
  23. I've heard of 6.8 as a good standard for the "fast" players. 40 yard dash is almost, i want to say, useless for baseball because who runs 40 yards besides the outfielders. It's the 1st-3rd run and the 2nd to Home run that matters. Hence the importance of the 60.
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