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tcjkbt last won the day on September 6 2020

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  1. What is the rationale for doing this? Are the participants trying to send some kind of idealogical message? Are they just doing it for thrills? Or to show disrespect for authority and law-abiding citizens wanting to use the public streets? Louisville has an ordinance by which their vehicles can be seized and impounded for 6 months, and I believe over 20 vehicles have been seized within the last month or so. After 6 months, I wonder if the vehicle owner will have to pay an impoundment or storage fee to get the vehicle back.
  2. The Cats will bounce back some (how can they not?) but it won't be nearly enough. I'd love to see Key and Brown get involved more and try to break some long ones. Don't think UK can drive on Georgia. Would love to see an upset or even a near upset.
  3. Out of state games are not used in these TP-94's rankings. Just think how far Boyle County would be ahead of the pack if they were.
  4. I saw where #1 preseason Assumption just beat #2 preseason Sacred Heart.
  5. I think Trinity's offense made some improvement last week in the passing game despite not gaining a great number of yards. The QB is throwing on the run better and made some timely throws. As with virtually all teams at this stage, T is definitely a work in progress. I know nothing about Center Grove except that they are a formidable opponent for the Rocks' first home game. What concerns me a little about T is that they seem (to me anyway) to lose their focus somewhat in the 2nd half. (I know they had a good early 3rd Q last week...but not much thereafter.) They have to learn how to play hard and consistent for the full 48 minutes. Looking forward to the game. Has anyone heard about the availability of OL Nate Shileds who was injured last game? Go Rocks.
  6. Yes. Parent has some serious bona fides. Not getting on Trinity necessarily but curious if this is the way tackling is taught nowadays.
  7. I assumne that as of now (3:08 pm) the game is still on?
  8. Trinity needs to improve on their tackling. Last game Station had shifty and hard runners but T did way too much arm tackling----and did not do that well. After the game I was told by a parent that T doesn't tackle hard in practice----just wraps the runner up. Is that common practice nowadays? If so, how do kids learn how to tackle? I mean hard tackling.
  9. T's passing game is a little out of synch. To me it was evident in their Green-White scrimmage, the scrimmage against Springfield and the game against Bryan Station. I think this is the biggest problem on offense. They run the ball OK, and this will improve as soph JB Berry gets more carries.The QB is running a bit more this year too, it seems. Rushing and passing yardage vs. Bryan Station was well balanced but there were too many incompletions (passing was 11-21 as I recall) to call it an effective passing attack at this time. On the brighter side, I definitely feel the passing will improve as the players get used to one another.
  10. The knee-pad rule was enforced in the Trinity-Springfield scrimmage when the punt returner had to be substituted out.
  11. Great report. It looked to me that Zane Johnson (T-QB) has grown a couple of inches and is leaner. He seems to have better pocket presence and is more nimble. He made some big-time throws IMO. As stated, there were some dropped passes and there were some throws that just did not quite connect. Repetitions will hopefully correct that. The receiving corps will need to step up. I heard that 2-3 starting OL-men for T did not play. (I'm sure Springfield had players out, too.) I was impressed by the low number of penalties in the scrimmage. Congrats to both teams. I question whether either team "opened up the playbook." People may get tired of hearing that T is young, but it is true. I think T's success this season will depend on how the youngsters develop and on the quality of the leadership provided by the older players.
  12. I agree. Trintiy broke up a pass in the left corner of the end zone to preserve the playoff win, if memory serves. I have the utmost respect for FD.
  13. This came out of the blue for me. The NCAA and UK sure kept the investigation and negotiations under wraps as far as I'm concerned. What effect if any does this have on Stoops? Can't be good. /
  14. I hope Trinity hasn't over scheduled, considering their youth. After this scrimmage, they have a very challenging run of 8 games with no bye: Bryan Station, Frederick Douglass, Center Grove (IN), Carmel (IN), Male, St. X (KY), St. X (OH), Ballard. I thought they over scheduled a few years back and got beat down a little bit.
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