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    Sittin' in the stands above the 50 yard line.


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  1. Would be nice to get Anderson in while he's still here walking around.
  2. If Hughes has any speed in the receiver area will Dixie defense continue to struggle with coverage?
  3. Key words, "more disciplined". Years past some of that talent left to go elsewhere, even before it reached the high school level. I sure hope Dixie has a successful season, it would make NKY 5A stronger.
  4. Even that doesn't taste like it used to taste.
  5. This once great franchise has been just about destroyed. My wife and I were fans for many years, once the Frisch family sold it we noticed food, service and overall atmosphere going down hill steadily. It's a shame really what has become of an iconic area business.
  6. WOW, posted a reference to this in another thread and completely overlooked this. Should have done better searching, not been on "my game" lately.
  7. Very sorry, obviously I overlooked it. Recovering from cataract surgery.
  8. UK's first NCAA violation in 22 years: https://www.kentucky.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/mark-story/article290700249.html
  9. Guess the experts were correct during off-season. This team is a mediocre below 500 club and I don't really see that improving. I'd love my post to be proven wrong but....
  10. Years ago my son broke his leg right before freshman football playoffs. He was heartbroken. However, going into the off-season he worked and worked and the transformation from freshman year to his sophomore season was astounding. Hope the young man's ankle break is not too serious, heals successfully and he can put in the work to become better than ever. Good luck Marjay!
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