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Mr. Sixer

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Mr. Sixer last won the day on August 31 2023

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  1. The Wing-T offense can be good but it’s not a non-stoppable offense and I will agree with @futurecoach that it will limit a teams effectiveness against good teams who have schemes to stop them. Case in point Cooper’s game be Scott Co. The Jags jumped on them early and SC has no answer to get back in the game. I look for WV to spread their offense out and abandon the Wing-T.
  2. Teaching at one school and coaching at another is not in coach Sully's persona IMO. He most definitely is a coach that likes to be in the school, around his players as much as possible. Driving distance has nothing to do with the job. For what it's worth, Sully does not live near Cooper now and has a 15-20 minute commute now so that is not the issue, being in the school is. Truly don't think he would consider the job if there wasn't a teaching position in school.
  3. Looks like there are two very good candidates. One who is an alum, great college career and now spending time on the sidelines (very similar to Ricardo Johnson becoming a HC). The second in a proven coach who most, if not all, teams in the State of KY would absolutely love to have on their sidelines and is more than likely worthy of some out of the box thinking to secure said coach. I am sure wherever this lands, CCH will be in good hands but will certainly have to work to climb back to the level that they are accustomed to with teams like Newport and Cooper closing and/or passing that gap. I, for one, hope Sully stays at Cooper and things get smoothed out with the administration as I think there is something special about being the schools' only head coach. Additionally, Cooper will be in a position to compete for the region again with the pieces they have returning not to mention when Cooper vs. CCH take the floor it is box office material. Best of luck to all making this tough decision.
  4. STRONGLY AGREE!! He's the first call that should be made and given the first right of refusal!! Knowing him for almost 30 years and watching his interaction with players from AAU to HS, I would say he would be an excellent HS head coach and continue building on SK's success! Having 2 elite level kids doesn't hurt either 🙂
  5. I would say based on this, the new AD and Walton-Verona administration got it right...
  6. Coach Pence is a great hire and I won't be surprised if this is a job that he will retire from. Gary has put in the work and been under the tutelage of Coach Borchers and surrounded by great staff for over 10 years so I am sure he will mirror what he has learned at Cooper. Wishing coach the best of luck in locking up his staff and having a good inaugural season and success in the future!
  7. Great opportunity for Coach Pence and the Walton community. Coach Pence is young and hungry and also has some great experience under Randy Borchers on running a program. Best of luck to Coach Pence and the Bearcats.
  8. I would say Sully would have no love for this job to begin with so that feeling would be mutual. Definitely agree with your comment on the Listerman family. That departure was not pretty.
  9. Completely agree. Sully would be the top candidate as he’s a proven winner, and being the only local coach to have beaten CCH 3 times in a row, so he knows how to squeeze the most out of his players. However, in spite of whatever may be taking place at Cooper, he does have a strong nucleus coming back next season with Andy Johnson and the Combs and Pouncy brothers. I see this job getting filled by someone outside the NKY area IMO.
  10. Sully has a retirement issue he would strongly have to think about I would imagine for this job.
  11. Spot on. Additionally, I don’t think there is the mystic of CCH not being able to be beaten like they’ve had in the past over so many. Teams are becoming more competitive or beating them. You’re spot on in that, time will tell.
  12. Interesting. There’s only 1 basketball but I’m sure Snapp has a plan if true.
  13. Couldn't agree more! Coach Pence has certainly put in the work from ground up. Great freshman head coach, varsity QB coach, ST coordinator and now is working on the defensive side of the ball as well this season under Coach Borchers as well as being surrounded by a well established experienced coaching staff for years. Great candidate if Coach Pence is interested and stil young and won't be going anywere for a very long time.
  14. It's not just Beechwood, it's the entire NKY area which is a good thing after so many years of our outstanding athletes being looked over. There's always been talent here in NKY it's just that for many years it's gone unnoticed. All the schools should keep up the good work!!
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