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TheDeuce last won the day on September 18

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    "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -- MLK, Jr.


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  1. Luckily it didn't end there, because it was a regular season game. LOL
  2. It's on coaches and it's on school administration as well. Coaching staffs could have a pre-season meeting with all parents letting them know that berating officials will not be tolerated and if they do it, they will be removed and banned from attending games. School admin should be policing this during games as well. To your point, coaches will also have to not show their entire rear end towards the officials.
  3. Glad the people of that area will get closure on this. Seemed like he had probably already been dead several days.
  4. I'm seeing where KSP is reporting they've found a body in the vicinity?
  5. I felt that way even when I played there high school. We (Frankfort) played there my senior season, 2003. When we pulled in, I'll admit it was an intimidating venue. Now, Danville was Danville at that time too. They won state that year in pretty dominating fashion. So their team was ridiculously good and the stadium was impressive. Definitely a core football memory for me. And for those wondering, we definitely lost the game. 😂
  6. This is not what NIL was supposed to be. NIL was supposed to allow athletes to go to the local car dealership, shoot a commercial and get paid for it. That is obviously not what is going on now. It's not sustainable.
  7. There are plenty of officials in the stands every game. I'm SURE all those people will sign up to fill the gaps...
  8. Yes, they absolutely will. There's already a donation tied to my season tickets. With NIL, they now do "match" events where during a short period of time some person or business will match NIL contributions. They want you to round up at the concession stands to go to NIL funds. They want you to donate as an alumnus. When will enough be enough? Tennessee reported a $75 million surplus in 2023. How does that equate to charging the fan more to attend a game? This is similar to tipping, in my opinion. Businesses have added the option to tip on literally everything, every service. It's not our responsibility of consumers to pay the salaries of those employees, especially when businesses are turning huge profits. Same thing applies now in college athletics. Do I think the athletes should be paid? Sure, but now how they are currently being paid, and I don't think it's fans' responsibility to pay it.
  9. It just gets old hearing over and over again how bad Louisville is from people who are never here and certainly don't live here. Of course there are things to improve on (JCPS being one of the biggest ones), but folks will try to convince you Louisville is Kyiv. To those people, turn off the news every once awhile and touch some grass. Louisville is a great place to be.
  10. They haven't played anybody. Owen County has been the best team they've played to this point, they are 13th in RPI in 2A. The other three opponents are a combined 3-9.
  11. The wife is from up there, I know plenty of people up there, and there's plenty for me to do (HS sports, Bengals, Reds). I could keep myself occupied. lol
  12. FWIW, NKY is the only other place in Kentucky that I'd live. 😂
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