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Everything posted by retropop

  1. Got a new logo, paNDA? Nice touch.
  2. What were the results of the Scott Co. event? Weren't there a few others being played around the state, too?
  3. Looks like the favorite to win the 8th region has gotten off to a good start. The Lady Bearcats should have a very enjoyable 2011-12 season.
  4. CC, you are spot on. They have developed, and they are also a part of solid group of girls who have been pretty successful all they way up. Although, Jasmine and Mary have rightly caught the eyes of the recruiters, they have accomplished what they have within a framework of teamwork and team first. There may be players around the state with flashier career stats, but these two and their teammates have accomplished much thus far, and set their sights on going to the big WKU whoop-di-do come March. It would be a fitting and fine way to cap it all off for the Ladies from Crestwood.
  5. Really ... "a little more than just winning???" Wow, I guess the KHSAA folks who are planning the this year's Sweet-16 should be put on alert that winning is not important anymore.
  6. Have there been any more new additions for W-V this year, as in the past, that may potentially again be difference-makers?
  7. Interesting question, but to be honest, the only thing that matters is the outcome of the game, isn't it?
  8. "Homerism" -- isn't that what Homer's mom & dad did when they thought he wasn't getting his due way back in ancient Greece??? Wow, and some folks say that history doesn't repeat itself! Or ... maybe that's why he became a world-class writer -- his Olympics coach didn't play him enough, so he quit and focused his energies on his literary skills instead. Hmmm - it makes me wonder.
  9. In order to be one of the top regions in the state, the 8th must step up its play at WKU/Diddle every March. This is no criticism of any team or teams of late. A valid point to be made and considered is this: in order to regulary better contend at the Sweet 16, the 8th region must find a way to hold its tourney on a college-length floor. This will bear more of the fruits of victory in Bowling Green, in my opinion, than have been tasted lately. We have had several teams which might have gotten a win or two more, but have been at a competitive disadvantage. Just some "food" for thought for y'all to chew on.
  10. Since the Lady Bearcats are the host school, it looks like that gives them the early nod as the first of several equal teams.
  11. Madman, I could not agree with you more. Coach Mefford is a quality man of integrity who definitely knows how to teach and coach the game. His loyalty to his players and program through thick and thin is to be commended.
  12. The Lady Rebs will again be in the thick of the races for district and region. While Gayheart is wrapping up a stellar high school career, this team is much more than a one-trick pony. They lost a few girls to graduation, but don't expect them to miss beat as they attempt to go further than just the 8th region final four. These girls can play.
  13. You have made a good assessment. This is a nice young group of ballplayers, and Coach Hurt is bringing them along nicely. If they all remain healthy, they should be a fun bunch to watch for several seasons to come.
  14. Does anyone have any word as to whom FC will hire - or at least a list of candidates? It appears that the very late timing of the "letting go" of Coach Fries will have a big impact on the process. It will be interesting to observe what transpires - and where her daughter ends up playing.
  15. It's true, and they are a pretty solid favorite to go to WKU annually.
  16. Can anyone provide any details regarding this Saturday's 5th & 6th regions vs. 7th & 8th regions girls all-star game at Bellarmine?
  17. Not to change the subject, but is it possible, as I have heard from a few folks, that the Frankfort area schools could end up in the 8th region at some point in the future? This has been a point of conversation since some 8th region schools must travel through Franklin county in order to get to other 8th region schools in order to play games.
  18. Are there again going to be some roster additions from outside? Is that the correct message, or am I misinterpreting this? If it is really going to happen again, how does this scenario keep happening?
  19. h20, I'm just testing you, and agree with you wholeheartedly - it's just summer ball in early June. This stuff shows us glimpses of what could be during the winter, but often times the real season is betrayed by what takes place during summer ball. Still, summer basketball workouts are what makes players become better, so it is of great importance. Winning those games against those teams is no small accomplishment, and I did not want to diminish it in any way. Good job AC, and I hope no offense was taken.
  20. Soooo ... are all the other 8th region hopefulls now simply competing for the runner-up spot??? One might think that was the intended message.
  21. Summer team b-ball activity is now in full swing, with much action on the way. Please respond with updates from around the state, whatever your team may be or any other teams and players have been impressive.
  22. I I also wish the girls well, plus I have a couple of questions. First, what is the scouting report on the Hoosier team? Second, how do the 2012 Kentuckians project as a team next year, and is there enough size for compete well next summer, as well?
  23. Unofficial word is that there were scant teaching positions for which to absorb a new coach. I'm uncertain of the official validity of of this statement, but am confident that it is accurate. Whatever the circumstances, good luck to Coach Pfaff in attempting to turn around the NOHS b-ball fortunes. It is not an easy task.
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