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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. Your welcome....Finally someone gets it.
  2. The ends never justify the means..I am a firm believer in that. Just think how many more criminals we could catch if we got rid of the fourth amendment, or habeus corpus.
  3. Though things have changed, are rights cannot. I consider the Patriot Act a win for terrorism. They have scared us into taking away some rights for the sake of "security".
  4. This could be a whole other thread. I just don't like the idea of the government being able to see what books I check out, where I spend my money, or where I travel(without a warrant), as much as I don't like the idea of government heavily controlling guns.
  5. He looked really good in the Game on ESPN. 4 TDs(2 passing 2 running)
  6. You either infringe, or you don't. There is no acceptable middle ground. Playing devils advocate here.
  7. I want in on this as well....
  8. I think Jumper is trying to make the statement that we market to African Americans too much, and they are too poor to afford anything but McDonalds.:rolleyes: The Picture was classic.
  9. :lol: Someone is ready for basketball season....I am right there with you buddy! Enough with this football crap!
  10. Then we need to get everyone into the league and set a time ASAP. We have to get this done before the 1st of September, or we will have to wait a week to start playing.
  11. As in tonight? I have the league set for auto draft(put you select order of your players) but if everyone was to want a live draft, I guess we could do one.
  12. I don't understand how you can imply that the OJ ticket is for GCS, when McCain heavily supported the Patriot Act; the biggest infringement on our constitutional rights to this day.
  13. 7- Russell 5- Johnson Central 3.Letcher 2-Raceland 1-Knox Central TB Russell
  14. No, that is exactly what you are doing. If I wanted to make a point or bring up a discussion I would of put this in the P&R forum. I found it Ironic so I posted it. I consider this picture in a lot better of taste, then when someone posts a picture of a women athlete, model, or Olympian; and then 3 pages of posts ensue laced with vague sexual innuendo.
  15. IMHO, Obama is going to blitzkrieg McCain hard in the coming weeks.
  16. Actually I wasn't trying to make a political point. I just thought it was odd and funny that they would put these billboards on the same post.
  17. Those who fight and run away, live to fight another day. It is going to be a wild march to November 4th and I truly believe it will be too close to call up until early November 5th.
  18. Sometimes I feel these Holy War threads on BGP, do more damage than good for your religion.
  19. You people talk about him dodging debates as if it is a bad thing. Lets look at this scenario...You have a army. This army has an excellent air force, but has horribly trained infantry units. The army you are facing, has a horrible air force, and an excellent infantry. Would you fight your army exclusively on the ground(without air support) just because your enemy challenged you to do so. NO! The McCain people can say that Obama is scared to debate McCain all they want. Obama has to play to his strengths, just like McCain has to play to his. Obama and McCain will debate 3 times this fall, if Obama knows he is that bad at debating, then he realizes that keeping it down to three debates plays in his best interest. Obama can't be pushed into "Marty McFly Politics" in which you say or engage in something just because the opposite side calls you a chicken. I also don't believe that the debate deficit between Obama and McCain is as big as some would have you believe.
  20. I have set up a Yahoo Fantasy League. We are going to autodraft for the sake of time; but there is an option to rank your draft order. PM me for all the particulars.....
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