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BGP Fantasy Football League ~ Pre-Season Chatter & Trash Talk


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Team Key


National Conference

Auxier RiverRats * (Auxier RiverRat)

Brush Creek Rusty Ankles (halfback20)

Cincinnati Bail Bonds (John Anthony)

East End Evolution (RockPride)

Erlanger Earthquakes ® (RondoRules)

Florence Fighters (MJAlltheWay24)

Ga. St. Prison Mean Machine ** (NamecipS)

Huggs Thuggs (gametime)

Lex-Town Grapplers ® (Pancake)

Louisa Lumber * (stick1)

Olive Hill Grizz Mafia (CatsCatsCats)

Pikeville High Risers (SVfan4life)

Possum Trot WarHogs (The Scribe)

Richmond Outsiders * (nWo)

Southern KY SubVets (Godot)

West Kentucky Rams (sweet16)



American Conference

Atwood Fighting' Amish (NEERFAN)

Big Creek Moonshiners (Da champ)

Boyle County Blue Devils (PurplePride92)

Bushwood Country Club Gophers (AverageJoesGym)

Elkhorn City Bridge Sitters (Hangman)

Indo Savages (PutMeInCoach)

Junction City Jailcats * (UKMustangFan)

Jungle Junkies (HammerTime)

Mauk Ridge Maniacs (Wildcat Dad)

Maysville Split Ends (Sumoroyal)

Maytown Mirkers ® (WildcatScratchFever)

Middle Fork Mustard Seeds (5Wide)

Northern Kentucky Blazers * (Bigblueinsanity)

Paducah Rabbit Fists (00Rocket28)

Sawville Gym Shoes (Jim Schue)

Shelby Cardinals (tdouth)

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Team Key by Member Name


National Conference

Auxier RiverRat - Auxier RiverRats *

CatsCatsCats - Olive Hill Grizz Mafia

gametime - Huggs Thuggs

Godot - Southern KY SubVets

halfback20 - Brush Creek Rusty Ankles

John Anthony - Cincinnati Bail Bonds

MJAlltheWay24 - Florence Fighters

NamecipS - Ga. St. Prison Mean Machine **

nWo - Richmond Outsiders *

Pancake - Lex-Town Grapplers ®

RockPride - East End Evolution

RondoRules - Erlanger Earthquakes ®

stick1 - Louisa Lumber *

SVfan4life - Pikeville High Risers

sweet16 - West Kentucky Rams

The Scribe - Possum Trot WarHogs



American Conference

00Rocket28 - Paducah Rabbit Fists

5Wide - Middle Fork Mustard Seeds

AverageJoesGym - Bushwood Country Club Gophers

Bigblueinsanity - Northern Kentucky Blazers *

Da champ - Big Creek Moonshiners

HammerTime - Jungle Junkies

Hangman - Elkhorn City Bridge Sitters

Jim Schue - Sawville Gym Shoes

NEERFAN - Atwood Fighting' Amish

PurplePride92 - Boyle County Blue Devils

PutMeInCoach - Indo Savages

Sumoroyal - Maysville Split Ends

tdouth - Shelby Cardinals

UKMustangFan - Junction City Jailcats *

Wildcat Dad - Mauk Ridge Maniacs

WildcatScratchFever - Maytown Mirkers

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The complete schedule is posted of the MFL website. I have checked it several times looking for mistakes and I can not find any but everyone needs to check their own schedule to verify it is correct.


Each team will play the three teams in their division twice, each team in another division in their conference once, and each of the teams in a division in the other conference once.


Because I know someone will ask who they are playing instead of taking the time to look it up, here are the divisional match-ups for the year:


Walsh plays Shula & Boone

Shula plays Walsh & Shelby

Landry plays Gibbs & Harrod

Gibbs plays Landry & Clay


Boone plays Harrod & Walsh

Harrod plays Boone & Landry

Clay plays Shelby & Gibbs

Shelby plays Clay & Shula


The link to the schedules is here


If you do not find a mistake with your schedule before the season starts don't bother saying anything are complaining about it.


Thank you


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After looking over the rosters I'd rank the National as..................


1. Auxier RiverRats

2-15 Everyone else

16. Ga. St. Prison Mean Machine


Man, old age is kicking your butt. You need some new bi-focals. You put #1 at the bottom and # 16 at the top. Call your doctor and tell him you're having vision problems again.

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MyFantasyLeague.com has ranked the American Conference Draft. They only considered draft picks and did not look at keepers. The results are below:


1. Atwood Fighting' Amish

2. Mauk Ridge Maniacs

3. Bushwood Country Club Gophers

4. Jungle Junkies

5. Maytown Mirkers

6. Elkhorn City Bridge Sitters

7. Shelby Cardinals

8. Middle Fork Mustard Seeds

9. Northern Kentucky Blazers *

10. Sawville GymShoes

11. Big Creek Moonshiners

12. Paducah Rabbit Fists

13. Maysville Split Ends

14. Indo Savages

15. Junction City Jailcats *

16. Boyle County Blue Devils

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