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Posts posted by littleluck55

  1. What about the officer who saw the van? Is he/she culpable? Did he/she check inside the van at all? That almost seems more negligent than the 911 dispatcher. If I am reading the story right, that officer actually saw the van. Was the victim still alive when that officer saw the van?


    They said on the radio today that wasn’t true. The officer found a van but it wasn’t the one the child was in. A totally different van.


    How big is the parking lot at Seven Hills if they send two different officers to look for a van and neither could find it?

  2. I’ve been gone and have only seen bits and pieces of this story. 16 years old and got trapped in a van? Crushed by a seat? Does not add up. Calls 911 at 3:00 and does not get found until 10:00??

    Terrible accident.


    The pieces I have heard. Kid has a minivan and his tennis gear is in the back. The 3rd row seating gets flipped up and locked pinning kid. He has his phone and calls 911. They send officer out who did not locate van or find anything unusual. Officer thinks it maybe a prank call. They call kid’s phone number back and it goes to voice mail. Kid calls 911 later and says it’s not a joke. 911 operator doesn’t give 2nd officer description of vehicle and the van wasn’t found again. Kids father goes searching for him and finds the van and kid deceased. Second 911 operator placed on leave for not giving description.


    A lot of questions in there.

  3. It got non-stop coverage all afternoon on the major cable network channels plus follow-up coverage from there as a lead story on every news channel I looked at.


    Yeah, I was wondering about that statement as well about this being "buried" by the media. NPR, AP and Slate was all over it. I don't watch the 24hr news channels, so I can't speak to their level of interest.


    It got news coverage right up until they identified the shooter and type of weapon they used. Then it disappeared.

  4. According to the USA today, the Bengals-Steelers Monday night football game would have resulted in 39 penalties on 24 plays in the first half. :lol2:


    The new ‘targeting’ rule could have affected 24 plays in a single half of a Bengals-Steelers game | For The Win


    "Over the course of 75 first-half plays, we found 39 possible penalties on 24 plays. Based on the language above, 22 of those possible penalties were obvious calls, leaving 17 borderline calls."

  5. I can only hope this kind of thing doesn't make it's way to Kentucky schools.


    Speaking only for myself, there is no chance any of my kids step foot inside a school that allows teachers to carry a firearm in the school. Zero. SRO's, I'm completely okay with, they have the background and training necessary. Some rando who went and got his/her concealed carry permit? Not a chance.


    Just to play devil's advocate, will you only allow your kids go to places, that are gun free zones? Isn't this just saying if the teacher wants to carry and has a permit, they would be allowed, as the law would allow them to carry everywhere else that is not a gun free zone. This is not saying all teachers are required to carry a gun, but if the teacher has a CCDW permit that allows them to carry a gun everywhere else that is not a gun free zone, they would now allow them to carry on school grounds. There are almost 500K permit holders in the state of Kentucky, I would think your children have already been around many people who are carrying guns.

  6. Neither! just relocating from a big house to a small condo and she does not want the gun in the house. She swore she told him and I'm positive she did.


    haha...what's the joke, if my wife told me either the gun goes or I go, I sure would miss her.

  7. Was chatting with a work friend. She found a gun she didn't know her husband had. Wanted it out of the house. He had it for 10 years or so and never fired it. Had a full box of hollow points. Snapped a pic and sent it to a guy I know who collects Colts. The images looked like it had rust on it. He told me fair price in that condition was around $350. Paid her the $$ brought it home and my buddy told me it I just doubled my money. The pics made it look like rust but it was only dust.

    Colt, cobra with snub.

    She now has a Browning Belgium sweet 16 she wants to get rid of. I'll be looking at it in a couple of weeks.


    Is the husband dead or divorced? I would not be happy if I found out my wife sold my gun.

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